Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Do Dogs Smack Their Lips

Gli studenti medi si mobilitano contro il caro prezzi dei trasporti pubblici

In response to the price of public transport, students from Parma were mobilized to demand financial aid, as this rise is yet another obstacle to access to education, a right that as stated in our constitution must be guaranteed!

Furthermore this is totally unjustified given that inflation is not motivated neither by an improvement of the service, nor even by a strengthening of the lines.

Today March 12, during a day of widespread demonstrations across Italy against the Gelmini Law and cuts of the Berlusconi government, the students decided to take to the streets per dire che anche nel Comune di Parma la gestione della cosa pubblica viene fatta a suon di tagli e privatizzazioni in perfetta continuità con la linea di governo. Gli studenti oltre scontrarsi giornalmente con gli effetti prodotti dalla legge Gelmini in termini di impoverimento dei percorsi formativi, di tagli ai laboratori e di abbandono delle strutture scolastiche, devono far fronte anche a impedimenti di ordine economico per raggiungere fisicamente la propria scuola, soprattutto se si abita fuori città.

Dopo essersi radunati in Piazza Garibaldi, gli studenti si sono mossi in carovana lungo le vie del centro e hanno bloccato gli autobus. Sono saliti a bordo e hanno distribuito tickets a zero euro, validi tutto il giorno, condivisibili scambiabili. They then brought the passengers to hand over his ticket stamped but still valid (which is often used for a few minutes and thrown away) who is about to go on public transport.

The high prices of public buses in fact the reality is not just about students but all citizens, forced to pay this unfair charge to go to school, work or shopping.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Pothos Grow

6.5-kg rainbow. The lake

trout caught in the Castellana, Bruno is not new
a catch like that.

Remove Hair On Vagian

La Paz! vi invita a cena per sostenere un progetto di sport contro il razzismo e l'esclusione

At your kind attention,

The project La Paz! is pleased to invite you to dinner scheduled for Sunday, March 20 self-financing, at 20:30, at the Circle in Piazzale Santa Caterina Zerbini 1, Parma.

The dinner will be held on the occasion of the "Parma European city of sport" at the end of a three-day anti-racism on Sport:

-Friday, March 18 at the Circle of Inzani Moletolo: Conference on Sport with the anti-racism participation of Mauro Valeri, writer and sociologist who directed the National Observatory on xenophobia from 1992 to 1996 and since 2005 has been responsible for the Centre on Racism and anti-racism in football;

-Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 at the Sports Complex Moletolo: Tournament "Let's kick the exclusion."

take advantage of this invitation to spend two words about our project anti-racist football.

June 2010: Thanks to the Association Yabasta! Parma Parma UISP and supporting, born racist Lapaz football team!

Lapaz! is a project designed to combat, through sport, racism and discrimination prevalent in our society and to promote contact and the relationship between cultures and different people.

"La Paz" is the name of the football team to 11 anti-racist and multicultural military amateur championship in the 2010/2011 UISP Parma.

Italy burns talents, and interpretation of laws on the granting of citizenship are discriminatory and the sport is adapting, perched on himself, frightened by trasformazioni del Paese negli ultimi anni.

Il calcio ha perso il suo ruolo originario di mezzo di aggregazione e socialità, centrando sempre di più i suoi interessi sull’aspetto economico.

I contratti milionari,calcio scommesse, vendita dei diritti televisivi e d’immagine, quotazioni in borsa delle società calcistiche, privatizzazione degli stadi e degli impianti sportivi, sono solo alcune delle tappe che hanno contribuito alla trasformazione dello sport più popolare d'Italia.

Ad aggravare questo scenario gli atteggiamenti razzisti da parte degli stessi giocatori e delle tifoserie.

A Parma, lo sforzo delle associazioni sportive e delle istituzioni locali per sviluppare through sport projects of integration and solidarity is remarkable and the project "La Paz" is to operate in a context that already much being done to promote the rejection of racism and sports solidarity.

The project "La Paz" is meant to develop football in the amateur environment not free from racism, which often result in the removal of young people through sport. "La Paz" aims to promote the participation of all sports and in football, regardless of place and culture of origin, in order to stimulate and grow a dedicated sports culture of inclusion and mutual respect.

Racism is often the product of a cultural context characterized by ideological closures and ignorance, inability to meet and know "the other". Through the project we would rather develop relationships among different people today share the same living space and social, geographical and institutional cultures and build bridges between seemingly irreconcilable.

