Friday, August 13, 2010

How To Level Hero Mount And Blade


Voler conoscere uno scrittore perché si amano i suoi romanzi è un’aberrazione, ma come si può definire il caso di uno scrittore che vuole farci conoscere la sua vita per evitare di essere identificato con gli aspetti più “scorretti” della sua opera?

Purtroppo questo è il caso di J.G. Ballard che ne I miracoli della vita ( Miracles of Life , edito in Italia da Feltrinelli) rinnega l’implacabile geometria dei suoi written to seek an acquittal near death. Even admits, at the end of which was his doctor who suggested to write his autobiography that, once recognized his status as terminally ill and in anticipation of the inevitable solution to the evil. Thus, a therapeutic writing that goes to muddy the surgical precision than previously produced by Ballard. What emerges is a pervasive desire to reassure the reader (and he himself), close to his death. But what about the rim of the abyss on which we did look out of the stripping of the horizon of history and anthropology (and social and psychological, to be honest) made with books like Atrocity Exhibition or Crash? The end of civilization as extreme nullification of being told in stories and novels, split mimetic "fiction", in which the inner space overflows to become an ambiguous global landscape? Of autobiography that put into play the historical point of view to clear right and wrong, good and evil, as implied in Empire of the Sun or The Kindness of Women ? All

denied, betrayed by the urgency to feel the weight of feelings. JG Ballard suddenly feels the need to explain the importance it had for him the things he has done, almost I implore the reader to remember his life and his work. Or better yet, read his books as a result of a project abstract and not a vocation. Explain every background and every moment of its existence, in most cases separated from what he wrote, almost apologetically, if at times his lyrics are knives tucked in the heart of the hypocritical so-called reality, bringing everything to a mild family home, full of family photos of parents, children, wives and inspections. He wants to say it was a nice and daredevil child, a loving husband, caring father, a boy ... even indulge in gossip cloying, boosting the bass player of voyeurism to the system approved dei best-seller, quando un tempo il suo era invece un voyeurismo che scendeva implacabile nelle profondità inammissibili della psiche.

L’unica soluzione possibile è togliere questo volume zuppo di patetismo dalla bibliografia di Ballard.


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