Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wii Fit For Scoliosis


Other designs from the art project " Apocalypse, "made with ballpoint pen, black ink on sheets of paper cm14x10 Newsprint, colored with materials from everyday life ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Gorilla Grodd Action Figure -ross


But it is inevitable that by looking at the dark figures emerge provenienti dal passato? Questo è il buio di un altro paese, sono le tenebre di Chicago che gravano sul lago Michigan, allora cosa ci fanno tutti questi fantasmi di gente che sostiene di essere ancora viva? Perché non le coste brillanti, frastagliate e sbriciolate della Groenlandia vista dal cockpit dell’aereo? Bianche e pure, un biancore che non sa di spettri, di ombre viventi, ma di infinito. L’aereo sembra immobile e il mondo gli gira sotto, un’attrazione del luna park. “Stiamo volando più bassi a causa di un problema di pressurizzazione e il cielo così terso capita di rado.” Il mare sbocconcella lastre di ghiaccio e le sparpaglia nella sua vastità. La Groenlandia si allontana. E tornano appearances. In particular, printed in the cold rain and dark, a face that mourning does not have dragged on. He has pale lips as befits an apparition. They move, says something, but who has more desire to listen to his lies?

"Go down the stairs, there is a tunnel that leads directly to the lakefront." At one o'clock at night, Greenland deceived by the ghost, and mixes of the list looking for: breakfast of pancakes, a jar of crunchy peanut butter from Whole Foods, walk between the skyscrapers up to eat the cartilage of the knee, see the "Grande Jatte" "Nighthawks" e "American Gothic" all’Art Institute… il cuore salta in gola all’idea di trovarli insieme, come quella volta della "Madonna del Prato" di Raffaello al Kunsthistorisches Museum di Vienna, con le lacrime agli occhi nell’assistere a tanta luce e tanto colore raccolti nello spazio di un quadro, qualcosa che la natura non sarebbe mai stata capace di fare. La pioggia penetra gelata nelle maglie del berretto di lana. Al ristorante giapponese una chiamata, numero sconosciuto; una voce femminile chiede timidamente se nome e cognome corrispondono. “Sì, sono io. Sono a Chicago.” “Ah, è per la carta di credito, autorizziamo la spesa?” “Certo. Chiamate per importi del genere?” "A check, you never know. It is outside its usual area of \u200b\u200buse ... "

Why continue to go back with your thoughts? What's wrong with this walk alone? Racing clouds in the sky that fade to black. Ontario Street is deserted, ladders, and the underpass lit by neon lights. The sound of steps and on the night traffic on Lake Shore Drive, with the cars lapping the lake while he is calm. A hooded figure on the opposite side. A student in hood with shoulder strap. Shakes the rain from a tuft of hair coming out of the hood. What do you do in these cases, we must healthy? Not this time: he continues looking straight ahead.

Not the right time to do jogging along the lake. The park is swept by gusts of rain that has now become as thin as mist. Then suddenly the bronze statue of a man sitting on a chair in bronze. The lake absorbs any thought, a mock beach that stretches endlessly, sucking the darkness and make peace. Drowns the ghosts in the excitement of a vast, silent private show.

Buses and taxis are sleeping whales near Navy Pier at the entrance to the childen's Museum. The goal is to the extreme limit to the Shakespeare Theater. The lights of the rides and the great wheel of crystal light shine in gloomy expectation of all those who will not be tonight. An appointment is rejected the prelude of abandonment, to places and people.

Lot What would you do in a similar situation? Arriving at the end of the pier into water. Instead it reveals behind the profile of jeweled Chicago: solid geometry of lights that climb to the heights of the Sears Tower, reflections of gold and silver, and then bright yellow and ocher light muted, blue and red. The white of the office windows paths from the round of cleaning, the garlands of traffic ...

The return on the opposite side, where the ferry docked sleep in a row along the pier and bicycles for rent imitate them in sheds. The smell of animal fat out of the door of a restaurant as a waitress pulls out a can full.

Then, along the Illinois Street, a man in his car parked outside a club, bronze while talking on the phone. Want to eat a banana and a detour to the supermarket the night before returning to the hotel.

