Sunday, December 6, 2009

Male V Female Wrestling

allungamento del pene Phallosan

I'm wearing a belt with excellent results for penis enlargement Phallosan

Phallosan is a medical device known in Switzerland and Germany for sale in pharmacies. The elastic waistband Phallosan has been successfully used in non-surgical therapy for the treatment of various diseases that affect the penis as well as whether to get a development in organ size and length thanks to the famous medical technology of this device allows painless traction.

Different test effettuati in Germania sotto rigorosi controlli medici , hanno dimostrato che il dispositivo phallosan si è rivelato estremamente efficace nei trattamenti dello sviluppo del pene. I risultati a quanto pare sono stati considerati sbalorditivi.

Il principio della trazione priva di dolore distingue Phallosan dagli altri dispositivi a trazione per lo sviluppo del pene.

L'incremento di tessuti cellulari prodotto dalla leggera trazione continua, spesso impone sacrifici in termine di dolore e compressione dell'organo che protratto per lungo tempo puo causare strozzamenti del glande e scomodità, se nonchè problemi di circolazione .

Con phallosan è realmente possibile mantenere il pene in leggera trazione continua tutto il giorno senza sentire alcun tipo di fastidio e dolore permettendone una stiratura dei tessuti inizialmente e successiper l'effetto di adattamento la creazione di nuovo tessuto, quindi un ingrandimento dell'organo.

A differenza di altri prodotti per l'allungamento del pene Phallosan è delicato e non genera dolore. Ritengo sia l'unico prodotto a permettere questo tipo di risultato . E' possibile urinare senza problemi ed è lavabile... scopri di Più su Phallosan Clicca Qui.

Puoi ordinare la cintura elastica in diverse misure con i relativi accessori, la indossi in 15 secondi e non senti di averlo per tutto il giorno...incredibile. Il tuo pene presto si abituerà ad una posizione stirata in leggera trazione e in circa 3 mesi di utilizzo avrai quel pene long and thick, that you've always wanted. begins to wear it today to see the results.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Will Petroleum Jelly Hurt A Rash

The residents of the Republic

C'è, tanto per cambiare, una gran bagarre riguardo le affermazioni fatte da Giorgo Napolitano - attuale Presidente della Repubblica Italiana - e le pesanti critiche pronunciate da Antonio Di Pietro, leader del partito politico "L'Italia Values. "I try to rebuild with a brief summary of what happened:

- After a process not too long nor too opposed the Parliament adopted an economic measure as" amnesty "in which, among other things, is laid the opportunity to return the money illegally earned abroad (Italian evade taxes) at a measly 5% to the State, the decriminalization of the offense of false accounting and the guarantee of anonymity for those who will benefit from the great opportunity offered.

- Yesterday, President Napolitano was in Basilicata for an institutional commitment, when a citizen approached him and told him " President, do not sign, do it for honest people . The First Citizen's then answered " In the Constitution it says that the President promulgates laws. If you do not sign today, Parliament voted out again the same law and is written into the Constitution at that point I am required to sign . That you do not know? "If you tell me not to sign, it means nothing .

- Yesterday, the Hon. Antonio Di Pietro has called "an act of cowardice" the signing of the law in question, prompting a bipartisan chorus of protests against him, with vibrant tips patriottistica defense of Napolitano from left-right-center-north-and south- -united and accusations to represent a subversive threat to the whole nation.

So: me of Peter is not much of a girlfriend who is nice (I still remember when, just stopped the toga of the scourge of the First Republic, solemnly declared that "never would have entered politics" and not even a week after it was already candidate who can not remember ..) also because I still think that the policy requires a form in addition to the essential content, form and Peter does not seem at all embody. Instead Napolitano gave me some sympathy, the first Communist President, however, balanced and wise, able to agree with distant parts of the exercise of common sense. Neapolitan perilous.

However, at the risk of being fingered as a terrorist-shaker-antitialiano, think as Di Pietro: the President has contravened a fundamental role in the supervisor and did not exercise a power that only he has the right to exercise , to refer bills to a message with a warning asking for a review. Only if the houses it to him without recurrence of changes to the text would be obliged to promulgate it: only in that case.

