Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How Long Does My Hair Need To Be For A Weave

Din Don - Merry Christmas 2008

E' di nuovo Natale. La storia si ripete sempre un gradino più in basso della volta precedente e quest'anno, nonostante la crisi, ci stanno dando giù pesante sul fronte del "facciamo festa": tg e giornali non vedono l'ora di recensire l'albero di Obama e via discorrendo.
In tutto questo c'è anche gente che lavora e che il Natale lo passa come gli altri giorni dell'anno: col bisturi in mano a salvare vite nelle zone di guerra. Emergency cura "una persona ogni 3 minuti da 14 anni" e lo fa grazia e professionalità. Gino Strada e tutti quelli che ha coinvolto sono straordinari e meritano attenzione e supporto: ricordando che il più grande aiuto che si può dare ad Emergency and work so that all wars end up and everyone can go home, the support material in the form of bids is necessary and welcome.

I wrote and produced this piece as an act of pure generosity. I had my way the idea of \u200b\u200bsuggesting a personal approach to Christmas that disregards the consumption of the "gift" and come back to the culture of "gift", regardless of any religious beliefs or other: a response to the monumental heart of the proposal " panza "who want to pretend to be our dream. And the advice I give about Emergency is due to the high esteem and confidence I have of this non-profit organization, but if someone prefers to give something to someone else so be it: the important thing is to know the recipient personally and know that the investment will fail. Gino, Teresa and their children know them and the only reason I ask everyone to trust them.

I want to clarify that I, Francesco Di Gesù, Emergency does not represent nor any of its representatives and that the views I expressed in the text of "Ding dong" are personal and may not be shared by Emergency and its representatives. This song was also required, encouraged or suggested by Emergency or his representatives and the choice of quote Emergency.it site is the result of my free enterprise.

"Din Don" you can download and distribute in the form of mp3 files: Any use for profit. This video, produced by Mark Gradara . is available to all who want to host it on your web page: just copy and paste this code

To who would also host the button to download the song from the original source would be a gift to us ..

circulate it to mo 'of greeting card, play them at parties, in discos, on the radio. More will circulate more it made sense. It 's a small gift for everyone.
Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Alkaline Charger La Crosse


The making of a new platform of "virtual socialization," here is that someone feels the need to impersonate me and make a page like plausible-that attract fans and the merely curious, good faith and taken away - in fact - not about what's new about me, the only reason why anyone would fit the feed of this blog, would require the add on myspace, or maybe last but least, become a fan on my facebook page. As was the case in the past with myspace, youtube, etc. .. I discover that someone is impersonating me in facebook, creating a fake profile, "Solando" my true friends (the ones with the "A", not the e-cats who happen to know the network) and creandomi several difficulties in communicating with fans.
the avoidance of doubt, I invite all of you are interested click on this button
and join the official fan club, to get updates and all that facebook offers ..
who did not have a Facebook account should NOT be considered This is an invitation to do so: I do not really like as a platform, but is useful for those who do my job.
I write also the link for full (it is not pretty like the button above, but it works the same ..)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Are You Looking For A Free Russian Turtle?

The left arm of right

Police out virtually unscathed from the trial on crimes committed in the School Diaz, and endorsed the brutal anti-democratic behavior.

Francesco Cossiga, former President of the Republic and senator for life (his or ours?) In an interview unworthy Day said that there has been a strategy of tension and - indeed - should return. After a few days correction, saying it would actually be that escapes even the dead, preferably in police uniform "light". Leggetene the final to capture the power subtly poisons us day after day.

Licio Gelli debuted the "run" a program on TV where Odeon rewrites history with the stencil, since some years has taken steps to write the real one with its "democratic revival plan" using - by P2 - many of extensor ambidextrous.

Ascanio Celestini Last night brought an extraordinary monologue in "Talk to Me", a diligent user has already done a post on youtube. Simple and direct as always, Ascanio offers a vision of Italy crushed between two right, shown without shame or reticence.

In this Grillo calls together all bloggers to oppose the bill Levi (PD) who wants to gag the worst network in China, the crime of "clandestine press" for those who do not enroll in the register of operators Communication. But yes, we give two years in prison even for those who just talk without being given permission to do so, permission granted only to those of freedom of speech they will be ..
Italy has run right.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Water Indicatior On Phones Red X

Mala Tempora Current

The other night I saw on Current, the new satellite television founded by Al Gore based on the concept of "common reporter," a service set up by an Asian girl on a particular Amazonian village. This community consists of several groups of indigenous people "evicted" from the deforestation of their region, joined by an international organization in a single village, with the obligation to keep intact their traditions and customs against the advance of the clearing.
Interesting and well done that service: maggiornaza pity that the men of the village showing off colorful slip-style "American Apparell, which they drive a lot of huge tractors "John Deer" and all that - I say all - the huts were equipped with satellite dish. Asked about the latter, the hard-working American guy in charge of the field with wide smiles that says "yes, even the natives watching TV for two hours a day and not lose any episode of a soap opera very popular in Brazil lately. So they can to have a contact with reality. " In reality, you know? A population that has lived for millennia in contact with nature, eating roast armadillo and celebrating weddings with a simple handshake, now forms the western culture as the sole reference using a soap opera. Like the rest of Western culture, for that matter .. And the presence of tractors and generators, which only exist in the village to feed the TV, constantly requires new fuel, resulting in a continuous indigenous and pressing need for money. The risk they run is that if they do not earn enough money to begin to sell the forest for economic purposes, becoming (in the words of young American) "a danger to the health of the forest."
There is something wrong in this mechanism: individuals who are at risk of extinction because of sinister interests become carriers of the same, to secure a new episode of a soap opera. It 's like a panda to become a bully because, to save it from extinction, they gave him a paio di Nike ed ora non possa più farne a meno. O un gorilla di montagna accetti di riprodursi solo se non alterano la sua dieta a base di Big Mac. C'è il rischio che nell'arco di una generazione venga perduta per sempre l'esperienza di interi millenni di umanità esule, merito di chi per evitare un contagio decide di infettare tutti: alcuni la chiamano vaccinazione. 
Mal comune mezzo gaudio.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Driver Tv Card Russian Saa7130

