Friday, April 25, 2008

Driver Tv Card Russian Saa7130

Frankie hi-nrg mc V2 Day Torino - Piazza San Carlo

Questa sera in piazza San Carlo a Torino, sul palco del V2 Day di Beppe Grillo ci sarò anch'io, accompagnato ai piatti da dj Pandaj, assieme a tanti amici e colleghi come Piotta e Caparezza, a cantare contro un sistema che contrappone i valori della Resistenza e della storia dei Partigiani d'Italia alla Libertà di protestare contro l'informazione addomesticata che casta politica e casta giornalistica confezionano per i loro interessi. Chiunque dovesse realizzare delle riprese della performance e le postasse su youtube o myspace è pregato di farmelo sapere che le ospiterò volentieri nei miei spazi. Grazie.
Basta siempre!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ringworm On A New Tattoo


Just a communication service for those interested: there was a "MySpace" in my name quite popular, but - alas - not true. In fact I was not managing it, but a stranger / a claiming to be me: I had tried to establish contact with the person in question to "officially", but it was a dead letter .. This space was not updated for almost a year, was populated by many "my" friends believe to be in touch with me and - also - many who had asked to add a reply was not .. Now I have regained! Not the myspace "Official", that many of you already know, that you find at

Nevertheless I still manage it: if you want to be so real collectors myspace Frankie hi-nrg mc also ask the add to

Among other things, a couple of weeks will start on their MySpace a good initiative that can involve all .. A this regard I invite you to look at the following: