Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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It 's really possible to get the penis and correct the bending?


Andropenis ®

Since the medical society has launched Andromedical extender device (Andropenis ®) , several scientific studies have shown its effectiveness in cases of penis enlargement, correction of curvature, treatment of disease The Peyrione, as well as avoid scar retraction in the postoperative period.

Diagnosis and Treatment of "Micropenis" and "small penis" . Congress of the European Society for Sexual Research and impotence (ESSIR, an acronym that derives from the English) - Hamburg, December 2002. Published in the International Journal For Impotence Research.
Colpi G.M., Martini P., Scroppo F.I., Manzini M., Castiglioni F.
Servizio di Andrologia. Ospedale Universitario San Paolo (Milano - Italia).

...“Il nostro gruppo utilizza l’Andropenis® per trattare peni piccoli e curvature dovute alla malattia di La Peyronie. Nel caso dei “peni piccoli”, i nostri dati dimostrano un allungamento di 1,8 centimetri dopo 4 mesi di applicazione media giornaliera di sei ore; un maggiore incremento oscilla tra 2,4 e 3,1 centimetri dopo tempi più lunghi d’applicazione (da 7 a 9 ore). Applicando il medesimo dispositivo in presenza della malattia di La Peyronie abbiamo ottenuto un miglioramento della curvatura peniena di un 40% circa, dopo 3 mesi di trattamento...”.

Efficacia della tecnica di stiramento giornaliero del pene per allungare il “Pene piccolo”. Congresso della Società Europea per la Ricerca Sessuale e sull’Impotenza (ESSIR, sigla che deriva dall’inglese). Amburgo - Germania. (Dicembre 2002). Pubblicato su International Journal For Impotence Research.
Colpi G.M., Martini P., Scroppo F.I., Manzini M., Castiglioni F.
Servizio di Andrologia. Ospedale Universitario San Paolo (Milano - Italia).

Disegno e metodi: nove uomini sani con “pene piccolo” (età compresa fra 26 e 43 anni). La misura iniziale del pene era di 12 centimetri (oscillava tra 8,1 e 15,4). È stato prescritto l’utilizzo dell’Andropenis® un minimo di sei ore al giorno, per un periodo di almeno 4 mesi.

Risultati: in tutti i soggetti l’allungamento del pene è stato proporzionale al periodo d’applicazione del dispositivo. Dopo 4 mesi si è registrato un allungamento pari a 1,4 centimetri (oscilla tra 0,5 e 3,1). La media giornaliera d’applicazione è stata di sei ore (oscilla tra 3 e 9 ore). Non si sono verificati effetti secondari.
Conclusione: i nostri dati dimostrano l’efficacia della fisioterapia di stiramento del pene per trattare il “pene piccolo”.

Penis enlargement Phalloplasty through and Postoperative using Andropenis ®. Second Annual Conference of Aesthetic Medicine. Milan - Italy. (November 2000).
R. Vaccari, MD, M. Musillo, MD, F. Pezzoni, MD.
Medico-Surgical Center of Andrology (Milan - Italy).

Liposuction pubic
1 .- 2 .- Division of the suspensory ligament that is meant as an anchor between the abdomen and the penis.
Wound closure
3 .- 4 .- 5 .- Postoperative Lipofilling

You can use the Andropenis ® 15 days after the operation, for a period of two months. The same importance attributed to the intervention surgery to avoid complications like severe penile fibrosis. Using dell'Andropenis ® promotes a gradual lengthening of the penis. A

External Penis Stretcher can reduce penile curvature of Peyronie?
Scientific studies published in International Journal of Impotence Research (volume 13 / 4 supplement - October 2001). Presented at the Fourth Conference of the European Society for Sexual Research and helplessness, Rome - Italy. (October 2001).

Scroppo Fl, M. Manzini, Maggi M *, Colpi GM.
Andrology Service, Hospital Universitario San Paolo (Milan - Italy).
* Department of Andrology, University Florence - Italy.
Objective: To study the effectiveness of the mechanical stretching of the penis to reduce the thickness of the plaque and penile deformity during erection.

Eight patients (age 58.5 + / - 5.3 years) suffering from Peyronie's disease have been trained to use a mechanical drafter . No one has reported erectile dysfunction and even pain to the penis.

Application: at least 4 hours a day for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months.
Results: correction of the curvature caused by Peyronie's disease using the Andropenis ®.

After three months: 20 degrees from the initial curvature of 34 degrees.
Conclusions: These results suggest a promising use of the extensor mechanical selected patients suffering from Peyronie's disease, who have penile curvature without erectile dysfunction.

Penis enlargement without surgery with the Andropenis ®.
Scientific study presented at the First Virtual Congress of Sexology and Sexual Education Ibero-American. (February 2001).
Dr. Eduardo A. Gomez de Diego. Clinical Andromedical. Madrid - Spain.

1 .- Introduction:
When human tissue is subjected to a tensile force, they react with an increase in size.

The principle of traction is used in medicine modern, to create new tissue to cover burns and areas affected by hair loss, or for bone distraction.

Based on this principle of traction outside the Andropenis ® has been designed, capable of exerting a traction gradually from 600 to 1500 grams of force.

The device consists of a plastic ring in which the penis is introduced and, from which two dynamic metal rods, holding the wheel. At the top is the plastic holder, with a silicone band that supports the glans.

In our clinical experience the traction device includes:
  • An increase in penis length is posizione eretta che flaccida.
  • Un aumento della circonferenza del pene sia in posizione eretta che flaccida.

2.- Materiali e Metodi

Numero di pazienti: 37 pazienti, con età comprese tra 22 e 60 anni, provenienti da differenti città spagnole.

Selezione dei pazienti: uomini sani con capacità normale di erezione e non sottoposti a chirurgia peniena previa.

Dispositivo di trazione: Andropenis®.
Forza di trazione: 600 gr. il primo mese; 900 gr. il secondo; 1100 gr. il terzo e il quarto; 1200 gr. il quinto e sesto mese.

Tempo d’applicazione: 10 ore giornaliere, tutti i giorni del month, from 3 to 6 months.

3 .- Results:
3.1 Increase the length proportional to the time of application of the device. Linear growth. Shall apply more time, more lengthens.
The average increase in erect penis length is 0.4726 cm per month.

3.2 Increase in the flaccid length proportional to the time of application of the device.
linear increase. The average monthly increase in length in the flaccid penis is 0.4834 cm.

The increase in length does not depend on the patient's age.
Three months of application: the average increase in length in the position standing is 1.4118.
Four months of application: the average increase in length in the upright position is 1.8462.
Five months of application: mean increase of 2.2750.
Six months of application: mean increase of 3.3333.

The increase both in length in erection is not dependent on the natural size of the patient.

The average penis elongation measured in centimeters per month in 95% of patients fell from 0.4283 to 0.5163 in the upright position and from 0.5495 to 0.4173 in the flaccid.

The data concerning the increase in penis length erect state are more uniform than those its flaccid state, tending to greater dispersion.

The application of traction device increases the circumference of the penis is erect flaccid state. The average increase in circumference measured in centimeters per month in 95% of patients fell from 0.6111 to 1.0200 from 0.6386 and was erected at 1.0425 to the flaccid state. The treatment lasted from 3 to 6 months.

For more information: Andropenis Italy


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