And to say that would not be lacking motivation to write the note for MPs and senators from that account to pay 5% tax is equivalent to giving 45% not paid when due - and for capital the order of several million euro a pop evasion are fine - so insulting all the honest taxpayers who have fulfilled their tax obligations, which so many money gained from illegal activities (drugs, weapons, forgery, etc. ..) may come clean clean in the pockets of the Mafia, Camorra, 'Ndrangheta and the various systems, without forcing these gentlemen to turn complex and expensive (the cost of laundering dirty currency varies from 40% to 75%, 5% sounds almost like a tip to the goalkeeper ..) that the anonymity guarantees peace and quiet of all those bastards who have impoverished the pockets of their employees, throwing on the streets whole families for their greed, without pay contributions, eating in the pot first and then the head of the workers.

Napolitano But this did not think, just as those who had ears to listen to him have suggested no eyes to read those who have written.

But for me the worst, that perhaps the word "vile" almost gentle, it was the answer given to the citizen that Lucan tried at the last minute to point out to him the shameful position he was taking: beyond the pedantic tone, in itself disturbing, the fact that they consider "useless" on the exercise of a right (or rather, our through him) has completely drained the meaning of his institutional role. Come faceva a sapere che il testo non sarebbe stato modificato? Come poteva immaginare che anche nella prossima votazione i 29 esponenti della cosidetta "opposizione" avrebbero dato forfait? Cosa gli fa credere che un atto così importante non avrebbe mosso l'opinione pubblica ad una riflessione collettiva, esercitando maggiori pressioni sui rappresentanti parlamentari, cambiando qualcosa in positivo?

Perchè ha calato le sue braghe e mostrato il nostro culo?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Can A Wolf Change A Human Into A Wolf

Hello Teresa

Ieri, primo settembre, se n'è andata Teresa Sarti Strada, moglie di Gino e mamma di Cecilia, arm and mind of Emergency . He left in his body, but the spirit lives and will live until perpetuate his commitment to abhor war and the horrors it entails, until we appreciate his strength there will always be new flowers in the garden of her memory.

The most beautiful words of love Gino had them in his book "Green Parrots".

"Come back I would do almost anything. I just wish my side, in each of the many places filled with suffering that I saw, there was always her.
to recommend you, to stop me from making mistakes, to share important moments with me, that only His presence could have made repeated.
Teresa "
Gino Strada

Monday, July 20, 2009

Iodine-breast Cancer Research

Beauty is needed ..

treated as quake rocket to seal a celebration of international politics and then dismissed with scorn, prime ministers and the second minister who fornicate hysterical from pools, powders and girls, families wiped out by young killers with the full tank and the vacuum in the brain, people evaporated away by a structural failure while enjoying the fresh air on the terrace watching "The beautiful Retequattro, minors that "play" to molest minors, armored cops and spoil kids with the excuse of "thou hast a long map?" and never "thou hast rolled € 10?". We are a nation at the starting blocks, shot from behind with the gun and choke wing temple. Yet there is Beauty: Let us help her.
It 's all around us.
It is not a phone company ..

Monday, June 1, 2009

How Long For Drysol To Work

Eiaculazione precoce: epidemia al maschile

Premature ejaculation: an epidemic in the masculine

A three male suffers from premature ejaculation.

The numbers are staggering on three a male suffers from premature ejaculation. occasionally but not in a stable manner. The figure seems to be underestimated and there is even a large gray area, or those who are not early but short-lived. The numbers give them the urologists in the national congress meeting in Rome. A problem from many psychological aspects, sexual relationships. It speaks Daily Health.

But what is premature ejaculation? An illness or other problems? The International Society of Sexual Medicine describes it as follows: a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which always or almost sempre si verifica prima di o entro un minuto dalla penetrazione vaginale; dall’incapacità di ritardare l’eiaculazione in tutte o quasi tutte le penetrazioni vaginali; con conseguenze personali negative, come ad esempio ansia, preoccupazione, frustrazione e/o l’astensione dall’intimità sessuale.

La risposta dei super esperti riuniti a convegno si divide in due filoni, quella farmacologica e quella che preferisce un approccio psicologico-comportamentale.

