Monday, December 13, 2010

Polaroid Film 600 Prague

Accommodation Accommodation Chernobyl Chernobyl

Not the title of the next sausage cine-steam-punk, and then forget Boldi vs Gamera. It 's something more ominous and intimately pervasive: it is a news .

Minister of Emergencies of the Republic of Ukraine Viktor Balogh announced that from early next year it will be possible to make excursions on the site of the most dramatic nuclear incident (known) history, including it among the tourist destinations of a trip "Memory". In other words: the discovery of ancient and modern Ukraine.

In the old starts to be counted also the same disaster, which occurred April 26, 1986 at 1:23:45 (!) And the desire to relegate the story a tragedy of such proportions that it is more understandable, however, the situation yet fully returned to normal, and despite the last reactor was disabled 10 years ago, for 2015 is planned the construction of a new "sarcophagus" for the full containment structure, as the concrete cover that has been set up at the time did not appear to be decisive.

addition la radioattività che infesta quei luoghi, come parte della Russia e dalla Bielorussia, impiegherà alcune centinaia di anni prima di disperdersi e ritornare entro limiti tollerabili. Certo oggi è differente, non è stato vano il sacrificio di quanti hanno eroicamente bonificato l'area, esponendosi 40 secondi per volta alla pioggia di Roentgens che zampillava da ogni detrito e morendo di tumore in uno stillicidio che non è ancora cessato.

La mia domanda è: vi andrebbe di farci un giro? Prendereste un pullman da Kiev per poter sbirciare aldilà dei cancelli della catastrofe? Andreste ad esercitare la memoria in un posto in cui, appena prima di rimontare in corriera, vi fanno uno screening per verificare Curie who have in the body, were not even a shell that is caught to take home as souvenirs?

The concept of "journey of Memory" is beautiful, noble and to be encouraged, but an account is a concentration camp where thousands of people were massacred, now rises to a symbol is intended to stimulate and reflection of the visitor, an account is a nuclear site "off" amidst a sea of \u200b\u200bdeath dotted with ghost towns, visiting the risks as well as the skin even in 79 AD it was too early to visit Herculaneum.

And what "memory" we should exercise, since the images of children born after the explosion are so similar to those of victims of the fury of the Reich, but it is nice to remember them outside the quotation marks of "the poor children of Chernobyl" and therefore it is rare that someone or something we do remember them. Fortunately that here there is a few atomic power stations ..

However, it is found recently to go on holiday to Chernobyl: simply do a search online to find travel agencies already offer a number of years on the excursion between the site of the disaster their packages, at relatively modest ($ 500US if you want the exclusivity of a personalized visit, but up to $ 100us head if you can pull together a coach with more than 30 enthusiastic walkers). If you still have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to present those areas, try to visit , run by Elena, a Ukrainian motorcyclist at high speed across the region taking photographs.

And what does the shopping dall'ortolano with a Geiger counter.
It 's his memo.


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