No photos, please , the photo image that still must remain free to move nella testa. La foto va bene solo per chi non c’era.

timing 14 novembre 2010

How Much Does A Movie Projector Cost

Social Dinner.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Can I Get Paramore Varsity Hoodie Uk

Redefine period of pike fishing in the province of Varese

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Maxine Cartoon On Health Care Cartoon

But what block?! ... This is democracy in the tumult!

Even Parma yesterday, December 14, started the second bus, organized by the students and the Fiom, disheartened by the low for this government.

See some photographs of the piece Parma Book Block

To read articles, listen to the audio and see photos and video collected during the procession in Rome go to the home page of

- -

Yesterday there were 50 detained, some of them were released during the night, others in the morning today after the direct route that did not validate the stop.
are about 20 people still detained in prison, the men and women at Regina Coeli Rebibbia.
Tomorrow è previsto un presidio davanti alle due carceri a Roma.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

English Viintage Pram

There'll notice: Bokassa has won the confidence thanks to a couple of abstentions (the South Tyrolean People's Party, who had already agreed with him in exchange for the Park Stelvio) and a few votes "traitors" (the popular vote gabbana) opposition.

The result was di 311 favorevoli e 314 contrari: dunque 2 sono stati i voti discriminanti per la vittoria dell'Antropofago, due persone col cuore gonfio di responsabilità istituzionale verso Patria, Nazione, Bandiera e Culo.
Il proprio bel Culo. Che indubbiamente merita la maiuscola, vista l'importanza che tale apparato riveste nella vita politica moderna.

Scelgo quindi due deputati (e - di conseguenza - i loro Onorevoli Culi) tra i transfughi: Catia Polidori e Domenico Scilipoti.

nata a Città di Castello (PG), da sempre finiana di ferro, è cugina di Francesco Polidori, patron the CEPU, a great supporter of Bokassa. Just she opened the proceedings the first convention of FLI in Perugia, speaking of "human dignity" and other cows Demago-Campanile, December 2 arrives at said on its website (we also put the pictures because for me does not last long ..) that FLI is to be "cohesive and compact .. ..". Exactly.

One would expect this extraordinary local roots, tenacity in spreading the culture of Umbria and being a "de Fracchæno (Fracchia, village near Citta di Castello) have projected in the Parliament, the protagonist a plebiscite in the Umbrian sauce. In fact, in 2008 our Tifernate queen of consistency is elected in the Veneto 2. Truffle and Osei.

in August instructed his cousin Francis has made available its structure to pick up votes at the Cape, in the hope - not even too larvae - an education law that treats the model CEPU to university and that includes the company related funding in the rain, when, just a month before, Bokassa in the person spoke during a conference organized by CEPU to emphasize the importance of private education and to spread the usual finger shit about Rosy Bindi as "female non- handsome. "

Our Catia (as our "castelæna) ha dato una bella stretta al bullone che lega il trono di Bokassa al suo Regale Culo. Ma il faticoso impegno profuso a nulla sarebbe valso senza l'intervento di un Onorevole collega, corso in aiuto della Polidori a darle manforte nel lavoro di consolidamento del berluscano.

ferreo sostenitore dell'agopuntura.

Esaurito qui l'elenco delle virtù del deputato in questione, analizziamo il suo travagliato percorso politico: fino a qualche giorno fa era membro dell'Italia dei Valori di Antonio Di Pietro, poi si è reso conto che il suo capo partito è un giustizialista, uno che ha accettato nelle proprie liste a former piduista (Giuseppe Caleffi, card No. 762, proposed in 2006 in Sardinia), one that in the last legislature has never raised the issue of electoral law, real cause of the moral ruin of Italy.

Today has thought that ".. the moral and political unity of the whole nation .." can be represented by Bokassa, Card No. 1862, what the law Calderoli (cd porcellum) wanted it.

Luckily Scilipoti Declarations ".. .. I'm with the Italians, with the emphasis where it should be and entrusting his thoughts to the web site, funny video hive where you can find" only .. part of the reason .. " of his choice: between the various contributions there are two excerpts from the movie "The Ladies" by Toto, one of which tells the pre-election meeting in which Mr Tripe is engaged in the refreshment stands to exchange vows with contracts. Here is one of the inspirations for choosing Scilipoti: there suggests it himself from the moralizing sublime Italian custom. Many will understand ..

