Saturday, March 12, 2011

Remove Hair On Vagian

La Paz! vi invita a cena per sostenere un progetto di sport contro il razzismo e l'esclusione

At your kind attention,

The project La Paz! is pleased to invite you to dinner scheduled for Sunday, March 20 self-financing, at 20:30, at the Circle in Piazzale Santa Caterina Zerbini 1, Parma.

The dinner will be held on the occasion of the "Parma European city of sport" at the end of a three-day anti-racism on Sport:

-Friday, March 18 at the Circle of Inzani Moletolo: Conference on Sport with the anti-racism participation of Mauro Valeri, writer and sociologist who directed the National Observatory on xenophobia from 1992 to 1996 and since 2005 has been responsible for the Centre on Racism and anti-racism in football;

-Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 at the Sports Complex Moletolo: Tournament "Let's kick the exclusion."

take advantage of this invitation to spend two words about our project anti-racist football.

June 2010: Thanks to the Association Yabasta! Parma Parma UISP and supporting, born racist Lapaz football team!

Lapaz! is a project designed to combat, through sport, racism and discrimination prevalent in our society and to promote contact and the relationship between cultures and different people.

"La Paz" is the name of the football team to 11 anti-racist and multicultural military amateur championship in the 2010/2011 UISP Parma.

Italy burns talents, and interpretation of laws on the granting of citizenship are discriminatory and the sport is adapting, perched on himself, frightened by trasformazioni del Paese negli ultimi anni.

Il calcio ha perso il suo ruolo originario di mezzo di aggregazione e socialità, centrando sempre di più i suoi interessi sull’aspetto economico.

I contratti milionari,calcio scommesse, vendita dei diritti televisivi e d’immagine, quotazioni in borsa delle società calcistiche, privatizzazione degli stadi e degli impianti sportivi, sono solo alcune delle tappe che hanno contribuito alla trasformazione dello sport più popolare d'Italia.

Ad aggravare questo scenario gli atteggiamenti razzisti da parte degli stessi giocatori e delle tifoserie.

A Parma, lo sforzo delle associazioni sportive e delle istituzioni locali per sviluppare through sport projects of integration and solidarity is remarkable and the project "La Paz" is to operate in a context that already much being done to promote the rejection of racism and sports solidarity.

The project "La Paz" is meant to develop football in the amateur environment not free from racism, which often result in the removal of young people through sport. "La Paz" aims to promote the participation of all sports and in football, regardless of place and culture of origin, in order to stimulate and grow a dedicated sports culture of inclusion and mutual respect.

Racism is often the product of a cultural context characterized by ideological closures and ignorance, inability to meet and know "the other". Through the project we would rather develop relationships among different people today share the same living space and social, geographical and institutional cultures and build bridges between seemingly irreconcilable.

Often the migrants themselves to erect walls between their communities and that indigenous peoples: through sports, we believe that this form of closure and isolation can be demolished.

The project is aimed at breaking down the barriers (social, cultural, political, religious) that divide people, and the intent to build a football team that shares the values \u200b\u200bof anti-and peace between peoples. The team, being composed of different people who come from different parts of the world, represents an opportunity for a firsthand integration projects on the territory of Parmesan cheese.

And now we come to the evening's menu:

- Lasagne;

- meat and vegetarian cous cous with fresh seasonal vegetables;

- Chicken with sweet onions and spicy sauce

(Central African recipe, the migrant women in the Italian language school "Why no");

- Bread flour Full biological

- natural and biodynamic wine of the "united valley" coming from the hills of Tortona;

- Coffee

The kitchen will make use of cooks and chefs from different integration projects and active solidarity in the city of Parma

(the ass. Why not, the ass. Ya Basta! the ass. Without Borders).

The dishes are prepared with natural products and, where possible, zero km, through the use of products "Mercatiniera" genuine self-productions of the market that takes place every first and third Saturday of each month in the House Cantoniera of Parma.

The price of dinner is € 20 per person.

The proceeds will finance the project "La Paz" (Sports equipment, sports equipment, self sull'antirazzismo events, promotion of events aimed at the inclusion and integration).

We look forward to support our project of solidarity and anti-racist sport!

For more information and booking:

Francesco Andrea 3403234126 3299342066

(Please send your reservation by Thursday, March 17)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

We salute

La Paz! Parma


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