Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Do Dogs Smack Their Lips

Gli studenti medi si mobilitano contro il caro prezzi dei trasporti pubblici

In response to the price of public transport, students from Parma were mobilized to demand financial aid, as this rise is yet another obstacle to access to education, a right that as stated in our constitution must be guaranteed!

Furthermore this is totally unjustified given that inflation is not motivated neither by an improvement of the service, nor even by a strengthening of the lines.

Today March 12, during a day of widespread demonstrations across Italy against the Gelmini Law and cuts of the Berlusconi government, the students decided to take to the streets per dire che anche nel Comune di Parma la gestione della cosa pubblica viene fatta a suon di tagli e privatizzazioni in perfetta continuità con la linea di governo. Gli studenti oltre scontrarsi giornalmente con gli effetti prodotti dalla legge Gelmini in termini di impoverimento dei percorsi formativi, di tagli ai laboratori e di abbandono delle strutture scolastiche, devono far fronte anche a impedimenti di ordine economico per raggiungere fisicamente la propria scuola, soprattutto se si abita fuori città.

Dopo essersi radunati in Piazza Garibaldi, gli studenti si sono mossi in carovana lungo le vie del centro e hanno bloccato gli autobus. Sono saliti a bordo e hanno distribuito tickets a zero euro, validi tutto il giorno, condivisibili scambiabili. They then brought the passengers to hand over his ticket stamped but still valid (which is often used for a few minutes and thrown away) who is about to go on public transport.

The high prices of public buses in fact the reality is not just about students but all citizens, forced to pay this unfair charge to go to school, work or shopping.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Pothos Grow

6.5-kg rainbow. The lake

trout caught in the Castellana, Bruno is not new
a catch like that.

Remove Hair On Vagian

La Paz! vi invita a cena per sostenere un progetto di sport contro il razzismo e l'esclusione

At your kind attention,

The project La Paz! is pleased to invite you to dinner scheduled for Sunday, March 20 self-financing, at 20:30, at the Circle in Piazzale Santa Caterina Zerbini 1, Parma.

The dinner will be held on the occasion of the "Parma European city of sport" at the end of a three-day anti-racism on Sport:

-Friday, March 18 at the Circle of Inzani Moletolo: Conference on Sport with the anti-racism participation of Mauro Valeri, writer and sociologist who directed the National Observatory on xenophobia from 1992 to 1996 and since 2005 has been responsible for the Centre on Racism and anti-racism in football;

-Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 at the Sports Complex Moletolo: Tournament "Let's kick the exclusion."

take advantage of this invitation to spend two words about our project anti-racist football.

June 2010: Thanks to the Association Yabasta! Parma Parma UISP and supporting, born racist Lapaz football team!

Lapaz! is a project designed to combat, through sport, racism and discrimination prevalent in our society and to promote contact and the relationship between cultures and different people.

"La Paz" is the name of the football team to 11 anti-racist and multicultural military amateur championship in the 2010/2011 UISP Parma.

Italy burns talents, and interpretation of laws on the granting of citizenship are discriminatory and the sport is adapting, perched on himself, frightened by trasformazioni del Paese negli ultimi anni.

Il calcio ha perso il suo ruolo originario di mezzo di aggregazione e socialità, centrando sempre di più i suoi interessi sull’aspetto economico.

I contratti milionari,calcio scommesse, vendita dei diritti televisivi e d’immagine, quotazioni in borsa delle società calcistiche, privatizzazione degli stadi e degli impianti sportivi, sono solo alcune delle tappe che hanno contribuito alla trasformazione dello sport più popolare d'Italia.

Ad aggravare questo scenario gli atteggiamenti razzisti da parte degli stessi giocatori e delle tifoserie.

A Parma, lo sforzo delle associazioni sportive e delle istituzioni locali per sviluppare through sport projects of integration and solidarity is remarkable and the project "La Paz" is to operate in a context that already much being done to promote the rejection of racism and sports solidarity.

The project "La Paz" is meant to develop football in the amateur environment not free from racism, which often result in the removal of young people through sport. "La Paz" aims to promote the participation of all sports and in football, regardless of place and culture of origin, in order to stimulate and grow a dedicated sports culture of inclusion and mutual respect.

Racism is often the product of a cultural context characterized by ideological closures and ignorance, inability to meet and know "the other". Through the project we would rather develop relationships among different people today share the same living space and social, geographical and institutional cultures and build bridges between seemingly irreconcilable.

Often the migrants themselves to erect walls between their communities and that indigenous peoples: through sports, we believe that this form of closure and isolation can be demolished.

The project is aimed at breaking down the barriers (social, cultural, political, religious) that divide people, and the intent to build a football team that shares the values \u200b\u200bof anti-and peace between peoples. The team, being composed of different people who come from different parts of the world, represents an opportunity for a firsthand integration projects on the territory of Parmesan cheese.

And now we come to the evening's menu:

- Lasagne;

- meat and vegetarian cous cous with fresh seasonal vegetables;

- Chicken with sweet onions and spicy sauce

(Central African recipe, the migrant women in the Italian language school "Why no");

- Bread flour Full biological

- natural and biodynamic wine of the "united valley" coming from the hills of Tortona;

- Coffee

The kitchen will make use of cooks and chefs from different integration projects and active solidarity in the city of Parma

(the ass. Why not, the ass. Ya Basta! the ass. Without Borders).

The dishes are prepared with natural products and, where possible, zero km, through the use of products "Mercatiniera" genuine self-productions of the market that takes place every first and third Saturday of each month in the House Cantoniera of Parma.

