Monday, October 25, 2010

Howto Master Bat At 12


Dell’albergo Avitar di Riga: un cortile sovietico in cui parlano due signori con il basco in testa. Quello con il cane al guinzaglio indossa un giaccone consumato. Il cortile è stretto tra palazzi incolori e squadrati. Un insetto grigio, attaccato all’esterno del vetro, si mimetizza sullo sfondo.

Cinque ragazzi minacciosi con le teste rasate, un’addetta in bilico sull'equivoco: è incinta o grassa in modo illusorio. Presenze ruvide in un ambiente rosso e nero come una balera avvolta nel torpore mattutino. I ragazzi requisiscono violentemente la caraffa del latte, aspettano una provocazione, parlottano osservando. A richiesta, lei indica in malo modo le bustine del tè, il barattolo del caffè solubile and the thermos with hot water, not hot.

The bus to Klaipeda through a landscape of forests cut down on dirt roads that disappear into the darkness among the trees. Nobody, but nobody.

Klaipeda: the channel that is lost to the port. The square lies the abandoned building with the glass roof that could slide to the ground at any moment. Outside the window of a motel cobblestones. A terraced house. Nothing more. The library is frozen because the city's central heating is not yet in operation. The restaurant is no heating. Cold Soviet legacy. In the port of Klaipeda, however, the water does not freeze even in winter.

The entrance to the road from Vilnius to be an endless market sheds and containers. Vilnius: Poles, Germans, Russians, not only for Lithuanians. City of hills surrounded by forests.

The lobby of GuestHouse Telekom with pictures of the birth of the Lithuanian telephone network (poles and the workers are identical to those of American films in the desert, but here hanging out in the cold worked) in a neighborhood which, after sunset, the drunks Caracalla inclined. The window on the second floor overlooking a courtyard that seems to have been a big garage, ormai smantellato, scoperchiato, con le strutture andate in malora. Alcune traversine e rotaie arrugginite sparse sul cemento spezzato del vecchio pavimento, forse di tram, altri indizi che andrebbero presi in esame.

Una strada che scende nel vecchio ghetto ebraico, una targa ricorda di sfuggita che in questa casa è nato Romain Gary.

Siauliai, il retro dell’hotel visto dal quarto piano: un cortile tra i caseggiati squadrati, qualche albero e un’altalena. Due piani più in basso, nello stesso edificio dell’albergo, un campo da tennis e da hockey (convertibile) su un tetto di cemento recintato da un’alta rete, a fianco the unions of the heating vent. The property is a condominium Soviet fourteen storeys with the entrance desert as a barracks during the day off and a canopy on the steps of symbol standardized architecture.

In town house numbers stand out big, white on green or blue, disproportionate, at least 40 cm square plates on each side.

Room 414, talking on skype with Gabriela, a Buenos Aires spring has arrived, "knock, go ahead to open the door. We are after." Answer 414 out of the room: "They're not knocking, is the frozen snow beating against the windows."

The underground tavern Plunge as most of the eateries Lithuanians. Italian Soundtracks: Cocciante, Bert, Pausini, Ramazzotti ... Toto Cotugno is one of the most famous Italian musicians as in any foreign country in which Italians are considered folk.

auction results and advises local Italian novels to publishers, from fishing before dinner cartoccino pieces of dried quince. Talk of Amman. "I'm not afraid I liked, although he too violent passages. But as God commands is full of terrible things. I think that an author who writes such things must be put in prison. Do you agree? "

hour waiting with tea at Siauliai in a place with the windows at McDonald's imitation, but at the oily stench of freshly fried spring rolls. Occupying two floors are open, with post-modern furnishings eighties desert. On the ground floor a television sends a festival of Russian melodic song where all the singers, including women, are like Red Canzian. The gay waiter is wearing tight leather pants.

Ramune explains that there is a State Commission for the control of an appropriate use of the Lithuanian language. oversee the media but also television broadcasts of entertainment. If the use of language is inappropriate, wrong use of grammar, vocabulary or pronunciation, leaving the official warnings and you can get interdiction.

Samogitia The planned trip to the silos with the Soviet nuclear weapons is canceled because the last tourists were contaminated.