Often the migrants themselves to erect walls between their communities and that indigenous peoples: through sports, we believe that this form of closure and isolation can be demolished.

The project is aimed at breaking down the barriers (social, cultural, political, religious) that divide people, and the intent to build a football team that shares the values \u200b\u200bof anti-and peace between peoples. The team, being composed of different people who come from different parts of the world, represents an opportunity for a firsthand integration projects on the territory of Parmesan cheese.

And now we come to the evening's menu:

- Lasagne;

- meat and vegetarian cous cous with fresh seasonal vegetables;

- Chicken with sweet onions and spicy sauce

(Central African recipe, the migrant women in the Italian language school "Why no");

- Bread flour Full biological

- natural and biodynamic wine of the "united valley" coming from the hills of Tortona;

- Coffee

The kitchen will make use of cooks and chefs from different integration projects and active solidarity in the city of Parma

(the ass. Why not, the ass. Ya Basta! the ass. Without Borders).

The dishes are prepared with natural products and, where possible, zero km, through the use of products "Mercatiniera" genuine self-productions of the market that takes place every first and third Saturday of each month in the House Cantoniera of Parma.

The price of dinner is € 20 per person.

The proceeds will finance the project "La Paz" (Sports equipment, sports equipment, self sull'antirazzismo events, promotion of events aimed at the inclusion and integration).

We look forward to support our project of solidarity and anti-racist sport!

For more information and booking:

Francesco Andrea 3403234126 3299342066

(Please send your reservation by Thursday, March 17)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

We salute

La Paz! Parma

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sultan Sandane Bed Line

Nasce "La crepa"

Theatre, communication and research. @
keeper's cottage

There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

(Leonard Cohen - "Anthem")

--- We need to say things. Take positions and express points of view.

We need to make it through the theater, a civic theater. Perhaps political theater.

Definitely a research theater, scenic, drammaturgica, poetica, in grado di raccontare passato e presente con un linguaggio forte, che ci aiuti a guardare al futuro.

Con il teatro non si fa la rivoluzione. E neanche si mangia, pensa qualcuno.

Ma noi crediamo possa sollevare dei veli, sciogliere l'inerzia, smuovere la polvere e liberare il pensiero.

Cerchiamo persone che abbiano voglia di fare questo teatro con noi, persone che vogliano iniziare una ricerca che parta dalla scena e arrivi chissà dove. Lontanissimo, molto in fondo, dentro qualcosa che ancora non conosciamo... Non sappiamo dove andremo a finire, non sappiamo cosa scopriremo, chi sarà con noi, ma abbiamo idee da condividere, un progetto da realizzare, una comunità a cui wear it.

Crack is not a drama workshop. It 's a project, open, free, in which everyone is invited to invest in its jurisdiction. Seep through the crack we want ideas, memory, change.

create is to resist, resist is to create

(Stéphane Hessel - "Indignez vous!")

Wedding Thank You Wording To Vendors

La violenza non ha nulla di amichevole!

Meet in Piazza Garibaldi Wednesday 9 March at 18.30.

On 9 March we will be back to square driven by the need to meet again after the nth event of violence by police against women. As we read about national news stories, 4 March in Rome, a woman was raped by three policemen in the barracks and a policeman. It seems ironic that those who should protect our security is very often the first to compromise when the lights go out inside of cells, barracks or CIE, fearless because they are aware of their role.

This is not the only case, unfortunately, but only the latest in a long series of which there is also the case of Joy, the Nigerian girl was raped in the CIE where held. We find it intolerable that all this takes place and above all that these men who should be the guarantor of order and public safety go unpunished, and then feel empowered to violate even our bodies. We are outraged that women suffer more violence in these situations of detention as Joy migrants, single mothers, like the woman of Roma women or otherwise rendered "weak" as blackmail.

Violence has nothing friendly

are all investigated for rape, although with different roles, the three Quadraro police station and the traffic policemen involved in the investigation of rape took place in Rome in the barracks against a woman Italian for 32 years, a single mother to stop theft.

These are the words of one of the suspects:

"Sexual intercourse with the woman occurred in a situation totally friendly. La cella era aperta e lei ci ha chiesto di poter mangiare e bere qualcosa, poi abbiamo avuto un rapporto con lei, ma la donna era consenziente. In caserma c'era un altro carabiniere che era in servizio di piantone ed era presente anche il vigile fuori servizio che era uscito con noi. Il rapporto sessuale con la donna è avvenuto in una situazione totalmente amichevole».

Una ragazza madre precaria, umiliata da un aiuto statale di 400 euro al mese, costretta a rubare in un supermercato, viene arrestata e stuprata.

Le forze dell'ordine, gli stupratori, sono in attesa di giudizio.

Dal punto di vista mediatico cosa sarebbe successo se fosse stato un migrante sprovvisto di permesso di soggiorno a commettere lo stesso reato?

How many women do not report out of shame or because they have no residence permit?

The migrants are the first victims of the rapes and violence because they can not complain: those that do are sent back to their country of origin, expelled in the war zones.

The anger over the story of Rome has given us, in fact, revived the story of Joy, a 29 year old Nigerian woman who was raped in 2008 in the CIE where he was held.

It can be said that if the uniform is a free-pass, pat on the back and transfer / sospesione not be allowed to stay instead of a death sentence without trial?

In recent days there have been reported to the nth violence against the female body by the police.

not a paradox that authorities should protect all citizens in the streets are the same as in the closed barracks rape and rape of women taken into minority status and physical and psychological which is that of a person in jail?

There is a link between this violence and our political climate where women are used for the amusement of those who should guarantee the rights?

Because there are apparently guaranteed rights and violators go unpunished?

And because they are just representatives of the State?

If there is no security in a state that rape, who is to oversee the overseers?

March 9 to express our outrage at the violence with impunity, for all women who die at the hands men inside their home and all those who have the right to dream a better life but the mere fact of running away from countries in war and torture are detained or rejected Cie in hell. For all of them for ourselves and say ENOUGH!

Bring signs, markers, lipstick and a lot of anger by yelling at the violence and sexism!

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Herb Garden In Nebraska

Channel. Opening

. A good example of
lake, which our socio
Richard has had the pleasure of catching under the central

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Best Color Remover

Dentro al Cie di Via Mattei. Condannati all'orrore?

Report of the visit to Cie after the invasion of the network assets Welcome
The first time I entered a detention center Administrative migrants was in January 2002. Chiarini was the former barracks of Bologna, Via Mattei. In reality the detention center (CPT) had not yet been opened, but the structure was virtually complete and together with my comrades and I had decided that the opposition to the legal and human shame had to go through an act of clear, that by saying that only a prison where people are locked up for what they are and not for crimes they had committed an abomination and as such had to be canceled. In 200 we were climbing over walls and entered the gates, we had taken apart piece by piece: cages, electrical, plumbing, cameras ... in a few hours we had made a useless ethnic prison.

Since then, a thousand times we found ourselves out of that wall to challenge the political function, economic and cultural center of that prison "administrative", who practice ethnic segregation legitimized the exploitation of migrant labor, the stratification of rights and the spread of racism. During one such initiative, in April 2004, we have been accomplices in the escape of 17 migrants. The images of migrants fleeing through the fields as the sun sets are indelible in my memory.

Other times I have heard many migrants detained in Via Mattei tell despair, suffering, violence, detention in those cages, remember that once, shaken by the telephone conversation with a Moroccan man locked up for days in the CPT, I went to Cesena to meet his wife and children which had been separated because they left without permission, I needed to share their pain, but above all the indignation and anger.

But yesterday I could get inside without bypass, the main entrance, along with the delegation of the Advocate De Caro and Councillors Regional Sconciaforni and Meo. A remarkable achievement gained through the invasion of CIE (Centre for Identification and Expulsion) in the morning by a hundred companions of the social centers of the Veneto, Marche and Veneto.

I thought I already tried and tested, after years of interviews with migrants in and out of the CIE, fully prepared to "visit", but I was wrong big.

The place itself is alienating a squalid and dilapidated bunkers of reinforced concrete and bars. Even the beds and lockers are in reinforced concrete, anchored to the floor and walls. The bathrooms and showers have no doors, the fixtures are made of steel. The migrants are "free" to leave dalla propria stanza che si affaccia su un cortile di asfalto recintato da sbarre molto alte, possono persino andare in una stanzetta, rigorosamente senza finestre, adibita a moschea (materassi di gommapiuma per terra), ma sempre sorvegliati a vista da polizia ed esercito. La presenza dell'esercito è una conseguenza della campagna contro il degrado e la sicurezza nelle città, una novità dall'agosto 2008.

Immediatamente mi hanno colpito la disperazione e la sofferenza piscologica dei giovani detenuti, costretti a ciondolare un giorno dopo l'altro in questo non-luogo perché una legge folle li condanna ad essere irregolari, li marchia con il reato di clandestinità, li punisce con la detenzione amministrativa e con il carcere (Many have served their sentence in prison for failing to auto-expelled when they received the decree of expulsion). A young man tells me that the Maghreb is not well, you cut the veins in front of me, his friends begged me to watch, Regard, Regard, show me the blood that drips down. Now come two operators of Mercy to take him to the infirmary, but he opposes it, calling me, telling me not take it anymore, "help, are toxic," he says. He is not alone, at least two other boys told me they were drug addicts, who were followed from the mobile out of Sert. Many show me your wrists with the scars of recent cuts: c'est the stress, you comprends, c'est the stress! Stress ... I translate with despair, nervous breakdown ... means to get out of my head. In the women's wing

forty-five there are women of all nationalities. Cie stationed at a minimum of one month, many for three months. I meet a few, a nanny in Italy for seven years fifty expulsion, and so unable to groped the lottery flows decree or amnesty. Chinese young people newly arrived in Italy, a couple of Moroccan girls, a young daughter of Serbian refugees from former Yugoslavia. But I can not stop them, the visit is to continue, I urge to go back to the director of the center and the police inspector who guide us through the departments. But just three minutes to realize that even here the situation is the limit and they themselves were at the limit, especially a girl is suffering, stands by a miracle, take me aside and tells me he is HIV positive, while the others show me another migrant, is deaf, mute me they say. How can an AIDS patient can stay in a place like this, without assistance, no care ... and for a person who does not hear and does not speak, detention in a Cie is not equivalent to torture perhaps? In the male ward

almost all speak French, many voices, many stories, so many questions. Retained in the department of fifty men, well boys are forty-five Tunisians arrived in Italy after taking part in rebellions against the government of Ben Ali. E sono increduli, non accettano che possano essere stati rinchiusi come delinquenti in un carcere, dopo aver rischiato la vita nelle piazze, sulla barca verso l'Italia. “Vogliamo solo la pace, la libertà. Perché ci tengono qui, cosa abbiamo fatto?”. Sembra che nessuno si sia preso la briga di parlare con loro e di dare spiegazioni. Dai racconti capisco che le procedure di trasferimento da Lampedusa a qui sono state sbrigative, che non sono stati informati nemmeno sulla possibilità di presentare domanda di protezione. Non mi stupisce, questi giovani arrivati dalla Tunisia sono stati trattati come pacchi, una massa da smistare nei vari centri, nessun colloquio individuale, nessuna analisi della loro condizione. Difficile comprendere su quali evaluations have been transferred into Cara (Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers), or ICE, meanwhile others with whom they have made the trip by boat have already arrived in France and they phoned to say they are fine. Forty-five

that meeting I have just arrived and are already illegal. Certainly will not be returned but will be taken out by CIE with orders to move away from individual territory within five days, as happened to others in the past few days Tunisian Via Mattei.

In front of the epochal upheaval of social and political structures of countries south of the Mediterranean we find ourselves again faced with the paradox of immigration policy: the Government Italian irregular says the alarm at the same time six thousand undocumented factory brand new from "spilled" in the area. Six thousand irregular life, trapped in the mesh of a law that keeps them irregular and desperate. I have just arrived in Italy, but the process of dehumanization has already begun, if a month ago these guys were in the streets to demonstrate for democracy, now in their form of protest is to ignite their prison break and the few things that are not anchored to the ground to establish a connection, a hug, with those from outside wants to erode the boundaries that separate us.

E 'a circle of hell, the migrants and the migrants I met today are doomed forever for the only crime that he rebelled against the dictatorship of fear and violence of borders, but also our society as seen by the walls of the CIE appears to me no hope. What future can there be for a society that tramples and excludes the people in this way, the disintegration of the dignity and the will? What relationship will want to build with me, with us, with this country / migrants after the miserable experience of segregation for two, three, six months in a horrible place?

seems doomed to a relationship based on hate.

But I do not want to be part of this sentence: my dignity and my will is strong.

After this March 1 con i detenuti del CIE mi sembra ancora più urgente ritrovarsi ed organizzarsi tra “indisponibili all'indifferenza”, per ideare e sperimentare nuove forme di un rifiuto concreto e reale ad un orizzonte di divisioni e ingiustizie che insistono ad imporci come normalità

Neva, Sportello Migranti TPO

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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leggi la cronaca multimediale

Are You Looking For A Free Russian Tortaise?

trout Reserve "Channel" 2011

Photo opening the 2011 season, a good day with members
satisfied with the catch, all they have done.