Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Long Does My Hair Need To Be For A Weave

Din Don - Merry Christmas 2008

E' di nuovo Natale. La storia si ripete sempre un gradino più in basso della volta precedente e quest'anno, nonostante la crisi, ci stanno dando giù pesante sul fronte del "facciamo festa": tg e giornali non vedono l'ora di recensire l'albero di Obama e via discorrendo.
In tutto questo c'è anche gente che lavora e che il Natale lo passa come gli altri giorni dell'anno: col bisturi in mano a salvare vite nelle zone di guerra. Emergency cura "una persona ogni 3 minuti da 14 anni" e lo fa grazia e professionalità. Gino Strada e tutti quelli che ha coinvolto sono straordinari e meritano attenzione e supporto: ricordando che il più grande aiuto che si può dare ad Emergency and work so that all wars end up and everyone can go home, the support material in the form of bids is necessary and welcome.

I wrote and produced this piece as an act of pure generosity. I had my way the idea of \u200b\u200bsuggesting a personal approach to Christmas that disregards the consumption of the "gift" and come back to the culture of "gift", regardless of any religious beliefs or other: a response to the monumental heart of the proposal " panza "who want to pretend to be our dream. And the advice I give about Emergency is due to the high esteem and confidence I have of this non-profit organization, but if someone prefers to give something to someone else so be it: the important thing is to know the recipient personally and know that the investment will fail. Gino, Teresa and their children know them and the only reason I ask everyone to trust them.

I want to clarify that I, Francesco Di Gesù, Emergency does not represent nor any of its representatives and that the views I expressed in the text of "Ding dong" are personal and may not be shared by Emergency and its representatives. This song was also required, encouraged or suggested by Emergency or his representatives and the choice of quote Emergency.it site is the result of my free enterprise.

"Din Don" you can download and distribute in the form of mp3 files: Any use for profit. This video, produced by Mark Gradara . is available to all who want to host it on your web page: just copy and paste this code

To who would also host the button to download the song from the original source would be a gift to us ..

circulate it to mo 'of greeting card, play them at parties, in discos, on the radio. More will circulate more it made sense. It 's a small gift for everyone.
Merry Christmas.