This morning, in which it voted no confidence in Piazza San Silvestro a group of immigrants staged a demonstration in support of Hon. Domenico Scilipoti: they also said they were paid by Scilipoti same for staging.

If you take into account their Ass from these ladies: are sitting on a goldmine!

Republic TV - Demonstration pro-Scilipoti

Monday, December 13, 2010

Polaroid Film 600 Prague

Accommodation Accommodation Chernobyl Chernobyl

Not the title of the next sausage cine-steam-punk, and then forget Boldi vs Gamera. It 's something more ominous and intimately pervasive: it is a news .

Minister of Emergencies of the Republic of Ukraine Viktor Balogh announced that from early next year it will be possible to make excursions on the site of the most dramatic nuclear incident (known) history, including it among the tourist destinations of a trip "Memory". In other words: the discovery of ancient and modern Ukraine.

In the old starts to be counted also the same disaster, which occurred April 26, 1986 at 1:23:45 (!) And the desire to relegate the story a tragedy of such proportions that it is more understandable, however, the situation yet fully returned to normal, and despite the last reactor was disabled 10 years ago, for 2015 is planned the construction of a new "sarcophagus" for the full containment structure, as the concrete cover that has been set up at the time did not appear to be decisive.

addition la radioattività che infesta quei luoghi, come parte della Russia e dalla Bielorussia, impiegherà alcune centinaia di anni prima di disperdersi e ritornare entro limiti tollerabili. Certo oggi è differente, non è stato vano il sacrificio di quanti hanno eroicamente bonificato l'area, esponendosi 40 secondi per volta alla pioggia di Roentgens che zampillava da ogni detrito e morendo di tumore in uno stillicidio che non è ancora cessato.

La mia domanda è: vi andrebbe di farci un giro? Prendereste un pullman da Kiev per poter sbirciare aldilà dei cancelli della catastrofe? Andreste ad esercitare la memoria in un posto in cui, appena prima di rimontare in corriera, vi fanno uno screening per verificare Curie who have in the body, were not even a shell that is caught to take home as souvenirs?

The concept of "journey of Memory" is beautiful, noble and to be encouraged, but an account is a concentration camp where thousands of people were massacred, now rises to a symbol is intended to stimulate and reflection of the visitor, an account is a nuclear site "off" amidst a sea of \u200b\u200bdeath dotted with ghost towns, visiting the risks as well as the skin even in 79 AD it was too early to visit Herculaneum.

And what "memory" we should exercise, since the images of children born after the explosion are so similar to those of victims of the fury of the Reich, but it is nice to remember them outside the quotation marks of "the poor children of Chernobyl" and therefore it is rare that someone or something we do remember them. Fortunately that here there is a few atomic power stations ..

However, it is found recently to go on holiday to Chernobyl: simply do a search online to find travel agencies already offer a number of years on the excursion between the site of the disaster their packages, at relatively modest ($ 500US if you want the exclusivity of a personalized visit, but up to $ 100us head if you can pull together a coach with more than 30 enthusiastic walkers). If you still have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to present those areas, try to visit , run by Elena, a Ukrainian motorcyclist at high speed across the region taking photographs.

And what does the shopping dall'ortolano with a Geiger counter.
It 's his memo.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Diy Sculpture Aluminum

Not the title of the next sausage cine-steam-punk, and then forget Boldi vs Gamera. It 's something more ominous and intimately pervasive is news.

Minister of Emergencies of the Republic of Ukraine Viktor Balogh announced that from early next year it will be possible to make excursions on the site of the most dramatic nuclear incident (known) history, including it among the attractions of a holiday memory. " In other words: the discovery of ancient and modern Ukraine.

In the old starts to be counted also the same disaster, which occurred April 26, 1986 at 1:23:45 (!) And the desire to relegate the story a tragedy of such proportions that it is more understandable, however, the situation yet fully returned to normal and, despite the last reactor was disabled 10 years ago, for 2015 is planned the construction of a new "sarcophagus" for the full containment structure, as the concrete cover that has been set up at the time did not appear to be resolution.

addition, the radioactivity that infest these places as part of Russia and Belarus, it will take hundreds of years before they disperse and return within tolerable limits. Of course today is different, was not in vain the sacrifice of those who heroically reclaimed the area, exposing for 40 seconds once the rain roentgens welling up from all debris and dying of cancer in a trickle which has not yet ceased.

