Friday, March 13, 2009

How Do You Get A Tank Filter On Marine Mania

Eiaculazione precoce rimedi

Premature ejaculation remedies

Have you ever wondered what triggers your ejaculation

early in your relationship sex?

Did you ever stop to reflect on the meaning you attribute to this term "premature ejaculation?"

Have you ever thought about how the meaning you attribute to this term, could be devastating to your health psychological?

Dear friend

premature ejaculation is one of those negative experiences from most men. Many of these have been fascinated and involved emotionally from this experience so much, as to have developed a sense of total rejection, since it seems extremely difficult to obtain effective remedies to this problem.

When you're experimenting with a series of negative events similar to each other over a given space and time, you are led to develop the syndrome of fear that the event a possible premature ejaculation and poor sexual performance happen again. So ejaculation early could mean not only for you, unable to keep dall'eiaculare, but also fear that this event will repeat in the near future and possibly with other partners who do not want to get the gold this overwhelming disappointment.

The component of this experience yourself as a problem, in fact, contains many elements that we take seriously the internal emotional considerazione.S Committee as a cause of premature ejaculation. internal emotional state that alive when the episode of premature ejaculation occurs plays a crucial. So

premature ejaculation does not only mean non-acceptance of this problem, but at the same time, anger, sense of not being in control of himself, afraid to occur again and so on. As you can see, the significance of the experience, there are a number of emotional states, which can stimulate strong desire want to be handsome and manly .

At the same time you experience the reaction is to fight with all your strength, this problem is not accepting it. The conflict that develops is with yourself first and then with your partner .. ....... How do you know about being a boy? You know you are probably male because a child did you find to be very similar your dad ... right? Did you have a penis like him, but Dad was big and strong, while you were small and fragile.

Dad had a sexual partner, you do not. You wanted to be big and strong like Daddy and I felt that the only way 'you could also get you the one who did not receive from the female (mother). It seems that these events have marked our personality. In other words, the more I experienced this sense of helplessness in my childhood and now I am more fascinated by the desire for power, success and masculinity as well as a super masculine sexual performance. Then come

involved the desire to be stronger, handsome, powerful, efficient, skillful seducer or maybe martial arts champion, if not, the hero of the police ecc.Se I need to be more because I feel it is a minus. If you are involved in learning the arts of seduction, it is often because I feel fear in relationships with women .... and then I want them to study the way you get because I have not and see if I want a lot .. I wonder why? Think about it.

How do you know that we have destabilized the simbololo of this paternal power in your head?

You know when and if you're able to offer a super sexual performance with your partner. Feel like my man to be realized exclusively when I have fully and sexually di una donna.

In pratica se sei in grado di soddisfare una ragazza sexy grazie alla tua prestazione vigorosa ti sentirai maschio e istintivamente appagherai la tua esigenza inconscia di destabilizzazione del simbolo paterno.

Se non la soddisfi ti sentirai poco virile, quindi non vigoroso e poco maschio e ti coinvolgerai sempre di più sul desiderio di voler essere più ..forte, prestante, superdotato. ecc. Sarai condannato a coinvolgerti emotivamente e a soffrire per questa tua mancata prestazione; prestazione definita in gergo da coniglio. Puoi notare quindi come gioca il meccanismo psicologico di base, essere per avere...o avere per essere?....Bo.

Rimedi per your premature ejaculation

The problem of premature ejaculation your in my view then consists of two basic elements that are physiological component (excessive production of testosterone or hormone of sexual desire and muscle pubcoccigeo extremely weak and feeble) .

psychological component (access to state of emotional distress with its meta-internal states caused by the activity of your way of thinking and produce images in your brain). These are the frames that have taught you how to apply the significance of the events because of your internal state, remember.

Run a restructuring with the aim to enjoy yourself more life, means to apply the focus on improving your body the master; even before your mente.Esercitare a function means to develop and strengthen it. Your problem with premature ejaculation can be solved in 2 weeks through the toning of your muscles pubcoccigeo.

Exercises secrets

The best exercises that I found online , are part of the natural A llungamento This material is really different than the information about this topic in the network. The program also has a forum attended by many members who exchange information about the various techniques and it results obtained.

Muscle pubcoccigeo

More strengthen the muscle pubcoccigeo allowing more and more blood spraying will begin to see the natural power of your erections, seeing is believing, but not only, if you follow these practices with specific exercises in the program online, you're going to change automatically as well as your mental frame of perception about your identity, sexual performance and the image you have of women in general.

Then you will practice initially to decrease the excitatory your state and to do that put in practice a simple secret you will find in the special exercises to control premature ejaculation.

You can even become the absolute master of your penis and your sexual performance so to let you, challenge your partn giving them real orgasmi.S uccessivamente you will practice to remove the penis during penetration until you are able to block ejaculation by pressing pubcoccigei muscles, prolonging the time to your will, guaranteed. All this is natural, nothing mystical or magical .

'll find in addition to the control of your muscle pubcoccigeo quite naturally also change with your internal emotional states, ports to experience an increasingly intense and self-confidence, a sense of powerful masculine force.

right now I'm inviting you to subscribe to this fitness, seriously care of your reproductive system, train it and keep it in top shape. You'll find that there are men who have prostate cancer at 70 years of steel erection and great thanks to the fitness of the penis.

In addition, I invite you also to promote this exercise program natural working online and earning for this company as I do. I hope that I made you a pleasure giving you some specific disclosure. If you are in depression because of your premature ejaculation and this disturbs your relationships with the opposite sex, or makes you scared, shy, especially against women, particularly transgressive and sexy, to the point that you begin to produce strong approach for anxiety, fear of talking to and lean figure, maybe because your penis is little more than 13 cm and an erection tends to disappear almost immediately.

Take heart and share with fitness, is the only repeat, the only true natural remedy that you have. These exercises in my case part of my daily routine for years, so 'as the fitness of the face .... I will also train the muscles of the face as well as exercises on neurosemantica PNL-frames and filters percettivi. Ho scoperto che il segreto per raggiungere risultati desiderati in ogni campo si chiama :" ESERCIZIO" mentale e smetti di esercitare una funzione, la perdi.
tratto da:

Buone routine

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