Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Best Color Remover

Dentro al Cie di Via Mattei. Condannati all'orrore?

Report of the visit to Cie after the invasion of the network assets Welcome
The first time I entered a detention center Administrative migrants was in January 2002. Chiarini was the former barracks of Bologna, Via Mattei. In reality the detention center (CPT) had not yet been opened, but the structure was virtually complete and together with my comrades and I had decided that the opposition to the legal and human shame had to go through an act of clear, that by saying that only a prison where people are locked up for what they are and not for crimes they had committed an abomination and as such had to be canceled. In 200 we were climbing over walls and entered the gates, we had taken apart piece by piece: cages, electrical, plumbing, cameras ... in a few hours we had made a useless ethnic prison.

Since then, a thousand times we found ourselves out of that wall to challenge the political function, economic and cultural center of that prison "administrative", who practice ethnic segregation legitimized the exploitation of migrant labor, the stratification of rights and the spread of racism. During one such initiative, in April 2004, we have been accomplices in the escape of 17 migrants. The images of migrants fleeing through the fields as the sun sets are indelible in my memory.

Other times I have heard many migrants detained in Via Mattei tell despair, suffering, violence, detention in those cages, remember that once, shaken by the telephone conversation with a Moroccan man locked up for days in the CPT, I went to Cesena to meet his wife and children which had been separated because they left without permission, I needed to share their pain, but above all the indignation and anger.

But yesterday I could get inside without bypass, the main entrance, along with the delegation of the Advocate De Caro and Councillors Regional Sconciaforni and Meo. A remarkable achievement gained through the invasion of CIE (Centre for Identification and Expulsion) in the morning by a hundred companions of the social centers of the Veneto, Marche and Veneto.

I thought I already tried and tested, after years of interviews with migrants in and out of the CIE, fully prepared to "visit", but I was wrong big.

The place itself is alienating a squalid and dilapidated bunkers of reinforced concrete and bars. Even the beds and lockers are in reinforced concrete, anchored to the floor and walls. The bathrooms and showers have no doors, the fixtures are made of steel. The migrants are "free" to leave dalla propria stanza che si affaccia su un cortile di asfalto recintato da sbarre molto alte, possono persino andare in una stanzetta, rigorosamente senza finestre, adibita a moschea (materassi di gommapiuma per terra), ma sempre sorvegliati a vista da polizia ed esercito. La presenza dell'esercito è una conseguenza della campagna contro il degrado e la sicurezza nelle città, una novità dall'agosto 2008.

Immediatamente mi hanno colpito la disperazione e la sofferenza piscologica dei giovani detenuti, costretti a ciondolare un giorno dopo l'altro in questo non-luogo perché una legge folle li condanna ad essere irregolari, li marchia con il reato di clandestinità, li punisce con la detenzione amministrativa e con il carcere (Many have served their sentence in prison for failing to auto-expelled when they received the decree of expulsion). A young man tells me that the Maghreb is not well, you cut the veins in front of me, his friends begged me to watch, Regard, Regard, show me the blood that drips down. Now come two operators of Mercy to take him to the infirmary, but he opposes it, calling me, telling me not take it anymore, "help, are toxic," he says. He is not alone, at least two other boys told me they were drug addicts, who were followed from the mobile out of Sert. Many show me your wrists with the scars of recent cuts: c'est the stress, you comprends, c'est the stress! Stress ... I translate with despair, nervous breakdown ... means to get out of my head. In the women's wing

forty-five there are women of all nationalities. Cie stationed at a minimum of one month, many for three months. I meet a few, a nanny in Italy for seven years fifty expulsion, and so unable to groped the lottery flows decree or amnesty. Chinese young people newly arrived in Italy, a couple of Moroccan girls, a young daughter of Serbian refugees from former Yugoslavia. But I can not stop them, the visit is to continue, I urge to go back to the director of the center and the police inspector who guide us through the departments. But just three minutes to realize that even here the situation is the limit and they themselves were at the limit, especially a girl is suffering, stands by a miracle, take me aside and tells me he is HIV positive, while the others show me another migrant, is deaf, mute me they say. How can an AIDS patient can stay in a place like this, without assistance, no care ... and for a person who does not hear and does not speak, detention in a Cie is not equivalent to torture perhaps? In the male ward

almost all speak French, many voices, many stories, so many questions. Retained in the department of fifty men, well boys are forty-five Tunisians arrived in Italy after taking part in rebellions against the government of Ben Ali. E sono increduli, non accettano che possano essere stati rinchiusi come delinquenti in un carcere, dopo aver rischiato la vita nelle piazze, sulla barca verso l'Italia. “Vogliamo solo la pace, la libertà. Perché ci tengono qui, cosa abbiamo fatto?”. Sembra che nessuno si sia preso la briga di parlare con loro e di dare spiegazioni. Dai racconti capisco che le procedure di trasferimento da Lampedusa a qui sono state sbrigative, che non sono stati informati nemmeno sulla possibilità di presentare domanda di protezione. Non mi stupisce, questi giovani arrivati dalla Tunisia sono stati trattati come pacchi, una massa da smistare nei vari centri, nessun colloquio individuale, nessuna analisi della loro condizione. Difficile comprendere su quali evaluations have been transferred into Cara (Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers), or ICE, meanwhile others with whom they have made the trip by boat have already arrived in France and they phoned to say they are fine. Forty-five

that meeting I have just arrived and are already illegal. Certainly will not be returned but will be taken out by CIE with orders to move away from individual territory within five days, as happened to others in the past few days Tunisian Via Mattei.

In front of the epochal upheaval of social and political structures of countries south of the Mediterranean we find ourselves again faced with the paradox of immigration policy: the Government Italian irregular says the alarm at the same time six thousand undocumented factory brand new from "spilled" in the area. Six thousand irregular life, trapped in the mesh of a law that keeps them irregular and desperate. I have just arrived in Italy, but the process of dehumanization has already begun, if a month ago these guys were in the streets to demonstrate for democracy, now in their form of protest is to ignite their prison break and the few things that are not anchored to the ground to establish a connection, a hug, with those from outside wants to erode the boundaries that separate us.

E 'a circle of hell, the migrants and the migrants I met today are doomed forever for the only crime that he rebelled against the dictatorship of fear and violence of borders, but also our society as seen by the walls of the CIE appears to me no hope. What future can there be for a society that tramples and excludes the people in this way, the disintegration of the dignity and the will? What relationship will want to build with me, with us, with this country / migrants after the miserable experience of segregation for two, three, six months in a horrible place?

seems doomed to a relationship based on hate.

But I do not want to be part of this sentence: my dignity and my will is strong.

After this March 1 con i detenuti del CIE mi sembra ancora più urgente ritrovarsi ed organizzarsi tra “indisponibili all'indifferenza”, per ideare e sperimentare nuove forme di un rifiuto concreto e reale ad un orizzonte di divisioni e ingiustizie che insistono ad imporci come normalità

Neva, Sportello Migranti TPO


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