Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Do The 2nd World War Word Railings Mean

Parma, a city divided in two

Presentazione del workshop di fotografia sociale realizzato in ottobre/dicembre 2010 da Giulio Di Meo in collaborazione con l'associazione “Le Giraffe”.

Il progetto fotografico "Parma, una città divisa in due" verrà presentato giovedì 16 dicembre, dalle ore 19.30, presso la Casa Cantoniera Autogestita, in via Mantova 24, con la presenza di Giulio di Meo e dei fotografi dell'associazione "Le Giraffe".


Parma è da sempre nell’immaginario pubblico una città ricca, borghese, elegante.

A quiet city, where "life is good."

The stream from the historic center of Parma luxurious palaces, the main square and the cathedral district Oltretorrente, which best represents the heart and blood color of Parma, with its authenticity, sincerity and generosity. In the villages of the true soul of the city still echo the feats of the Arditi del Popolo and the memory of Guido Picelli the barricades against fascism.

is the fourth most multiracial city, with the largest concentration of foreign immigrants.

Here, where old and new coexist, survive social gathering places where people still have stories to tell. Stories that seem to be a natural continuation of those newcomers, as this district has always hosted the most distant and different people. It is this other

Parma we tried to tell with the photo, some investigating the reality of particular social interest that it seemed best to express the spirit of simple daily life, the normal life of these places. The Parma Oltretorrente and Arci, that of multi-ethnic football team "La Paz" social and market gardens, the House and the network Cantoniera rights at home.

We hope that our work can give a direct image and faithful the people we met there and the doors were opened.

"Parma, a city divided in two" is the result of the selection of the hundreds of pictures.


Fabrizio Bertolini

Greta Bertolotti

Anna Francesca Campanini


Matteo Fanti


Elisa gowns


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