Gita Samogitia alternative to the Diocesan Museum, probably rebuilt after being destroyed by the Russians in the nineteenth century. The exterior is completed but in the work was abandoned. Relics, debris, glass work of the boys, a photo exhibition on the rough concrete walls and plastered bricks of the tower ... everything is mixed in a storehouse of memories to be defined. In a vacuum, bricks, lintels, wooden boards, glass and iron armor, fighting with dignity ice that grows between them.

Siauliai, the sundial and the Soviet descent toward the lake. On a bank of the abandoned tannery first belonged to a Jewish family, then confiscated by the Nazis. On the huge and embarrassing steel sculpture in the artistic intentions of a cat, reared up and polished like a Mig. Ducks and swans (including blacks) Dean threatening the banks.

The return at Riga airport through the window of the minivan. The expressway is a sheet of ice on which dart hazards. The minivan moves to the inside. Hits the guardrail with the left side of the back and shoots toward the opposite side of the road, like a sled. Through the window at the end of the road is one meter, then a slight slope and fields. How many times capotterà before stopping? The image of the plates that come in the flesh. One in the right cheek, top to bottom, to make their way to the inside of the neck. The driver and counter-steering through the three lanes with two spins. On the other window: no one came. A voice from the front seat. Then the crash into the guard-rail, smoke from the engine and the traffic starts dense, continuous. Get out of the uninjured eye cyclone and find a ride to the airport of Riga, and seeing the other life abandoned after the last window. Oval.

timing: 10 ottobre/16ottobre 2010 - photo: courtesy R. Brundzaité

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How To Remove Silicone Glue From Shower Wall


Most of the sky is filled with clouds as square and solid Inverse walls. What is the reason why it always feels the need to describe clouds, rain, the sky ... the things that are on top and that, even with an infinite number of variables remain basically always the same? It must be because of their power to influence the mood. Surprising though predictable every time. The gray walls run fast by running a sparse rain, sharp and penetrating. The site of the Hill of Crosses is preceded by a small amphitheater, composed of stalls set up in a masonry structure and a gift shop, the center opens a small tunnel leading into the long journey of devotion gray brick flanked by low lamps. The land around it, dark and soft, regurgitation of worms that are armed to writhe on the bricks. Whenever opens a hole in the wall up there, the light gets golden eyes sharp as a blade. Rain or shine, you have to walk with head bowed.

The hill is small, circumscribed, each aspires to cross an indefinable center crosses ... flock to join him, elements of a hypothetical mob. The multilingual brochure explains that sell in stalls in an Italian approximate that there is hope and the indomitable faith of the Lithuanian people. It is near the village of Jurgaiciai in the district of Siauliai. Place of myths and legends, is also considered archaeological monument, they say there arose an old wooden castle to defend the territory against phantom Lithuanian Knights Sword "(perhaps referring to the Teutonic knights who occupied the Samogitia). Hypothesis confirmed by the discovery of a path of lime stone, brass jewelry, weapons and pottery dating back underground to a period was from Mille to the XIV century. During the riots of 1831 and in 1863 began to appear the first crosses for the victims of the Russian rule of Tsar Nicholas I, died and buried on the spot. The Russians, the clearing at night and the Lithuanians to be replanted. The same thing happened after the Second World War, until in 1961 the Soviets cleared the hill for the first time. The crosses were not a sign of devotion, but the symbol of the affirmation of national identity of a people.

On September 7, 1993, Pope John Paul II came here and claimed the place for a religious, Christian and Catholic. But its atmosphere is different: the earth is alive, button, millions of crosses are a jumble of overlapping voices shouting requests, pain, despair ... anything that belongs to the delegation of a dogmatic religion such as Catholic.

Here is the hill with a narrow path through it. The crosses are climbing over one another and surround the visitor. There are crosses of all sizes: crosses hanging from crosses, crosses around the foot of the cross ... and some other di esse è incastrata una nicchia dove appare la rappresentazione locale del Cristo: seduto, le gambe rachitiche e una grande testa sorretta da una mano come il “Pensatore” di Rodin. È afflitto. Dicono che sia perché lo tormentano le preoccupazioni per le sorti dell’umanità.

Qui gli occhi vedono solo croci e nella mente riecheggia ossessivamente una sola parola: “croci”. Il legno, anche nel caso degli esemplari più commerciali, come di quelli lavorati con cura, preziosi, lucidati e argentati, finisce prima o poi spellato dagli agenti atmosferici che livella tutto a un’unica sostanza: il risultato della corrosione ha il colore grigio e opaco della ash. Assumes the consistency of a weakened stubble joke and then dried by the wind.

The crosses converge toward the visitor, hang on to him, shake him ... Millions of crosses, each linked to the action of a person who has slipped into the ground or hanging on to another larger or thrown directly in the middle of a bush than others. It is easy to imagine the small crash in the night silence of this desolate place, with crosses that fall unexpectedly. Resonates in my head the sound of continuous activity. The hill is alive, nourished by gestures that have little to do with devotion and with much hope and demands, swallows the crosses in loam and black, turned over by earthworms, which tirelessly and voracious, the rummage without stopping, until it his own. Amalgam wishes, pleas, dragging them into the dark warm and moist, falling in a universe where the hopes are charged randomly lose the essence of faith and take on a concrete and underground ore. Purgatory is a triumph, a shortcut to the dark forever.

A slow stream and closes the curved side of the hill opposite, establishing the borders, preventing it from going over, ready to swallow the crosses that are detached from the forest while compact with its water nourishes the roots.

Hill moves is still, shaken by a tremor invisible creeps in visitors with its emanations. Cross between the crosses.

timing: October 15, 2010 - photo: courtesy A. Ruchat

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

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Those Malpensa

I wrote Max, a boy of Varese, a friend of Caesar (Sak one of the old Posse VLV).
Massimo is an employee of Livingston, the former Lauda Air, the Italian company leader in the charter, which hath been found overnight in layoffs.
are in 500 to suffer from this condition.
They are all professionals and skilled workers, who have always given their best in their work, in a company, cash in hand, would have all the credentials to act competitively on the market.
Their company transported every day thousands of people to the Maldives, the Red Sea, Santo Domingo, every day thousands of men, women, children, managers, old rich, waiters, students, entertainers, all of them white and returned blacks, who after a week those three months later. Each time someone left alone and came back in two or three. But the planes were always full

The story starts with Niki Lauda, \u200b\u200bthe founder of Lauda Air in 1991, with planes that had started in '79, but this did it later. Everything went quite well until 2005, when "The trip of the fan" notes the company and renamed in Livingston. From there, part a spiral of management "misguided" that leads to failure of the fan, to a hole of 20 million € for Livingston and the subsequent transfer of ownership in 2009 to FG Holding Maurizio Ferrero, film producer Roman, who did the rest.
The hole rises to 30 million, the Civil Aviation Authority revokes the license of flight, the aircraft returned to the leasing company and then all at home, after two months of work without pay.
The same old story: good companies end up in ruins because of administrators who are, at best incompetent or who are better at spending it than income or jackals finance. However, the seventh company in the province of Varese pulled down the damper in a week. While Mr. Ferrero, instead of healing the 30 million in debt, he spends 60 to buy 10 theaters from bankruptcy Cecchi Gori ..

Workers of Livingston are united in the struggle to defend their workplace, with proposals, ideas and willingness to continue.
Massimo tells me about how they might provide maintenance service for aircraft of third parties, such as an airport of Malpensa, they are one of the last Italian representative in the main national airport.
The boys believe that use of the layoffs at zero hour is a waste of resources, with potential who are capable of organizzare un volo per dopodomani.
Non sono alla ricerca di un investitore con i soli quattrini, ma con la competenza e la capacità imprenditoriale necessaria a far fruttare un'azienda simile.
Pretendono un titolare che sia alla loro altezza.
Se lo meritano.

Domani i lavoratori della Livingston si troveranno per manifestare davanti alla Regione Lombardia alle 10.30 sotto al Pirellone. Qui trovate un blog per restare aggiornati.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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notice to members

Lakes Sat-Ghia propongono ai soci della riserva il canale
un trattamento di favore per i soci che durante il periodo
invernale volessero pescare da loro,presentando la tessera ARCI
e il cartellino di riconoscimento della riserva praticheranno dei particolari
sconti. (Vedi lettera di conferma)

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Hang Seng Trading Hours

Memorial Award "RULES Tremola

La signora Tremoli consegna la targa in ricordo del socio Norme, sotto le foto dei premiati dell'ultima giornata sociale.

I take this opportunity to remind members to return the book marks catches in stores where you purchased it or based in Gallarate.