Saturday, January 29, 2011

Marlin 100 Year Anniversary

With the awarding of the trophy Bait & Fishing close definitely the 2010 season registration

Councillor Specchiarelli rewards vicitori

Honor Winner

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Colorado State Drivers License Template

Lunch Social

L'iscizione al pranzo sociale è aperta fino a GIOVEDI 27 GENNAIO chi volesse ancora partecipare si ricevono in SEDE MARTEDÌ SERA  o telefonando al consigliere GRATA PIETRO AL N° Di CELLULARE    345 3216666

Storage Unit Auctions Arlington Tx

Award Trophy Bait & Fishing YEAR 2010

Marco is small but behaves like a 3 rd .. GREAT PLACE

Clear Antonio (Toni) is already bigger than his 2nd PLACE

Morosi instead of a pedal, and fishing, catches have also knows how to do this. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Does Extensive Colonic Diverticulosis Mean


Giovedì 27 gennaio tutti a Bologna!
a fianco dei lavoratori della FIOM, tutti uniti contro la crisi

Per info e prenotazioni AUTOBUS:
Jacopo 3468670201 Annamaria 3209450471



L’arroganza con cui i poteri forti del sistema della crisi attaccano diritti, democrazia e qualità della vita, pongono con urgenza la questione dell’elaborazione collettiva di un programma sociale condiviso attorno al quale disegnare un’alternativa possibile a ciò che ci è imposto dall’alto con violenza e ricatto. All’individualismo proprietario su cui si basa la società dell’esclusione e della diseguaglianza sostenuta da dispositivi autoritari e ingiusti, si contrappone la pratica del comune. E’ con questo spirito che uniticontrolacrisi invita tutti e tutte all’appuntamento di Marghera, per dare nuova forza alle lotte che ci aspettano e che hanno bisogno di una nuova elaborazione politica, per una nuova idea di società per cui battersi tutti insieme.

il programma completo su:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Nursery Sayings Forest

Past and present. The Italians of Values \u200b\u200b

A videoriflessione how virtually all print media has quoted the prime minister, who said "I had a relationship," while the compact newspaper declaring "Berlusconi has a relationship."

not in my view a minor detail: the reference to a report from "stable" after the separation had to Veronica Lario is obviously referring to the past (otherwise he would have said "I have a report ") and then describes no longer be in a situation with the Prime Minister back then under the "instability", or the usual ..

The operation of make-up that most of the press in place on the words of the Prime Minister is all in favor of the latter. How much more comfortable to know that "Silvio is engaged" rather than to learn that it was in the recent past ..

E 'the image of a man capable of getting into the game seriously romantically, which is ready to "build a new family," She will turn up in the usual evil communist magistrates.

Yet even tested as "Unity" and "Republic" (which has now subtitled "I long a stable relationship") have the correct firing of the head, allowing a goal posthumously.

Words are important, why throw them away like that?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Have 2 Lumps Between My Legs


Sabato 15 gennaio 2011
dalle ore 9 alle 13

la Mercatiniera
il mercato delle genuine autoproduzioni

Troverete formaggi freschi and seasoned vegetables and seasonal fruits, jams and honey, barley, barley flour, bread and cakes, salami, olive oil, sugar produced by the Brazilian Landless and Zapatista Coffee.

We are waiting to make a genuine cost and zero km,
to sample the products of our land and to speak directly with producers.

Below you can have lunch together in the House Cantoniera
with the purchased products on the shelves of Mercatiniera.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brazilian Waxing In Winston Salem, North Carolina


Friday, January 7, 2011

Infection After Brazilian

For dinner reservations please contact your sig.Grata Peter calling the mobile number 3453216666

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Crest Spinbrush Replacement

"Peace denounced" by Irene and black raspberries

Presentation of the theatrical monologue by Ilja Leonard and Irene Pfeijffer Raspberries, directed by David Jentgens.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


At the House Cantoniera Self-Governing

via Mantova 24 Parma

Free entry!

--- "Peace denounced" is a theatrical monologue that deals with irony and bitterness of our present. The shape is that of the cabaret-serious, in which the actress, free of objects, scenery and music, becomes an actor who asks questions on the absurdity of contemporary life.

The scene where the action takes place is that of a court where the accused is called upon to defend themselves from their crime by implementing a defense that leads attraverso dubbi, paradossi, verità e favole.

La testimonianza della protagonista costringe gli spettatori a fermarsi, ad interrogarsi sulla freneticità delle proprie azioni, sulla perdita dei desideri e la paura dell'errore.

Il pubblico è calato in una contraddizione continua in cui il cecchino e la vittima sembrano essere la stessa persona; la possibilità di schierarsi appare sempre più difficile in una realtà che ci porta a condannare anche noi stessi; come possiamo essere sicuri di non essere coinvolti?

Lo spettacolo non lancia giudizi e accuse di facile elaborazione, nemmeno fornisce delle ricette di vita pronte all'uso, ma semplicemente ci ricorda, in modo divertente e amaro, il dream belongs to everyone. We are open to the possibility of personal choice, as opposed to a world in which delegate seems to have become the norm.

"Peace denounced" monologue is about a crime that does not require the heavy loop of hope and even an acquittal, demanding to be heard.

for not living in a dream, but to live without waiting.

's blog Irene Raspberries