My question is: Would you give us a ride? Take a bus from Kiev to peek beyond the gates of the disaster? Would you go to exercise the memory in a place where, just before mounting on the bus, you do a screening to see how many you have in Curie body shells were not even that one is caught to take home as souvenirs?

The concept of "journey of Memory" is beautiful, noble and to be encouraged, but an account is a concentration camp where thousands of people were massacred, now rises to a symbol is intended to stimulate and reflection of the visitor, an account is a nuclear site "off" amidst a sea of \u200b\u200bdeath dotted with ghost towns, visiting the risks as well as the skin even in 79 AD it was too early to visit Herculaneum.

And what "memory" we should exercise, since the images of children born after the explosion are so similar to those of victims of the fury of the Reich, but it is nice to remember them outside the quotation marks " the poor children of Chernobyl "and therefore it is rare that someone or something we do remember them. Fortunately that here there is a few atomic power stations ..

However, it is a recently found to go on holiday to Chernobyl: simply do a search online to find travel agencies that already have some years on the excursion site of the disaster in their package, at relatively modest ($ 500US if you want the exclusivity of a personalized visit, but up to $ 100us per person if you can pull together a coach with more than 30 enthusiastic walkers). If you still have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to present those areas, try to visit , run by Elena, a Ukrainian motorcyclist at high speed across the region taking photographs.

And what does the shopping with dall'ortolano counter geiger.
It 's his memo.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Do The 2nd World War Word Railings Mean

Parma, a city divided in two

Presentazione del workshop di fotografia sociale realizzato in ottobre/dicembre 2010 da Giulio Di Meo in collaborazione con l'associazione “Le Giraffe”.

Il progetto fotografico "Parma, una città divisa in due" verrà presentato giovedì 16 dicembre, dalle ore 19.30, presso la Casa Cantoniera Autogestita, in via Mantova 24, con la presenza di Giulio di Meo e dei fotografi dell'associazione "Le Giraffe".


Parma è da sempre nell’immaginario pubblico una città ricca, borghese, elegante.

A quiet city, where "life is good."

The stream from the historic center of Parma luxurious palaces, the main square and the cathedral district Oltretorrente, which best represents the heart and blood color of Parma, with its authenticity, sincerity and generosity. In the villages of the true soul of the city still echo the feats of the Arditi del Popolo and the memory of Guido Picelli the barricades against fascism.

is the fourth most multiracial city, with the largest concentration of foreign immigrants.

Here, where old and new coexist, survive social gathering places where people still have stories to tell. Stories that seem to be a natural continuation of those newcomers, as this district has always hosted the most distant and different people. It is this other

Parma we tried to tell with the photo, some investigating the reality of particular social interest that it seemed best to express the spirit of simple daily life, the normal life of these places. The Parma Oltretorrente and Arci, that of multi-ethnic football team "La Paz" social and market gardens, the House and the network Cantoniera rights at home.

We hope that our work can give a direct image and faithful the people we met there and the doors were opened.

"Parma, a city divided in two" is the result of the selection of the hundreds of pictures.


Fabrizio Bertolini

Greta Bertolotti

Anna Francesca Campanini


Matteo Fanti


Elisa gowns

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Venetian Silver Hallmarks




TUESDAY 'December 21, 2010, at 21

AT THE MADONNA in Via Gallarate OF CAMPAIGN # 10

to cut accompanied Panettone the toast, and exchange of greetings for Christmas holidays.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Retirement Fund Cartoon


È vicino alle poste centrali. Markus ha descritto per tutto il percorso i pregi dell’influenza tedesca sulla Lituania. Davanti a una strada che rompe maestosa e vagamente inutile il groviglio delle stradine dell’ex ghetto ebraico dice con enfasi “Questa l’hanno fatta i tedeschi!” Orgoglio che forse ha origine nella controversa spartizione tra nazisti e sovietici with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, under which the Lithuanians found themselves assigned to the iron regime of Soviet collectivization of property and, perhaps in contrast to rebel against the expropriation of individual goods and the eradication of their traditions systematically operated by the Soviets, sympathized for the Germans. At the wrong time.

"But where are the Jews of Vilnius?"

