Friday, June 25, 2010

Data Median Bmi For Females


Premature ejaculation: identikit of those who go fast

The first European research
premature ejaculation outlined the identikit 's ejaculator
early Italian
. Thirty years old, engaged, informed, but not enough

Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction
, with 20% of Italians affected, but
premature ejaculation is still surrounded by myths ,
as revealed by research, the name speaks volumes, PE
Confidential Survey, presented at the 25th Congress of the European
of Urology (EAU).

The study, which compared 4500 men and women of
9 European countries (Italy, Spain, Portogallo, Germania, Austria, Uk,
Francia, Finlandia e Svezia), è riuscito, così, nell’impresa di
delineare l’identikit del maschio italiano colpito da eiaculazione
precoce, spazzando via anche una serie di leggende metropolitane.

Chi soffre di eiaculazione precoce ha, prevalentemente, tra i
31 e i 40 ann
i ed è coinvolto in una relazione stabile
o di lunga durata (il 76%). Quindi l’eiaculazione
precoce non riguarda solo i giovani, alle prime esperienze sessuali, e
tanto meno i single alle prese con avventure occasionali.

Premature ejaculation is a problem of communication. For all other
is just a matter of head and report. That's why even the
half of those who go fast (less than 40%) has tried a remedy and because
between the solutions chosen, the medication prescribed by your doctor is the prerogative of a few
, superseded by creams, techniques
behavior and exercise.

But the 'man little talk with your doctor, a little' to embarrassment, but mostly because
not believed to be an issue within its competence, but also because
there is a lack of confidence in
against drugs, now seen only as a temporary solution. L ' Italian
is, together with the cousins \u200b\u200b English, the most
open and ready to talk
(does 62%), especially with his partner

our countrymen, moreover, a positive surprise for
their desire for information :
are those who seek to learn more premature ejaculation (65%) and the preferred source of information is
Internet (54%).

Crolla, finally, another urban myth: that of 'man
( premature ejaculation is also a cultural thing
) worried about their own performance and not enough
sexual satisfaction of his partner. According to the research
premature ejaculation
Italians are even more concerned about their own partner
sexual satisfaction and stability of the couple (55% versus 29%).

And they, the women? Although in common with other European
because of less sex than they would like to do, Italian women are the least frustrated
Europe during sexual activity, but also among the most
angry and those who feel less in

Sometimes, premature ejaculation can be combated through
permanent change.
without having to take drugs more often than not solve the problem.

About the Author


are Massimo Valente manage sites
sex education and e-commerce as:
portal condoms

Eiaculazionefelice . it

Source: Article-


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