Oggi sempre più spesso si osserva la tendenza del maschio affetto dal disturbo dell'eiaculazione precoce ricorrere a rimedi di tipo naturale e privi di controindicazioni tra i quali spicca il famoso programma di esercizi per il controllo dell eiaculazione precoce della Natural Revenue . A quanto pare sembra che l'importanza di un buon allenamento del muscolo pubcoccigeo sia una delle chiavi determinanti per il raggiungimento del controllo dell'eiaculazione.

Esercitarsi ad allungare i tempi dell'eiaculazione attraverso la masturbazione non porta benefici quanto l'esercizio tramite simulazione nel contatto vaginale. Tra i prodotti migliori sul mercato è priorità assoluta esaminare a fondo FLESHLIGHT o vagina artificiale creata con materiali simili al silicone ma tenuti segreti dall'azienda manufacturer. If in your years of penetration Fleshlight you can reach orgasm in 10 minutes then in a real relationship with certainty reach more than 20 minutes. Fleshlite Discover Unique in the world ... click on the picture at the bottom of the product.
You can order the product for your exercises for premature ejaculation control and have it sent in discreet packaging delivery to your home via UPS in 4 days .... This product is fantastic, made with materials required simulates all the secrets and throughout the body both inside and outside the vaginal Order it now click here


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

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It 's really possible to get the penis and correct the bending?


Andropenis ®

Since the medical society has launched Andromedical extender device (Andropenis ®) , several scientific studies have shown its effectiveness in cases of penis enlargement, correction of curvature, treatment of disease The Peyrione, as well as avoid scar retraction in the postoperative period.

Diagnosis and Treatment of "Micropenis" and "small penis" . Congress of the European Society for Sexual Research and impotence (ESSIR, an acronym that derives from the English) - Hamburg, December 2002. Published in the International Journal For Impotence Research.
Colpi G.M., Martini P., Scroppo F.I., Manzini M., Castiglioni F.
Servizio di Andrologia. Ospedale Universitario San Paolo (Milano - Italia).

...“Il nostro gruppo utilizza l’Andropenis® per trattare peni piccoli e curvature dovute alla malattia di La Peyronie. Nel caso dei “peni piccoli”, i nostri dati dimostrano un allungamento di 1,8 centimetri dopo 4 mesi di applicazione media giornaliera di sei ore; un maggiore incremento oscilla tra 2,4 e 3,1 centimetri dopo tempi più lunghi d’applicazione (da 7 a 9 ore). Applicando il medesimo dispositivo in presenza della malattia di La Peyronie abbiamo ottenuto un miglioramento della curvatura peniena di un 40% circa, dopo 3 mesi di trattamento...”.

Efficacia della tecnica di stiramento giornaliero del pene per allungare il “Pene piccolo”. Congresso della Società Europea per la Ricerca Sessuale e sull’Impotenza (ESSIR, sigla che deriva dall’inglese). Amburgo - Germania. (Dicembre 2002). Pubblicato su International Journal For Impotence Research.
Colpi G.M., Martini P., Scroppo F.I., Manzini M., Castiglioni F.
Servizio di Andrologia. Ospedale Universitario San Paolo (Milano - Italia).

Disegno e metodi: nove uomini sani con “pene piccolo” (età compresa fra 26 e 43 anni). La misura iniziale del pene era di 12 centimetri (oscillava tra 8,1 e 15,4). È stato prescritto l’utilizzo dell’Andropenis® un minimo di sei ore al giorno, per un periodo di almeno 4 mesi.

Risultati: in tutti i soggetti l’allungamento del pene è stato proporzionale al periodo d’applicazione del dispositivo. Dopo 4 mesi si è registrato un allungamento pari a 1,4 centimetri (oscilla tra 0,5 e 3,1). La media giornaliera d’applicazione è stata di sei ore (oscilla tra 3 e 9 ore). Non si sono verificati effetti secondari.
Conclusione: i nostri dati dimostrano l’efficacia della fisioterapia di stiramento del pene per trattare il “pene piccolo”.