Frankie hi-nrg mc V2 Day Torino - Piazza San Carlo

Questa sera in piazza San Carlo a Torino, sul palco del V2 Day di Beppe Grillo ci sarò anch'io, accompagnato ai piatti da dj Pandaj, assieme a tanti amici e colleghi come Piotta e Caparezza, a cantare contro un sistema che contrappone i valori della Resistenza e della storia dei Partigiani d'Italia alla Libertà di protestare contro l'informazione addomesticata che casta politica e casta giornalistica confezionano per i loro interessi. Chiunque dovesse realizzare delle riprese della performance e le postasse su youtube o myspace è pregato di farmelo sapere che le ospiterò volentieri nei miei spazi. Grazie.
Basta siempre!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ringworm On A New Tattoo


Just a communication service for those interested: there was a "MySpace" in my name quite popular, but - alas - not true. In fact I was not managing it, but a stranger / a claiming to be me: I had tried to establish contact with the person in question to "officially", but it was a dead letter .. This space was not updated for almost a year, was populated by many "my" friends believe to be in touch with me and - also - many who had asked to add a reply was not .. Now I have regained! Not the myspace "Official", that many of you already know, that you find at

Nevertheless I still manage it: if you want to be so real collectors myspace Frankie hi-nrg mc also ask the add to

Among other things, a couple of weeks will start on their MySpace a good initiative that can involve all .. A this regard I invite you to look at the following:

Monday, March 31, 2008

Eagle Metal Cores Aus

Under stringent voting

In less than two weeks there are elections democratically and confusion reigns supreme. There are many undecided (especially women, say the polls) and is in a good smear campaign against voters who opt for the white board / card anything. A sort of chain letter circulating for several weeks on the net and spread incorrect news on the subject: the text that runs reports that:

" also blank or spoiled votes in the calculation of the majority premium , helping, indirectly, those who took the most votes . "

Such information, again, is' FALSE. The chain that promotes an interesting method of abstention, which is to withdraw the card stamped and returned immediately to the Secretary of the polling station, demanding that the gesture is transcribed together with a commentary in which one can justify the act, expressing its disagreement, etc. ..
Too bad that it does spreading unnecessary fear to those who have decided to embark on the white board / no board, as those cards " are invalid" and therefore can not enter the so-called "majority bonus .

useful to remember that blank ballots ILLEGALLY can become valid if someone puts up a cross, creating a electoral fraud, while cards zero (written or drawn up with something obviously different from a cross on a party symbol) is rather more difficult to falsify .. An interesting and controversial documentary was produced by Enrico Deaglio and others on the subject, concerning the election of April 10, 2006.

On 13 and 14 April next we have the pencil on the side of the neck: let us not poke in the eye, as usual ..

ps: look what I found interesting listing on ebay .. now we can all set the price of Democracy.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Absence Excuse Letterfamily Event

Degree Horroris Case

News of the day the degree of the young Alberto Stasi, the only suspect for the murder of Chiara Poggi (Garlasco), achieving a beautiful 110 cum laude with a thesis on "technical and legal in the taxation of insurance companies." Just over a month ago it was the turn of Raffaele Sollecito, investigated for the murder of Meredith Kercher (Perugia), where the commission met for consideration at the prison of Tabernacles (PG), a computer science thesis in "genetic programming", final mark 99/110. These boys hope that their legal proceedings are resolved quickly and that the whole truth to justice triumphs, with the perpetrators of the murders and sentenced in question serve their sentence.
Those who should be sentenced for summary and appeals are without the media, those who tell us that Stasi wore a black jacket and blue tie and white stripes, while Sollecito chose a gray pinstripe suit and pink shirt with mandarin collar and no tie because it is prohibited in prison, those Stasi announcing serious occurred on the same Golf that had been seized, while Sollecito has expressed satisfaction with the degree and dedicated to his family. The same time was devoted to the massacres in Tibet is intended to tell unnecessary private facts that would affect even the neighbors of their graduates. The same energy that you consume to give notice of the last white deaths are no charges for crap like, between Olin and Sarcos, crap to fill our time. Gaudeamus igitur.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Command Start Replacement Remote

begins here blog

What can I say: you know what a blog ? Anyway now. The first post is never the most important, you need to figure out how to add clickable links, pictures and stuff from Web 2.0, like streaming movies and so on .. Usually the content is "neoevidentista" like, this is the first post of my new blog and you're going to finish reading it now.

This my first post is not too different in kind or in the format: I do not do good intentions about the future, it will update on when and on what subjects I'm going to parry .. I know it will not be a blog theme, or just promotional and perhaps talk about music as arthritis.

Maybe even musicians with osteoarthritis.

soon, I hope.