Tuesday, December 14, 2010

English Viintage Pram

There'll notice: Bokassa has won the confidence thanks to a couple of abstentions (the South Tyrolean People's Party, who had already agreed with him in exchange for the Park Stelvio) and a few votes "traitors" (the popular vote gabbana) opposition.

The result was di 311 favorevoli e 314 contrari: dunque 2 sono stati i voti discriminanti per la vittoria dell'Antropofago, due persone col cuore gonfio di responsabilità istituzionale verso Patria, Nazione, Bandiera e Culo.
Il proprio bel Culo. Che indubbiamente merita la maiuscola, vista l'importanza che tale apparato riveste nella vita politica moderna.

Scelgo quindi due deputati (e - di conseguenza - i loro Onorevoli Culi) tra i transfughi: Catia Polidori e Domenico Scilipoti.

nata a Città di Castello (PG), da sempre finiana di ferro, è cugina di Francesco Polidori, patron the CEPU, a great supporter of Bokassa. Just she opened the proceedings the first convention of FLI in Perugia, speaking of "human dignity" and other cows Demago-Campanile, December 2 arrives at said on its website (we also put the pictures because for me does not last long ..) that FLI is to be "cohesive and compact .. ..". Exactly.

One would expect this extraordinary local roots, tenacity in spreading the culture of Umbria and being a "de Fracchæno (Fracchia, village near Citta di Castello) have projected in the Parliament, the protagonist a plebiscite in the Umbrian sauce. In fact, in 2008 our Tifernate queen of consistency is elected in the Veneto 2. Truffle and Osei.

in August instructed his cousin Francis has made available its structure to pick up votes at the Cape, in the hope - not even too larvae - an education law that treats the model CEPU to university and that includes the company related funding in the rain, when, just a month before, Bokassa in the person spoke during a conference organized by CEPU to emphasize the importance of private education and to spread the usual finger shit about Rosy Bindi as "female non- handsome. "

Our Catia (as our "castelæna) ha dato una bella stretta al bullone che lega il trono di Bokassa al suo Regale Culo. Ma il faticoso impegno profuso a nulla sarebbe valso senza l'intervento di un Onorevole collega, corso in aiuto della Polidori a darle manforte nel lavoro di consolidamento del berluscano.

ferreo sostenitore dell'agopuntura.

Esaurito qui l'elenco delle virtù del deputato in questione, analizziamo il suo travagliato percorso politico: fino a qualche giorno fa era membro dell'Italia dei Valori di Antonio Di Pietro, poi si è reso conto che il suo capo partito è un giustizialista, uno che ha accettato nelle proprie liste a former piduista (Giuseppe Caleffi, card No. 762, proposed in 2006 in Sardinia), one that in the last legislature has never raised the issue of electoral law, real cause of the moral ruin of Italy.

Today has thought that ".. the moral and political unity of the whole nation .." can be represented by Bokassa, Card No. 1862, what the law Calderoli (cd porcellum) wanted it.

Luckily Scilipoti Declarations ".. .. I'm with the Italians, with the emphasis where it should be and entrusting his thoughts to the web site, funny video hive where you can find" only .. part of the reason .. " of his choice: between the various contributions there are two excerpts from the movie "The Ladies" by Toto, one of which tells the pre-election meeting in which Mr Tripe is engaged in the refreshment stands to exchange vows with contracts. Here is one of the inspirations for choosing Scilipoti: there suggests it himself from the moralizing sublime Italian custom. Many will understand ..

This morning, in which it voted no confidence in Piazza San Silvestro a group of immigrants staged a demonstration in support of Hon. Domenico Scilipoti: they also said they were paid by Scilipoti same for staging.

If you take into account their Ass from these ladies: are sitting on a goldmine!

Republic TV - Demonstration pro-Scilipoti


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