Penis enlargement Phalloplasty through and Postoperative using Andropenis ®. Second Annual Conference of Aesthetic Medicine. Milan - Italy. (November 2000).
R. Vaccari, MD, M. Musillo, MD, F. Pezzoni, MD.
Medico-Surgical Center of Andrology (Milan - Italy).

Liposuction pubic
1 .- 2 .- Division of the suspensory ligament that is meant as an anchor between the abdomen and the penis.
Wound closure
3 .- 4 .- 5 .- Postoperative Lipofilling

You can use the Andropenis ® 15 days after the operation, for a period of two months. The same importance attributed to the intervention surgery to avoid complications like severe penile fibrosis. Using dell'Andropenis ® promotes a gradual lengthening of the penis. A

External Penis Stretcher can reduce penile curvature of Peyronie?
Scientific studies published in International Journal of Impotence Research (volume 13 / 4 supplement - October 2001). Presented at the Fourth Conference of the European Society for Sexual Research and helplessness, Rome - Italy. (October 2001).

Scroppo Fl, M. Manzini, Maggi M *, Colpi GM.
Andrology Service, Hospital Universitario San Paolo (Milan - Italy).
* Department of Andrology, University Florence - Italy.
Objective: To study the effectiveness of the mechanical stretching of the penis to reduce the thickness of the plaque and penile deformity during erection.

Eight patients (age 58.5 + / - 5.3 years) suffering from Peyronie's disease have been trained to use a mechanical drafter . No one has reported erectile dysfunction and even pain to the penis.

Application: at least 4 hours a day for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months.
Results: correction of the curvature caused by Peyronie's disease using the Andropenis ®.

After three months: 20 degrees from the initial curvature of 34 degrees.
Conclusions: These results suggest a promising use of the extensor mechanical selected patients suffering from Peyronie's disease, who have penile curvature without erectile dysfunction.

Penis enlargement without surgery with the Andropenis ®.
Scientific study presented at the First Virtual Congress of Sexology and Sexual Education Ibero-American. (February 2001).
Dr. Eduardo A. Gomez de Diego. Clinical Andromedical. Madrid - Spain.

1 .- Introduction:
When human tissue is subjected to a tensile force, they react with an increase in size.

The principle of traction is used in medicine modern, to create new tissue to cover burns and areas affected by hair loss, or for bone distraction.

Based on this principle of traction outside the Andropenis ® has been designed, capable of exerting a traction gradually from 600 to 1500 grams of force.

The device consists of a plastic ring in which the penis is introduced and, from which two dynamic metal rods, holding the wheel. At the top is the plastic holder, with a silicone band that supports the glans.

In our clinical experience the traction device includes:
  • An increase in penis length is posizione eretta che flaccida.
  • Un aumento della circonferenza del pene sia in posizione eretta che flaccida.

2.- Materiali e Metodi

Numero di pazienti: 37 pazienti, con età comprese tra 22 e 60 anni, provenienti da differenti città spagnole.

Selezione dei pazienti: uomini sani con capacità normale di erezione e non sottoposti a chirurgia peniena previa.

Dispositivo di trazione: Andropenis®.
Forza di trazione: 600 gr. il primo mese; 900 gr. il secondo; 1100 gr. il terzo e il quarto; 1200 gr. il quinto e sesto mese.

Tempo d’applicazione: 10 ore giornaliere, tutti i giorni del month, from 3 to 6 months.

3 .- Results:
3.1 Increase the length proportional to the time of application of the device. Linear growth. Shall apply more time, more lengthens.
The average increase in erect penis length is 0.4726 cm per month.

3.2 Increase in the flaccid length proportional to the time of application of the device.
linear increase. The average monthly increase in length in the flaccid penis is 0.4834 cm.

The increase in length does not depend on the patient's age.
Three months of application: the average increase in length in the position standing is 1.4118.
Four months of application: the average increase in length in the upright position is 1.8462.
Five months of application: mean increase of 2.2750.
Six months of application: mean increase of 3.3333.

The increase both in length in erection is not dependent on the natural size of the patient.

The average penis elongation measured in centimeters per month in 95% of patients fell from 0.4283 to 0.5163 in the upright position and from 0.5495 to 0.4173 in the flaccid.

The data concerning the increase in penis length erect state are more uniform than those its flaccid state, tending to greater dispersion.

The application of traction device increases the circumference of the penis is erect flaccid state. The average increase in circumference measured in centimeters per month in 95% of patients fell from 0.6111 to 1.0200 from 0.6386 and was erected at 1.0425 to the flaccid state. The treatment lasted from 3 to 6 months.

For more information: Andropenis Italy

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Does Increased Cm Come Before Af

Come allungare il pene

How penis enlargement

Extend the penis really possible?

stretch the penis for many men has become a necessity. They understand that penis enlargement means acting on the nucleus of phallic symbolism present in the unconscious man. The phallic symbol due to the paternal power can influence the whole personality of the individual.

The negative view on the perception of one's penis is reflected in their self-identification of virile and handsome little man generating tension and leading to the creation of limits in every type of performance.

The only defense mechanism to reduce self-imposed limits and 'perception or image real penis of a strong and vigoroso.Immaginare dreaming of having a big penis boosts contrast to the internal limits in place to reduce them, the only solution is to act enlarging and strengthening the penis in the actual size.

This means re-evaluate the importance of making a serious transformation that changes not only your body but the entire personality strengthening self-confidence in their strength and male. course consider the idea to enlarge the penis means decide to make a serious commitment to at least three months in exchange for a result that is certainly impressive and serious.

Getting a longer penis and big lifetime maximum will enhance your resources in all areas not only enjoy sexual relations with your current or future partner.

Ask yourself if it's time to investigate the characteristics of the device most used by the Americans and porn actors for the real penis enlargement than 4 cm. Ask yourself if those people who have ordered and are using it are incredibly happy and fulfilled, and because these devices are still sold worldwide.

They see the device as those who bear the equipment to fix your teeth, use it in certain times of day or night holding the penis with a slight stretch. The painless traction penis stimulates the production of new tissue that will adapt to zoom in and enlarge your penis forever. In

ugni passing day feel the increase in penis size naturally it turns out that his personality begins to change from sense of self-confidence and personal safety , increase their ability to communication and interaction with the opposite sex, changing representations of themselves, their identity di maschio, ci si scopre più forti, virili, coraggiosi e determinati nel superare qualunque tipo di prova .

Un pene diverso per analogia influenza la visione di se stessi generando l'immagine di un se diverso piu efficente piu potente e determinato.

Decidere di ordinare il dispositivo estensore senza esitazione una volta per tutte vuol dire iniziare il percorso definitivo al cambiamento fortemente desiderato .

Quando 6 mesi fa mi resi conto di questo meccanismo psicologico che si nasconde nell'influenza del simbolo fallico che mi governava creandomi limiti di ogni tipo osservai attentamente il dispositivo di ingrandimento del pene e immaginai myself with the new achievements ....

.. only then as I was wondering if it was right to make it important in my life came the reply that sounded "fantastic and do not judge anything without first hand experience of this tool" and it was then that I felt the shock factor and I decided that I order right away and forget it device

today after 6 months ... I can not help but speak well praising this precious thing that has changed my life as I will change you.

You can order the device and receive it within 4 days complete with instructions and timing make
When you change.

Friday, March 13, 2009

How Do You Get A Tank Filter On Marine Mania

Eiaculazione precoce rimedi

Premature ejaculation remedies

Have you ever wondered what triggers your ejaculation

early in your relationship sex?

Did you ever stop to reflect on the meaning you attribute to this term "premature ejaculation?"

Have you ever thought about how the meaning you attribute to this term, could be devastating to your health psychological?

Dear friend

premature ejaculation is one of those negative experiences from most men. Many of these have been fascinated and involved emotionally from this experience so much, as to have developed a sense of total rejection, since it seems extremely difficult to obtain effective remedies to this problem.

When you're experimenting with a series of negative events similar to each other over a given space and time, you are led to develop the syndrome of fear that the event a possible premature ejaculation and poor sexual performance happen again. So ejaculation early could mean not only for you, unable to keep dall'eiaculare, but also fear that this event will repeat in the near future and possibly with other partners who do not want to get the gold this overwhelming disappointment.

The component of this experience yourself as a problem, in fact, contains many elements that we take seriously the internal emotional considerazione.S Committee as a cause of premature ejaculation. internal emotional state that alive when the episode of premature ejaculation occurs plays a crucial. So

premature ejaculation does not only mean non-acceptance of this problem, but at the same time, anger, sense of not being in control of himself, afraid to occur again and so on. As you can see, the significance of the experience, there are a number of emotional states, which can stimulate strong desire want to be handsome and manly .

At the same time you experience the reaction is to fight with all your strength, this problem is not accepting it. The conflict that develops is with yourself first and then with your partner .. ....... How do you know about being a boy? You know you are probably male because a child did you find to be very similar your dad ... right? Did you have a penis like him, but Dad was big and strong, while you were small and fragile.

Dad had a sexual partner, you do not. You wanted to be big and strong like Daddy and I felt that the only way 'you could also get you the one who did not receive from the female (mother). It seems that these events have marked our personality. In other words, the more I experienced this sense of helplessness in my childhood and now I am more fascinated by the desire for power, success and masculinity as well as a super masculine sexual performance. Then come

involved the desire to be stronger, handsome, powerful, efficient, skillful seducer or maybe martial arts champion, if not, the hero of the police ecc.Se I need to be more because I feel it is a minus. If you are involved in learning the arts of seduction, it is often because I feel fear in relationships with women .... and then I want them to study the way you get because I have not and see if I want a lot .. I wonder why? Think about it.

How do you know that we have destabilized the simbololo of this paternal power in your head?

You know when and if you're able to offer a super sexual performance with your partner. Feel like my man to be realized exclusively when I have fully and sexually di una donna.

In pratica se sei in grado di soddisfare una ragazza sexy grazie alla tua prestazione vigorosa ti sentirai maschio e istintivamente appagherai la tua esigenza inconscia di destabilizzazione del simbolo paterno.

Se non la soddisfi ti sentirai poco virile, quindi non vigoroso e poco maschio e ti coinvolgerai sempre di più sul desiderio di voler essere più ..forte, prestante, superdotato. ecc. Sarai condannato a coinvolgerti emotivamente e a soffrire per questa tua mancata prestazione; prestazione definita in gergo da coniglio. Puoi notare quindi come gioca il meccanismo psicologico di base, essere per avere...o avere per essere?....Bo.

Rimedi per your premature ejaculation

The problem of premature ejaculation your in my view then consists of two basic elements that are physiological component (excessive production of testosterone or hormone of sexual desire and muscle pubcoccigeo extremely weak and feeble) .

psychological component (access to state of emotional distress with its meta-internal states caused by the activity of your way of thinking and produce images in your brain). These are the frames that have taught you how to apply the significance of the events because of your internal state, remember.

Run a restructuring with the aim to enjoy yourself more life, means to apply the focus on improving your body the master; even before your mente.Esercitare a function means to develop and strengthen it. Your problem with premature ejaculation can be solved in 2 weeks through the toning of your muscles pubcoccigeo.

Exercises secrets

The best exercises that I found online , are part of the natural A llungamento This material is really different than the information about this topic in the network. The program also has a forum attended by many members who exchange information about the various techniques and it results obtained.

Muscle pubcoccigeo

More strengthen the muscle pubcoccigeo allowing more and more blood spraying will begin to see the natural power of your erections, seeing is believing, but not only, if you follow these practices with specific exercises in the program online, you're going to change automatically as well as your mental frame of perception about your identity, sexual performance and the image you have of women in general.

Then you will practice initially to decrease the excitatory your state and to do that put in practice a simple secret you will find in the special exercises to control premature ejaculation.

You can even become the absolute master of your penis and your sexual performance so to let you, challenge your partn giving them real orgasmi.S uccessivamente you will practice to remove the penis during penetration until you are able to block ejaculation by pressing pubcoccigei muscles, prolonging the time to your will, guaranteed. All this is natural, nothing mystical or magical .

'll find in addition to the control of your muscle pubcoccigeo quite naturally also change with your internal emotional states, ports to experience an increasingly intense and self-confidence, a sense of powerful masculine force.

right now I'm inviting you to subscribe to this fitness, seriously care of your reproductive system, train it and keep it in top shape. You'll find that there are men who have prostate cancer at 70 years of steel erection and great thanks to the fitness of the penis.

In addition, I invite you also to promote this exercise program natural working online and earning for this company as I do. I hope that I made you a pleasure giving you some specific disclosure. If you are in depression because of your premature ejaculation and this disturbs your relationships with the opposite sex, or makes you scared, shy, especially against women, particularly transgressive and sexy, to the point that you begin to produce strong approach for anxiety, fear of talking to and lean figure, maybe because your penis is little more than 13 cm and an erection tends to disappear almost immediately.

Take heart and share with fitness, is the only repeat, the only true natural remedy that you have. These exercises in my case part of my daily routine for years, so 'as the fitness of the face .... I will also train the muscles of the face as well as exercises on neurosemantica PNL-frames and filters percettivi. Ho scoperto che il segreto per raggiungere risultati desiderati in ogni campo si chiama :" ESERCIZIO" mentale e smetti di esercitare una funzione, la perdi.
tratto da:

Buone routine

Seguici per le novità

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment In Miami 2010

Sconfiggere l'eiaculazione precoce

Sconfiggere l'eiaculazione precoce

Quali sono i migliori esercizi to overcome premature ejaculation?

How do you define when ejaculation is 'premature' or not?, What are the "right time? Certainly vary from person to person. It is generally defined as 'premature' ejaculation when you carry out before or after a few thrusts of penetration of the penis into the vagina.

ejaculation is often considered 'early' when it occurs before the partner has an orgasm: this representation of premature ejaculation or way of thinking seems to be incorrect from the perspective of sexology, as (the partner may need tempi troppo lunghi per raggiungere l'orgasmo, così come non è corretto pensare di avere una eiaculazione precoce semplicemente perché essa si manifesta costantemente prima del tempo voluto.

Molti uomini temono, spesso ingiustamente, di soffrire di eiaculazione precoce: questo timore è così diffuso perché, in effetti, la maggior parte di questi ritiene di raggiungere l'orgasmo troppo in fretta rispetto ai tempi desiderati e alle esigenze della partner.

Quando si è sotto l'influenza dello stress o in forte stato di eccitazione diviene per il soggetto estremamente penalizzante dover manifestare le proprie performance sessuali in quanto si teme di non riuscire a soddisfare la partner eiaculando precocemente..

Possiamo parlare quindi correttamente di eiaculazione precoce solo quando vi sia persistente e ricorrente eiaculazione con una ridotta stimolazione sessuale da parte della partner, prima o subito dopo la penetrazione (e comunque sempre prima che lo si desideri).

Dati reali recenti hanno dimostrato che quattro uomini su dieci dichiarano di aver sofferto di questo problema in qualche periodo della loro vita, e che il problema dell'eiaculazione precoce habbia indebolito seriamente sia l'autostima, sia la qualità del rapporto con la propria partner.

Gli uomini che soffrono di eiaculazione precoce non sono in grado di riconoscere la sensazione defined as point of no return and therefore are unable to change the stimulation occurring in order to control ejaculation.

The men who thus do not perceive the moment of no return or that particular moment when you need to take a break or remove the penis from the vagina in order not to ejaculate prematurely by changing the rhythm of stimulation are generally those who have ever had sex incorrectly.

think to have to present an image of virility and power to their partner gets nothing but food that tension responsible for the classic look forward to misfire. Sometimes people develop the problem premature ejaculation because of pressure from the partners to try to 'take' more.

The road or path to resolving the problem related to premature ejaculation is the exercise to achieve ejaculatory control.

To this end there is an exceptional program consists of a series of exercises designed to allow gradual and above all to recognize the feeling of the point of no return and then control ejaculation.

remember that high temperature greatly influences the vagina as a stimulus to ejaculate for those suffering from this problem. The exercises help to regain control of the ejaculatory reflex under pressure.

For the full schedule and more info click here

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chicken Pox On Legs Only

"by Faida Fight" vs. "Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago"

I really enjoyed by Serena and Dario was like being at home.
With the guys and we reinvented Banda Osiris "from Faida Fight" on the music of " Is Chicago, Is Not Chicago ", a song by Soul Coughing from "Ruby Vroom", il loro album del '94: purtroppo questa notizia non è finita nel montaggio per la messa in onda, come spiegavo ad ILMOSTRO nei commenti del precedente post.

Il giorno dopo il concerto all'Alpheus è stato bellissimo e chi c'è venuto lo sa! Un grande debutto per il tour:  domani saremo a Bologna all' Estragon e dopodomani al New Age di Roncade (TV).

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Use It Or Lose It Clipart

Esercizi per l controllo dell'eiaculazione precoce

exercises for premature ejaculation control

revolutionary method to control premature ejaculation

Our method consists of techniques and exercises 100% natural is the only endorsed and recommended by prestigious urologists and other specialists of medicine that could witness first hand the effectiveness e la rapidità dei nostri esercizi. Contrariamente ad altri programmi, il nostro conta con testimonianze reali firmate da autentici urologi, fatto che é una garanzia incomparabile per i nostri clienti.

Tutti questi medici hanno raccomandato questo sistema ai loro pazienti como una soluzione efficace e sicura non solo per la correzione dell’ eiaculazione precoce, ma anche per la prevenzione di problemi urinari, prostatici e per il miglioramento della circolazione sanguigna nel pene, con risultati realmente impressionanti.

Gli andrologi che hanno potuto accedere ai video e alle immagini dei vari esercizi che qui offriamo, sono rimasti a bocca aperta per i benefici incredibili che si ottengono, in un arco di tempo così limitato, esercitandosi con le nostre tecniche.

Molti uomini hanno approfittato degli incredibili benefici dell’esercitare un controllo assoluto sull ’eiaculazione, migliorando i loro rapporti sessuali fino a limiti impensabili. Fai godere la tua partner come non ha mai fatto prima !

Al giorno d’oggi esistono centinaia di alternative per controllare l’eiaculazione precoce, tuttavia nessuna tecnica è efficace come quella che tle stiamo offrendo, because our techniques are completely natural and are based on the daily life of the muscles of the penis in order to ejaculate only when she is to be desired.

The main difference is that Cumshot offers an innovative and revolutionary program of exercises to correct premature ejaculation over a short time, without having to achieve any kind of sacrifice, with just the daily exercise of certain muscles (PC) with the task of controlling the ejaculatory reflex.

However, the characteristic most important of our program is that when you able to achieve the desired results, you can enter the daily program of exercises because the results will be permanent.

addition, we rely on a series of exercises and techniques natural (over 20) very sophisticated, effective and easy to make, classified by type (Kegel exercises, breathing techniques, exercises pressure, etc.. ) with the aim of improving the productivity and effectiveness.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How Much Do Nova Rings Cost?

"Talk to Me" + Tour 2009

Finalmente si riparte! Il 23 gennaio parte dall'Alpheus di Rome Tour 2009: 12 concerts in major Italian cities, accompanied by my band (Francesco Bruni, Lino De Rosa, Pier Paolo Ferroni and Alberto Brizzi) carrying around a phantasmagoric show (?) With the projection of Mary Glez, Marco Gradara Francesco Capone, Jacopo Gennari, Nicholas and Camilla Barbetta Mattavelli. Here beside the full calendar: come and share!

And talk about live music and more tomorrow night, Thursday, January 22, to "Talk to Me" with friends Serena, Dario, and Ascanio Banda ..

will also present a special version of my classic, but watching the program now does not advance anything ..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Revlon Frost And Glow Honey Highlight Kit

M'illumino less

began the year as we had more or less concluded with a new piece! Today is the turn of "M'illumino less," anthem of the same name on the energy saving campaign promoted by the friends of Caterpillar RadioDue.
again this year on February 13th we will be all to reflect on the absurdity of energy waste and find practical and sustainable solutions. Perhaps it is a long hymn, but it is a song from the appliance: it's not their fault if they use them poorly designed or worse .. Help them to not pollute.

The invitation is to all those to join the initiative, click on the button below and registering on the site Caterueb.

"M'illumino less" is a song for free download at:

For those wishing to host the button to download the piece here is the code. Thanks.