"In 1941 they were rounded up and brought up in one of the hills near 70,000 and killed on the spot immediately to machine guns . Her laugh has the rhythm of a hiccup. Despite the embarrassment, it sounds as if the immediate left of conviction and execution were a sign of civilization.

The entrance to the Circle of writers would indicate the interior: it is anonymous, like many a door, edged finish. Behind the door, dark hall, opens up a wooden staircase that is lost in a dark upstairs reported at one point only by the red glare of the shabby runner. The wood is brown scales, as well as the handrail in some places has lost the polishing force to be rubbed out of the hands acid (tannin tanned from cigarettes and cigars) writers. The lobby is dominated by a massive gallery, with railings by straight columns, which surrounds it and the ceiling is a rich chest adorned with stucco silver or gold, with stylized floral motifs. The glance is the austere magnificence of the traditional and exclusive British club reserved for wealthy people looking for seclusion. Then the cracks start to emerge.

The paint is peeling on the walls, exploded, torn from within. The Guardian, enclosed by a railing next to the entrance of wood, sits on an old chair smashed survived the destruction of an aircraft dell'Aeroflot (or maybe just like a plane seat). She looks typical of local women who have passed middle age: the face has been masculinized. Just make a comparison with the younger: the age, physical features seem to move away from the center of the face with the same determined slowness of continental drift. It prefigures the coming collapse of the expression. His shoulders high and wide to support a swimmer shapeless dress that falls to the lead. It looks like a cabinet lined with fabric with a hint of a mustache. Whoever asks the toilet, grabs him by the elbow and pushes him toward a staircase that descends into darkness introduced by watchful sentries, brooms, sticks, buckets and cleaning products. Responds to requests with abrupt gestures, waking from a busy intersection in the hour point and sending the other person in the right direction as if to invite a machine not to interfere.

roam In the bathroom copper pipes broken up a wall that is a geography of broken tiles. The light is weak, yellow. Everything is broken, disconnected, the floor is crisscrossed by cracks. Not to be too obvious a metaphor for the decay left open to visitors. They despise the Russians and civilization collectivized Soviet Union while continuing to use its legacy. Cleaning rags and ran aground in the furrows: piss here in the middle is the act of liberating survived a catastrophe.

The old door of the room the manager of the club on the ground floor is painted wood, studded with frames, which has been applied in recent times, a lock of white plastic fortune. Inside the trunk of some kind or character of the local culture Soviet jumped on a table. Everything comes down to pieces, furniture and desks (and old computers) are positioned as if they were in a warehouse. It is a place that has gone beyond the most vulgar parody to reach the sublime. On a low table with a box of dark chocolates, filled with a perfectly smooth surface, their appearance is an invitation bronze. No one sells them but try them is inevitable. Are dangerously good, seem to be the key to access an earlier era, when everything was dark, shiny and safe, the product of an idea without a smudge and uncertainties. An idea that pierced every weakness.

Finally, the reading room in the conference, a triumph of stucco, drapes and dusty remnants including an old cast-iron stove in the corner. A golden place, almost hot, when people listen carefully. "You do not care what his parents say when they read the novel?"

timing: October 12, 2010 - photo: courtesy A. Ruchat

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Many Calories In Skirt Steak


continuous mobilization of students who occupied the room k3

below the schedule of upcoming mobilizations

November 7: H 10.00 WILD PARADE TO CAMPUS
November 9: H 9.00 manifestations ION STUDENT @ BARRIER BIXIO
November 11: H 20:00 HALL K3 FACULTY OF ARTS: MEETING OPEN meeting with the people, movements, associations and trade unions for the reconstruction of the struggle to December 14
December 14: National demonstration UNITED AGAINST THE CRISIS IN ROME @: x info and reservations contact the students classroom k3
classroom k3 letters

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Diabetes Breakthrough 2010

NEWS '2011.

For the Minutes of the meeting and news 2011 Click HERE
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to the rules of the 2011 season Click HERE
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Texas High School Track And Field Order Of Events


On November 29 14:00 k3 in the classroom of the Faculty of Arts, held a meeting at which it joined a large number of university and high school students.

After a large debate held up to 16 among students, researchers and professors has decided to start tomorrow, November 30, a general mobilization, which will include all the really outraged by the reforms implemented by the Minister Maria Stella Gelmini. The draft bill to be approved in the House tomorrow is a clear affront to the university system, research development, and especially the future of a generation as the only guarantee is a life of insecurity.

At the conclusion of a party is self procession that crossed the city blocking the main arteries of the heart.

By the end of Via Mazzini students have taken forces order that, expecting a clash in Piazza Garibaldi, the presence of Maroni, are stunned by seeing the students go running to the Chancellor. The demonstrators occupied the Rectory after Parmesan, have sought in vain a dialogue with the Chancellor who has essentially rejected the invitation bunkered down in his office and thus demonstrating very little regard for students who legitimately complain.

The procession then left the building continued to block the city, at the station and the Bridge of Nations, again through Via D'Azeglio, he headed the Faculty of beds occupied.

Tomorrow in Piazza Garibaldi is scheduled for 10:00 a strong mobilization of university students which will add the average to 13.30. So even

Parma supports the student protests that are going through the whole peninsula and wants to give the ultimate test of general indignation that for years we lived in school and university students.

indignation generated by a criminal method of dealing with this terrible crisis by cutting the research and the education system and financing public works and unnecessary war.

A country that does not invest on education, is a country that forgets the future, and a country that forgets the future is destined to collapse in the rubble of its past.

The future we create students and today we are ready to resume with the tooth and nail!

students and students, researchers and scientists, and all the living body of our universities are in the streets, on rooftops and in the occupied faculties, above all the famous monuments of the Italian cities, to defend the future of all students, the precarious and a common good as the university is vital to our society and our country. Although we can no longer stand still in front of what is happening. Our future is at stake and we need to regain speech, the indignation, the action and our own lives. We want to hear ourselves architects of our training and to be protagonists of a university and a country that relegates young people a marginal discipline, subordination, exploitation and insecurity. Now we must mobilize ourselves because we all know that the anger still burns in our hearts and that the government, the minister Gelmini can not count on our silence, but only on our anger.

November 30
Parma - Traffic tilt for the entire day and employment of the railway tracks against the Reform Gelmini
Although the House approved the bill we not give up!

From 10 am to 19 pm, the average university students and were able to continuously traffic jams, wild processions throughout the city center, have unrolled a banner from the Teatro Regio, in solidarity with the workers' protests against the show cuts to culture, have occupied for over an hour the tracks of the station of Parma, causing severe delays on the Milan-Bologna, under the eyes amazed by law enforcement agencies that have found themselves more and more helpless in times of sudden changes in the route of the procession and real blitz.

The procession ended at 19 and reached the Faculty of Arts, occupied since last night, to come together and for making efforts to organize in the coming days, given the approval of the House Ddl Gelmini.

One thing however is certain: the courage, radicalism and the determination expressed today by the procession of Parma and from those of all Italy, have not scared anyone, in fact, have prompted more students to take to the streets to block this reform groped destructive.

Employment of Arts in fact continue, given the large influx of new people, even in these hours, going through the room occupied with the desire to participate in the upcoming mobilizations.

Although Ddl Gelmini was voted in the House, we will not give up! Increasingly convinced that the Senate will not come!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Michael Graves Skiing


29 and November 30

UNIVERSITY 'IS A GOOD TOWN! Pupils and students, researchers and scientists, and all the living body of our universities are in the streets, on rooftops and in the occupied faculties, above all the famous monuments of the Italian cities, to defend the future of all students, temporary workers and a common good as the university is vital to our society and our country. Although we can no longer stand still in front of what is happening.

Our future is at stake and we need to regain speech, the indignation, the action and our own lives. We want to hear ourselves architects of our training and to be protagonists of a university and a country which relegates young people a marginal discipline, subordination, exploitation and insecurity. Now we must mobilize ourselves because we all know that the anger still burns in our hearts and that the government, the minister Gelmini can not count on our silence, but only on our anger.
Monday, November 29 at 14.00 assembly of letters to university to decide the demonstrations on Tuesday and re-launch the struggle of the university, Tuesday, November 30 at 10.00 in Piazza Garibaldi mobilization university. At 13:30 the students will join high school. If we stop the future we block the city!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Lorazepam And Cold Meds


Designs for exhibition "BiroShow", made with ballpoint pen, black ink on sheets of paper cm31x23 Newsprint, colored with materials from everyday life ... The White Gallery, Via Felice Casati 26, Milan, 2 December 2010-15 February 2011: