Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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Risolvere l' Eiaculazione Precoce

Come Risolvere l' Eiaculazione Precoce

Migliori rimedi per risolvere definitivamente l'eiaculazione precoce

Per eiaculazione precoce s'intende l'incapacità dell'uomo di esercitare un controllo volontario sul riflesso eiaculatorio, e una volta eccitato sessualmente, raggiunge l’orgasmo prima della sua partner nella maggior parte dei rapporti sessuali, con qualsiasi partner e qualsivoglia tipo di coito.

L'eiaculazione può avvenire prima della penetrazione o immediatamente later.
In this condition he reached the height of pleasure in a period of one or two minutes of penetration, while the woman needs at least ten minutes resulting in inconvenience and frustration for both.

Premature ejaculation is a disorder that affects 35 percent of Italian men, and is able to put a strain on the balance of the couple.
But it is only a condition from which one can heal, let's see how.

hardly talking about premature ejaculation people suffer in silence, the pair suffer, because the problem even though the man directly involves the woman.
Among the various sexual disorders, ejaculation precoce è la più diffusa e chi ne è affetto non sempre si rivolge al medico che potrebbe risolvere facilmente il problema .

L'eiaculazione precoce si trasforma pertanto in una mina vagante nella vita sessuale della coppia l'uomo che ne soffre spesso tace soprattutto per vergogna e se lui non parla, nemmeno la donna se la sente di affrontare il problema per paura di ferire il partner e peggiorare ulteriormente la situazione.

Come uscire dal problema eiaculazione precoce?

Ecco i consigli dell'urologo:

Quando si parla di eiaculazione precoce bisogna verificarne le causa, è psicologica o fisica?
In un 30 per cento dei pazienti c'è una causa prevalentemente psychological, in a 60 per cent because there is a mixed, partly psychological and partly physical, and only 10 percent of patients the cause is physical.

The first thing to do is submit to a visit from 'urologist. After a thorough interview with the patient first and then with his partner, if the man comes in pairs, you identify the problem, we conduct a thorough inspection, followed by some targeted tests.

are made of testing, the first test to do is to do the shake, are injected into the penis vasodilators that cause an erection, the penis relies on a vibrating platform, we record the number of vibrations necessary to induce 'ejaculation. If this is
occurs after a few minutes is the probable cause of the organic type.

Then we proceed to an assessment neuroandrologica. Finally you pass the test of desensitization peniana.

In patients with an exuberant foreskin, which is the skin that overhangs the glans is particularly abundant and more frequent premature ejaculation.
It then proceeds to a circumcision and then do a test with a desensitizing cream that is applied thirty minutes before intercourse. If life passes before orgasm from one minute to ten minutes to say that the cause is mainly based on physics.

If the cause of 'premature ejaculation are of mixed or predominantly psychological support will be sought from a psychologist or a behavioral psychotherapies psicosessuologo who will practice, biofeedback or prescribe neuroleptic drugs of last generation.

The drug dapoxetine is a last generation that delays ejaculation. When the problem is instead caused by disorders of the nervous system and the endocrine or infections in place a clear need to eliminate the cause.

There is a whole series of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles that affect the penis designed to combat premature ejaculation to learn more click here