The price of dinner is € 20 per person.

The proceeds will finance the project "La Paz" (Sports equipment, sports equipment, self sull'antirazzismo events, promotion of events aimed at the inclusion and integration).

We look forward to support our project of solidarity and anti-racist sport!

For more information and booking:

Francesco Andrea 3403234126 3299342066

(Please send your reservation by Thursday, March 17)

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

We salute

La Paz! Parma

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sultan Sandane Bed Line

Nasce "La crepa"

Theatre, communication and research. @
keeper's cottage

There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.

(Leonard Cohen - "Anthem")

--- We need to say things. Take positions and express points of view.

We need to make it through the theater, a civic theater. Perhaps political theater.

Definitely a research theater, scenic, drammaturgica, poetica, in grado di raccontare passato e presente con un linguaggio forte, che ci aiuti a guardare al futuro.

Con il teatro non si fa la rivoluzione. E neanche si mangia, pensa qualcuno.

Ma noi crediamo possa sollevare dei veli, sciogliere l'inerzia, smuovere la polvere e liberare il pensiero.

Cerchiamo persone che abbiano voglia di fare questo teatro con noi, persone che vogliano iniziare una ricerca che parta dalla scena e arrivi chissà dove. Lontanissimo, molto in fondo, dentro qualcosa che ancora non conosciamo... Non sappiamo dove andremo a finire, non sappiamo cosa scopriremo, chi sarà con noi, ma abbiamo idee da condividere, un progetto da realizzare, una comunità a cui wear it.

Crack is not a drama workshop. It 's a project, open, free, in which everyone is invited to invest in its jurisdiction. Seep through the crack we want ideas, memory, change.

create is to resist, resist is to create

(Stéphane Hessel - "Indignez vous!")

Wedding Thank You Wording To Vendors

La violenza non ha nulla di amichevole!

Meet in Piazza Garibaldi Wednesday 9 March at 18.30.

On 9 March we will be back to square driven by the need to meet again after the nth event of violence by police against women. As we read about national news stories, 4 March in Rome, a woman was raped by three policemen in the barracks and a policeman. It seems ironic that those who should protect our security is very often the first to compromise when the lights go out inside of cells, barracks or CIE, fearless because they are aware of their role.

This is not the only case, unfortunately, but only the latest in a long series of which there is also the case of Joy, the Nigerian girl was raped in the CIE where held. We find it intolerable that all this takes place and above all that these men who should be the guarantor of order and public safety go unpunished, and then feel empowered to violate even our bodies. We are outraged that women suffer more violence in these situations of detention as Joy migrants, single mothers, like the woman of Roma women or otherwise rendered "weak" as blackmail.

Violence has nothing friendly

are all investigated for rape, although with different roles, the three Quadraro police station and the traffic policemen involved in the investigation of rape took place in Rome in the barracks against a woman Italian for 32 years, a single mother to stop theft.

These are the words of one of the suspects:

"Sexual intercourse with the woman occurred in a situation totally friendly. La cella era aperta e lei ci ha chiesto di poter mangiare e bere qualcosa, poi abbiamo avuto un rapporto con lei, ma la donna era consenziente. In caserma c'era un altro carabiniere che era in servizio di piantone ed era presente anche il vigile fuori servizio che era uscito con noi. Il rapporto sessuale con la donna è avvenuto in una situazione totalmente amichevole».

Una ragazza madre precaria, umiliata da un aiuto statale di 400 euro al mese, costretta a rubare in un supermercato, viene arrestata e stuprata.

Le forze dell'ordine, gli stupratori, sono in attesa di giudizio.

Dal punto di vista mediatico cosa sarebbe successo se fosse stato un migrante sprovvisto di permesso di soggiorno a commettere lo stesso reato?

How many women do not report out of shame or because they have no residence permit?

The migrants are the first victims of the rapes and violence because they can not complain: those that do are sent back to their country of origin, expelled in the war zones.

The anger over the story of Rome has given us, in fact, revived the story of Joy, a 29 year old Nigerian woman who was raped in 2008 in the CIE where he was held.

It can be said that if the uniform is a free-pass, pat on the back and transfer / sospesione not be allowed to stay instead of a death sentence without trial?

In recent days there have been reported to the nth violence against the female body by the police.

not a paradox that authorities should protect all citizens in the streets are the same as in the closed barracks rape and rape of women taken into minority status and physical and psychological which is that of a person in jail?

There is a link between this violence and our political climate where women are used for the amusement of those who should guarantee the rights?

Because there are apparently guaranteed rights and violators go unpunished?

And because they are just representatives of the State?

If there is no security in a state that rape, who is to oversee the overseers?

March 9 to express our outrage at the violence with impunity, for all women who die at the hands men inside their home and all those who have the right to dream a better life but the mere fact of running away from countries in war and torture are detained or rejected Cie in hell. For all of them for ourselves and say ENOUGH!

Bring signs, markers, lipstick and a lot of anger by yelling at the violence and sexism!

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Herb Garden In Nebraska

Channel. Opening

. A good example of
lake, which our socio
Richard has had the pleasure of catching under the central

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Best Color Remover

Dentro al Cie di Via Mattei. Condannati all'orrore?

Report of the visit to Cie after the invasion of the network assets Welcome
The first time I entered a detention center Administrative migrants was in January 2002. Chiarini was the former barracks of Bologna, Via Mattei. In reality the detention center (CPT) had not yet been opened, but the structure was virtually complete and together with my comrades and I had decided that the opposition to the legal and human shame had to go through an act of clear, that by saying that only a prison where people are locked up for what they are and not for crimes they had committed an abomination and as such had to be canceled. In 200 we were climbing over walls and entered the gates, we had taken apart piece by piece: cages, electrical, plumbing, cameras ... in a few hours we had made a useless ethnic prison.

Since then, a thousand times we found ourselves out of that wall to challenge the political function, economic and cultural center of that prison "administrative", who practice ethnic segregation legitimized the exploitation of migrant labor, the stratification of rights and the spread of racism. During one such initiative, in April 2004, we have been accomplices in the escape of 17 migrants. The images of migrants fleeing through the fields as the sun sets are indelible in my memory.

Other times I have heard many migrants detained in Via Mattei tell despair, suffering, violence, detention in those cages, remember that once, shaken by the telephone conversation with a Moroccan man locked up for days in the CPT, I went to Cesena to meet his wife and children which had been separated because they left without permission, I needed to share their pain, but above all the indignation and anger.

But yesterday I could get inside without bypass, the main entrance, along with the delegation of the Advocate De Caro and Councillors Regional Sconciaforni and Meo. A remarkable achievement gained through the invasion of CIE (Centre for Identification and Expulsion) in the morning by a hundred companions of the social centers of the Veneto, Marche and Veneto.

I thought I already tried and tested, after years of interviews with migrants in and out of the CIE, fully prepared to "visit", but I was wrong big.

The place itself is alienating a squalid and dilapidated bunkers of reinforced concrete and bars. Even the beds and lockers are in reinforced concrete, anchored to the floor and walls. The bathrooms and showers have no doors, the fixtures are made of steel. The migrants are "free" to leave dalla propria stanza che si affaccia su un cortile di asfalto recintato da sbarre molto alte, possono persino andare in una stanzetta, rigorosamente senza finestre, adibita a moschea (materassi di gommapiuma per terra), ma sempre sorvegliati a vista da polizia ed esercito. La presenza dell'esercito è una conseguenza della campagna contro il degrado e la sicurezza nelle città, una novità dall'agosto 2008.

Immediatamente mi hanno colpito la disperazione e la sofferenza piscologica dei giovani detenuti, costretti a ciondolare un giorno dopo l'altro in questo non-luogo perché una legge folle li condanna ad essere irregolari, li marchia con il reato di clandestinità, li punisce con la detenzione amministrativa e con il carcere (Many have served their sentence in prison for failing to auto-expelled when they received the decree of expulsion). A young man tells me that the Maghreb is not well, you cut the veins in front of me, his friends begged me to watch, Regard, Regard, show me the blood that drips down. Now come two operators of Mercy to take him to the infirmary, but he opposes it, calling me, telling me not take it anymore, "help, are toxic," he says. He is not alone, at least two other boys told me they were drug addicts, who were followed from the mobile out of Sert. Many show me your wrists with the scars of recent cuts: c'est the stress, you comprends, c'est the stress! Stress ... I translate with despair, nervous breakdown ... means to get out of my head. In the women's wing

forty-five there are women of all nationalities. Cie stationed at a minimum of one month, many for three months. I meet a few, a nanny in Italy for seven years fifty expulsion, and so unable to groped the lottery flows decree or amnesty. Chinese young people newly arrived in Italy, a couple of Moroccan girls, a young daughter of Serbian refugees from former Yugoslavia. But I can not stop them, the visit is to continue, I urge to go back to the director of the center and the police inspector who guide us through the departments. But just three minutes to realize that even here the situation is the limit and they themselves were at the limit, especially a girl is suffering, stands by a miracle, take me aside and tells me he is HIV positive, while the others show me another migrant, is deaf, mute me they say. How can an AIDS patient can stay in a place like this, without assistance, no care ... and for a person who does not hear and does not speak, detention in a Cie is not equivalent to torture perhaps? In the male ward

almost all speak French, many voices, many stories, so many questions. Retained in the department of fifty men, well boys are forty-five Tunisians arrived in Italy after taking part in rebellions against the government of Ben Ali. E sono increduli, non accettano che possano essere stati rinchiusi come delinquenti in un carcere, dopo aver rischiato la vita nelle piazze, sulla barca verso l'Italia. “Vogliamo solo la pace, la libertà. Perché ci tengono qui, cosa abbiamo fatto?”. Sembra che nessuno si sia preso la briga di parlare con loro e di dare spiegazioni. Dai racconti capisco che le procedure di trasferimento da Lampedusa a qui sono state sbrigative, che non sono stati informati nemmeno sulla possibilità di presentare domanda di protezione. Non mi stupisce, questi giovani arrivati dalla Tunisia sono stati trattati come pacchi, una massa da smistare nei vari centri, nessun colloquio individuale, nessuna analisi della loro condizione. Difficile comprendere su quali evaluations have been transferred into Cara (Reception Centres for Asylum Seekers), or ICE, meanwhile others with whom they have made the trip by boat have already arrived in France and they phoned to say they are fine. Forty-five

that meeting I have just arrived and are already illegal. Certainly will not be returned but will be taken out by CIE with orders to move away from individual territory within five days, as happened to others in the past few days Tunisian Via Mattei.

In front of the epochal upheaval of social and political structures of countries south of the Mediterranean we find ourselves again faced with the paradox of immigration policy: the Government Italian irregular says the alarm at the same time six thousand undocumented factory brand new from "spilled" in the area. Six thousand irregular life, trapped in the mesh of a law that keeps them irregular and desperate. I have just arrived in Italy, but the process of dehumanization has already begun, if a month ago these guys were in the streets to demonstrate for democracy, now in their form of protest is to ignite their prison break and the few things that are not anchored to the ground to establish a connection, a hug, with those from outside wants to erode the boundaries that separate us.

E 'a circle of hell, the migrants and the migrants I met today are doomed forever for the only crime that he rebelled against the dictatorship of fear and violence of borders, but also our society as seen by the walls of the CIE appears to me no hope. What future can there be for a society that tramples and excludes the people in this way, the disintegration of the dignity and the will? What relationship will want to build with me, with us, with this country / migrants after the miserable experience of segregation for two, three, six months in a horrible place?

seems doomed to a relationship based on hate.

But I do not want to be part of this sentence: my dignity and my will is strong.

After this March 1 con i detenuti del CIE mi sembra ancora più urgente ritrovarsi ed organizzarsi tra “indisponibili all'indifferenza”, per ideare e sperimentare nuove forme di un rifiuto concreto e reale ad un orizzonte di divisioni e ingiustizie che insistono ad imporci come normalità

Neva, Sportello Migranti TPO

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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leggi la cronaca multimediale

Are You Looking For A Free Russian Tortaise?

trout Reserve "Channel" 2011

Photo opening the 2011 season, a good day with members
satisfied with the catch, all they have done.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Music For Mount And Blade

Brasile Nord - Est: la riforma agraria che non arriva mentre il saccheggio continua

Incontro con Zaira Sabry Azar, responsabile del Movimento dei Sem Terra dello stato di Maranhao.
22 / 2 / 2011

Thursday, March 3 at 21 at the House

Cantoniera Self-Governing

in via Mantova 24 to Parma



Zaira Sabry Azar - Head MST Maranhao

Elisabeth Lindner - Associazione Ya Basta! Reggio Emilia

Giulio Di Meo - Freelance photographer, author of numerous social photography workshops in Brazil. View photo gallery

During the evening you can find information on the Project "Açucar do Brasil" and bought the product from the Co-operative Sugar Female Copavi in \u200b\u200bthe state of Parana and distributed in Italy by the Ya Basta! in support of the Movement dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST).

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Parma - Per un Primo Marzo uniti contro il razzismo e contro la crisi

job, home, right to education, dignity ... we are tired!

We are people united by the rejection of racism, tired of being viewed as a burden or just producers of wealth for others. We condemn and reject stereotypes and discriminatory language, racism of all kinds, in particular the institutional level, the instrumental use of the reference to the cultural roots and religion to justify local and national policies of exclusion and rejection. Italian immigrants and the opposition is doomed because the attack on the rights of work, home, studio indiscriminately affects the most vulnerable, regardless of place of birth. Only by considering a whole we can take what belongs to us and that there has always been denied in the name of a decent future! Thus, we ask:

· A concrete response to the amnesty scam that has thrown thousands of people in hiding

· Fine discrimination in the workplace at all levels

· No discrimination in the allocation of housing and access to various competitions

° Penalty to estate agents who refuse to rent to immigrants

· Abolition CIE of (centers for identification and expulsion) and abolition of the Bossi-Fini law which binds the possibility to have a residence permit to the employment contract




A.CO.PA., Anti-Fascist Committee Montanara, Italy-Cuba Friendship Association, an anarchist group Cieri, network rights at home, the Young Communist League, CSU, PRC, House Cantoniera Self-Governing Association of Guinea-Conakry Association of Nigeria, Cameroon Association, IDV, Use, PCL, Why not?, CIAC,

The Giraffe, Ivory Coast, House Anarchist, Cub, Fiom of Parma,
CSPP (Senegalese community Parma)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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the late seventies in Italy there were no schools to turn to the comic and aspiring authors were with their attempts to harass the elite of those who were already. Ask for advice, seek a confrontation with those who had a professional response was the main tool of verification of their work. There were those who came from Bonvi and then stayed to help him inked, who pursued a Lucca Comics Manara, who was sweating cold front Magnus (surly and uncontrollable) and those who listened that Tartarin of Tarascon by Hugo Pratt and brag while distilling pearls of wisdom comic strip. The comic was released by his stage craft (in cui, specie nel seriale, non si dichiarava la differenza tra un autore e l’altro) e l’epoca della ricerca dei confini del linguaggio inaugurata da Linus, ripercorrendo tra l’altro i modi di raccontare del fumetto sin dalle sue origini con importanti recuperi storici, era ormai un patrimonio comune di autori e lettori. L’esordiente del momento, impegnato a produrre prove e brevi storie in quel periodo, sperando di accedere all’universo del fumetto d’autore aggiungeva un’altra variabile all’evoluzione del fumetto, ed era quella che nasceva dalla tecnica e dai materiali. Cosa usare per disegnare e quanto si poteva essere originali quando si utilizzava quel particolare materiale o quello specifico strumento? È lecito inchiostrare con il pennarello? E la penna Bic? E le fotocopie, che effetti si possono ottenere con una buona fotocopiatrice?

L’Autonomia bolognese era molto simile ai giovani virgulti del fumetto che arrivavano in città sospinti dalla novità del “Penthotal” di Andrea Pazienza e da tutti gli altri autori di cui Andrea era la scintillante punta emergente, e non solo perché spesso l’autore era militante quanto migliaia di giovani della sua età, ma perché la forse abusata “fantasia al potere” era un punto di riferimento comune. L’Autonomia bolognese was, unlike that of other cities, linked to the imagery, derived directly from the Situationist Guy Debord, and saw in the telling of the reality under the impulse of creativity a form of subversion profound and invincible.

The young designer came to Bologna, the city in which to grow the ferment of the new comic, knowing that in a center of research and experimentation, scared by the possibility of not being able to overcome their disability. And in those years was to find not only the authors of old but tried to mingle with the innovators, the countercultural magazine self-managed, to Cannibal and then Frigidaire , convinced that he could only find an identity among others and to be like that, paradoxically, he also had to be different, unique .

The exoticism of the Argentine comic strip was a mixture of admiration and secret. Obviously aware that those authors used their instruments as a form of rebellion against the regime ... on the press to investigate all of the magazines uncertain then as Alberto Breccia got its mix of mystery and avant-garde collage, ink, pencil ... mixed, but what ?

of that school was also part José Muñoz. Muñoz, Sampayo together, had created the detective Alack Sinner, a metropolitan police, set in New York seemed unlikely that a version of the Big Apple of New Hollywood nth power of satire and grotesque evil. Alack Sinner of the piss that was at the core narrative of an entire page, was considered the biggest challenge in the comics since the days of Popeye and Krazy Kat, and fans of traditional comic strip screaming horror (forgetting where everything was born from that of the Yellow Kid ... naughty slut). Alack was an awkward, neglected, marginalized ... Other than The Warriors Walter Hill (who was still a few years back to Alack), the dangerous people drawn from middle-class Muñoz: unwatchable faces, marked by adult, marked by expressions intolerable in a sort of update to Grosz's Weimar Republic, a global soul. The New York Muñoz was not a specific place, was regarded as a minimum of metonymy Human Stain. Although some kinship with the films of Scorsese, from Mean Streets to Taxi Driver , he had, but there was no redemption, only the extreme sadness of failure. It was a New York contaminated by Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, with an air that corroded the skin and faces, leaving petty spirits and stripped to the bone. And young artists who moved to Bologna, including an art-house films and another, between a beer and the next, wondered how he used his instruments. The sign was more impressive: a black man who was scratched in competition with the descriptiveness of the drawing, tearing the definition of boundaries and giving a strong sense of matter even in black and white net. As a work of Fontana, Muñoz seemed a sign of a web of cuts inflicted on the page. Painful, painful, pitiless, gaping, random, precise ... contradictory to the vertigo.

"In my opinion, use the pen and paper thin."

"It is not drawing paper is any paper."

" However, it is the nib. See that there are small splashes? "

" A Brause? But small or big ones? "

"Use ink fountain pen, which is more liquid. If no, would that effect the absorption ... "

was a short set of conjectures. Who is already working with Linus planned an operation worthy of a spy mission behind enemy lines: sneak in the archive of the tables in working with the complicity of some editor. To visit Muñoz, who lived in Milan, was out with those designs a little 'fear of the put. A rumor that it was un uomo estremamente sarcastico ed era oggettivamente troppo bravo per affrontare il suo giudizio.

“Lorenzo ha conosciuto Muñoz,” disse qualcuno un giorno. Era un privilegio invidiato. Ma Mattotti era indecifrabile, descriveva le cose per ellissi, si perdeva nei discorsi e a volte pareva proprio che volesse tenersi tutto per sé. Niente era dato sapere di come disegnasse Muñoz, il segreto era conservato nella vaghezza delle parole di Mattotti. Ma quale pennino usava? Chissà. E prima faceva le matite o uno schizzo a parte e poi andava sulla pagina direttamente con l’inchiostro, senza nessun layout sotto? Non era dato saperlo. “Cazzo hai visto, Lorenzo?”

was hard to be a group, although the group was what gave you more visibility, as a band and as a band, they always fought. Or there were small enmities. Nobody thought the unwillingness of Mattotti as a form of autism poetic: he did it deliberately to keep to themselves all the discoveries made through Muñoz! And contribute to making even more mythical and looming figure.

Then came the Igort. He had known and had gone drinking with him and Sampayo. "Everyone in the room became a character. Looked at her and imagined her life. "Igort was stunned by their ability to complete a description of intimate, articulate and merciless through appearance, posture, clothing and what little else they had available to those unknown to the bar. They could exercise their narrative style at any time, as a gun to anyone's head. Muñoz and Sampayo did not stop for a moment the role of scourge, their merciless satire of human weaknesses did not stop at nothing, there were no age or social status empowered to give exemptions acceptable in their eyes. The cartoons were the visible part, but those two did not stop for a moment, unstoppable machine in a process of vivisection of the worst that belongs to everyone us. From the description that also seemed to suffer, that the sarcasm was hiding behind a profound evil, that of the shared human ugliness, not judges be posted. They were heroic, Shakespeare ... Argentina!

It was a commonplace to think that in those pictures there was a smell that smelled of tango: a mixture of sweat caked in which you want to crystallize hormones frustrated, melancholy music that extended their melodies in a stabbing and then tossing and turning with sudden gusts of tail, tearing those who dared to dance. And the ambiguity of the bodies that populate the cartoons. There was all Gardel its contradictions and tragic appeal of his epic (well before Muñoz portray him in a story) and Piazzolla because he felt the same irresistible desire to change things that were widely believed to be immutable (such as Piazzolla tango before, in fact, and this case the integrity of the figures drawn).

Show pages gave the vertigo. And the tools by which drew Muñoz, still no trace. Meanwhile there rages in trials: is lame pens, rubbed on paper sheets in search of that perfect sign that reproduced the inner baseness of every human being (and the beauty of his suffering). But nothing.

One effect, however, that the research was obtained, revealing a large group of authors in a style that Muñoz could be considered the "spiritual guide". It was a style that expanded its influence: Mattotti, Igort, Carpinteri, Iosa Ghini and many others who have published in magazines of the time, Linus , Alter , Frigidaire ... all had a bit 'of Muñoz in his plan. Why con il suo segreto apparentemente tecnico Muñoz aveva stimolato in loro il recupero del fremito originario del segno, costringendoli a sintonizzarsi con la propria sensibilità, con l’impulso profondo del loro desiderio di esprimersi attraverso il fumetto.

Nessuno sarebbe diventato un autore che ricordava Muñoz, ma ognuno di loro gli deve essere grato per un esempio che gli ha consentito di scoprire il mistero (personale e irripetibile) di una tecnica che non può essere replicata e che racconta le proprie storie secondo una sintassi che appartiene a quell’autore e a nessun altro. Il segno nel fumetto non è lessico, e il fumetto è un linguaggio con regole non completamente scritte, non completamente visibili. Ci si inoltra così sulle piste di un autore per poi deviarne e aprirne di proprie quando quelle scompaiono nel fitto di un territorio che è solo suo.

Muñoz, come pochi altri, ha aperto una pista che per molti autori ha rappresentato l’inizio di un percorso.

Best Buy Budget Scope

Seeding for opening the 2011 season. For the members of


proof of her seed, for the opening of the new season
2011, under 4 pics of launch.
The Presidency and the Governing give you a take
luck for the new season.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Immunization Records Ontario


Terzo: in cui sofferenza e incoscienza vivono in splendida armonia

È la tarda primavera del 1985 e un’allora sconosciuta azienda che fa orologi invita a Basilea una serie di autori a un happening di pittura per lanciare il loro nuovo modello in plastica transparent. The company is called Swatch.

Andrea has not been named, but all his friends in Bologna. Perhaps because he is more instinctive and less of their designers. Or maybe because they did not pay enough. For Andrea "pay first" was not a joke.

that You are there, sweating, paint on a sheet of three to five meters overlooking a small square. Are you stuck inside a suit of white paper and a plane flying over at high altitude over disturbs Soon Can Babaluna of the walkman.

comes behind you, the journalist of a fashion magazine in Milan that when you interviewed. "Do you remember me?" He says. It is there to do a service on launch of the Swatch transparent (it would be released commercially next month, beginning the craze of collecting watches "customized" ...).

"Of course I remember." You sit on the scaffolding. There is a knowing glance that makes you uncomfortable. While speaking you wonder if they'd like. You're a little 'shy and a bit' snobby. And girls with big tits always put you in a quandary. But it looks nice. Conclude that you will think tomorrow. Maybe.

As the sun goes down, those who paint come together for dinner. Andrea and you will see, too light to suit the climate in Switzerland. "Guys, I thought I was bored in Bologna, and I would be missed. "

come to an agreement to stay using the unused bed in the room than among those present that he considers his best friend. A cartoonist best known as a visual artist.

girlfriend has just left and he needs to be in the company. Even his voice is higher than usual, as if to feel while doing her lines. In Bologna he felt without an audience, abandoned and alone.

The appointment is after dinner in a trendy, party offered by Swatch. Italians get together and a flash somewhere between pity and curiosity anthropological you crossed my mind: this journalist Milan all'inconsolabile Andrea. At various times during the evening, asked the friend of the heart, which knows very well his ex-girlfriend, if he thinks it's all over between them. With pleading eyes, as if the other had the resolving power to make it back to him. In your opinion, what have I done? But you do not think I want to see again? Come back to me? He has another?

The friend gives evasive answers, peripherals, cryptic ... blurred, far from any meaning, trying to avoid the interrogation. The dialogue becomes allusive, fantastic, absurd, as if those two were talking about something else, they know everything but they can not a dirsi nulla. “Sarà con qualcuno adesso?”

“No, non ti preoccupare.”

“Ma tu come fai a dirlo?”

“Lo sai che io queste cose le intuisco.”

“Hai il sesto senso. Sei un artista.”


“Grazie. Grazie. Se non ci fossi tu… È bella, vero?” scuote la testa. “È bellissima.”

“Eh sì.”

“Lo pensi anche tu?”

“Sì, certamente.”

“Non può lasciarmi. Non riuscirei ad amare un’altra woman. You understand me, right? "

" I understand. "

" Sometimes I wonder how do you understand me so well. We understand each other on the fly. "

" happens. "

" I've never had a friend like you. "

" Grant. "

" It's true. "

The space is divided into two rooms. One part is sunk as a marble quarry. There all dancing. The air conditioning is insufficient to cover the damp heat that rises from the sweating bodies.

Andrea is already under and dance, dance, dance ... like a madman. Wearing his usual T-shirt and jeans. As in a drawing. With his head and arms that seem to come loose from the body. Dripping with sweat. With eyes that pierce the walls, the rock stars go on ... and lost elsewhere.

The other at some point they leave and he left. The best friend greets him with a melancholy gesture but he does not see it. She tells him to knock when they fall, but Andrea does not hear.

You observe it. Wondering What have we and feed suspicion about what these two share. Do you think he now exudes anger and pretty good. But you're tired and you go.

In the morning we discover that Andrea did not go to sleep. And only later, when passing to say hello, the bully who is petit bourgeois in lui ha bisogno di far sapere a tutti che ha passato la notte con la giornalista milanese.

Eh sì, Andrea era un vero uomo.

E, in quanto tale, onnivoro.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Waldorf Knit Doll Pattern


Secondo: dove si scopre che aveva più di una mania ed era un po’ petulante

Andrea era uno che quando attaccava a parlare non la smetteva più. Ed era così entusiasta che ti sembrava brutto mandarlo a quel paese.

Scena: aeroporto di Bologna, dicembre 1984, pronti all’imbarco per il viaggio di presentazione di un libro collettivo a Parigi, al Bains Douche. Andrea è con la sua fidanzata, gli altri da soli.

Ti guarda mentre saluti la tua prima del check in e dice: “È la tua ragazza?”


“State insieme da molto?”


“Ah, carina. Molto carina. Mi piace.”

“Anche a me.”

“È di Bologna?”


“Andrea, ma la vuoi smettere?” la sua fidanzata lo strattona leggermente per un gomito. “Lascialo in pace! Perché ti devi fare sempre gli affari degli altri?”

Al momento dell’imbarco nota il tuo nervosismo. Tu sudi, lui si avvicina. “C’è qualcosa che non va?”

“No, niente.”

“Hai paura di volare?”

“Più che altro è la prima volta. Avrei preferito andare in treno.”

Allora Andrea Zazà Pazienza alza la voce indicandoti in mezzo al gate con l’indice della mano destra che ti pende sulla testa come un punto esclamativo: “Ragazzi, lo sapete che è la prima volta che sale su un aereo?”

“Sì.” Ma adesso lo sanno anche tutti i passeggeri, forse anche l’equipaggio che sta sfilando con i trolley.

Al decollo stai con gli occhi chiusi, le mani in grembo. Hai il posto vicino al finestrino, lui è due sedili più in là. Continui a sudare. Lui si agita, viene a vedere. “Ma com’è che non guardi fuori?” Si sporge verso l’oblò come se volesse infilarci dentro la testa.

Il tuo stomaco si fa una passeggiata. “Soffro di vertigini. Molto.”

Ad Andrea si perdonava tutto, perché in fondo a se stesso era sempre un ingenuo ragazzino di San Severo di Puglia, viziato e dispettoso come solo un bambino del sud Italia sa esserlo.

All’atterraggio applaude e cerca l’appoggio comune. La sua fidanzata lo guarda come se avesse pestato una merda e lo Please sit quietly.

day in Paris went from appointment to appointment, with publishers and authors. Until the dinner before the presentation the following day, in a restaurant with Swedish Tanino Liberatore. Andrew and his girlfriend are on your own taxi. He has just discovered that you did judo for years and your resume is a few races and even won a championship. You've exposed so you will be overwhelmed by his gab, to stop hoping that the surprise would enable it to continue to blather. Too little and the wrong issue. "But I never said I do kendo?" Argument that luck runs out quickly in the jam traffic in Paris. And do not ever remember how it come to the next. Perhaps you have wondered why so good aircraft designs of the Second World War in your comics (implying that for the rest ... you're an amateur). You, as a chicken, you revealed that you are a modeler and collections mainly reproductions of aircraft of the Axis forces and the RAF. "I am passionate about planes of the Second World War!" Explodes Andrea with a smile. And, trying to prove its supremacy, began to speak of the U.S. Air Force, leads the conversation where you think you know more. It begins with the hunt: the Curtiss P-36, the Grumman F4F Wildcat, the Bell P-39Q Aircobra, the Lockheed P-38 Lightning, F4U Corsair and the Voughy North American P-51 Mustang. But you see he can not acquire any supremacy, blow by blow is countered with a few caveats that make it seem like a neophyte. Then passed to the Soviets, but when he realizes a joke insinuating that the Polikarpov would again be in a bad, quiet. To suddenly emerge from his silence: "You're also fond of weapons?"

girlfriend's trim yet another poke in the side: "Do you want to leave in peace?"

For Andrea liked to prevail, even if only in words.

returned from three days in Paris the plane forced to land due to fog in Pisa. On the bus that takes you to Bologna, while are reading and others doze, Andrea comes and sits next to you. Even if you hold Last Exit to Brooklyn , talk a bit 'of science fiction and Philip K. Dick, then you see him with watery eyes and grab his expression pained. He realizes that you're looking into. Swallow a Maalox. "I have a stomach ache."

then feel they have told you everything and explain dovertelo. You smile and pretend not to hear the rest.

Andrea was sincere to self-harm.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Master Lock Comination Calculation


First, where he discovers that all was forgiven, nothing refused

Andrea was one who did not need to make appointments.

The editors of Linus dawn of the eighties was in a condo with glossy tiles in a courtyard in front of the palace of the street with Rizzoli. So the publisher was still called Milano Libri, but had already been absorbed by large publishing group. To get there take the underground green, directly at the Central Station, direction Cologno Gessate stop Crescenzago. It was a crucial goal for any cartoonist.

The director was (but not for long, because if he would leave, slamming the door protest against men who had colonized the lodge P2 Rizzoli) Oreste del Buono. When he was in office, he remained in his study and made rare forays to the open space of writing. Editorial

composed exclusively of women.

Andrea was the type of Mascalzone Latino. One of the women who knew us. Unlike the author of the comic medium.

The author of comics, especially when young, sweaty hands with excitement to the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to meet Oreste del Buono (who soon would be among the founders of The Eternauta , another piece of history of comic magazines, and have contributed ideas, but fabled anche economico, alla nascita di Frigidaire …). E quando incontrava le ragazze della redazione, all’autorucolo venivano i crampi a causa dei sali minerali persi. Erano ragazze capitanate dall’art director caporedattore Fulvia Serra, destinata dopo l’abbandono di OdB ad assumere il ruolo direttoriale. Il giovane autore arrivando in redazione si ritrovava al centro dell’open space, in cui le scrivanie delle ragazze si fronteggiavano, e lì iniziava una specie di esame di stato, in cui donne che avevano tutto quello che un ragazzo timido teme nell’altro sesso, lo vivisezionavano: loro erano per la maggior parte carine; erano colte; erano argute; erano sarcastiche e non vedevano l’ora di esercitare their powers on the unfortunate. The cat that plays with the mouse numb and shaking rollandoselo with legs, with the variation of tasting a bite from time to time will also be abused, but in this case is correct. The young author could also be a contributor acquired, but he was continually questioned. Tossed about jokes and looks skeptical, pulled out the folder with her china plates, showing all the pain and stayed in front of the silence. Coming from Bologna often meant getting up at first sun (in winter before ...), perhaps drinking a coffee in a hurry, a climb to the flight train and waking up in my mouth mixed with target and stomach throbbing like a heart said.

The girls were preparing to become his embarrassment, his lack of brilliance, the diversion of the late morning.

Andrea was one that was never in trouble, because he had a beautiful smile, the r of the deceivers and the jokes ready. He was also a nice guy. Indeed, to be precise it was not just a beautiful, but she was good looking, which is what counts. It could happen that he plunged into writing without an appointment, that time seemed to him, and that girls squeak happy.

Like the time.

Andrea had a nasal voice, adenoidal or perhaps, a bit 'of an old noble fallen (as Toto in a memorable interpretation of Baron Otto of Olives Spinelli said Zaza in Lords are born), and could ask for anything. You were there you were showing your boards, you greet him, waving them, and they forgot about you.

The heads were turned toward him and he seemed to start a ballet Grease . "Hello, how are you?" He looked at the drawings of his colleague. "Belle these boards. ... This guy is pretty good. "I pointed downgraded to a rookie that showed his early work. Then he completely uninterested in you as if you were one of the forgotten umbrellas all'attaccapanni entrance, and passed to show: "Girls, do you have a table for me that I have to finish drawing a page?"

"I cleared my desk," was the answer multiplied by the number of girls.

"Well, take your ... But first I need a small favor."

"Yes ...?"

"Can I get a shower, maybe a bath ... I have seen that both the tank ... there is 'hot water? "

" Sure. "

" Because I came from London and right now I only slept two hours. Tonight I worked to finish the drawings. But I do not have done. "

" Come, I'll give you a towel. "

" You guys are angels. "Then she kissed chastely girls closer to him, blushing like the first high school match. Meanwhile, the cartoonist

lay dejected in the company of his appointment, forgotten near a desk.

This time Andrea came into the bathroom, filled the bathtub, whistling merrily. The girls looked at each other with mischievous eyes: they could not hold back giggles with emotion, he covered his mouth with his hand in search of the girl in bloom now forgotten them. They went back and forth in front of the bathroom door per chiedere ad Andrea se aveva bisogno di qualcosa.

Tutta la redazione era mobilitata, finché non arrivò la richiesta: “Ragazze, e quell’asciugamano che mi avevate promesso?”

La porta del bagno era socchiusa dall’interno. La richiesta arrivò da quello spiraglio malizioso. Quale delle donne avrebbe avuto il privilegio del brivido, avvicinandosi a quella fessura dal sapore proibito?

Ci fu una lunga pausa in cui si scambiarono sguardi che mescolavano paura, eccitazione, sfida, trepidazione… e infine invidia.

Nel frattempo l’autore attendeva ormai rassegnato in un angolo, sfogliando svogliato alcuni cartonati francesi impilati su una scrivania empty.

Andrea was one who did not suffer the breaks.

Downtime hijacked them on others.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One Genital Wart Only

UNITI CONTRO LA CRISI - Verso il Primo Marzo 2011

Assembly / Meeting. Saturday February 19, 2011 - 10am
LabAQ16 - Reggio Emilia

This crisis is full of injustice and extortion.
Of course, other eras, as always, have been linked.
And there is no blackmail more dangerous now than what divides us, separates us, each committed themselves to resolve their condition, whether imposed by a super-manager, cuts a reform, or injustice an amnesty scam.
course, each of us lives a different condition, detail, be freed.
For years the migrants told us the story of a life built on blackmail and death of thousands of people, which threatened to extend to all.
Oggi, guardandoci intorno, ci accorgiamo che il ricatto della crisi e della precarietà sono già il mare in cui tutti noi (ex-garantiti e non) siamo immersi, ma soprattutto la comune sfida quotidiana da affrontare insieme: uniti.
Per questo battersi oggi con i migranti, affrontare la partita dell’immigrazione, su cui governi ed economie hanno costruito fortune finanziarie ed elettorali, riguarda noi tutti, qualunque sia la nostra provenienza: significa batterci per il nostro futuro. Perché Marchionne, la Gelmini, Maroni, non ci stanno semplicemente proponendo la fine del contratto nazionale, i tagli di una riforma o leggi ingiuste e razziste, ma un altro nuovo modello di società, una nuova economia dei rapporti sociali, una nuova gerarchia dei diritti, una traiettoria di violenze rinnovate e nuovi ricatti, per disegnare nuove forme di sfruttamento.
Insieme, abbiamo bisogno di scrivere la nostra alternativa, la nostra uscita dalla crisi: un nuovo statuto dei diritti, del welfare, della redistribuzione del reddito, della cittadinanza. Per questo crediamo sia il momento di rimetterci in cammino ancora (anche se non abbiamo mai smesso di esserlo, anche se lo abbiamo fatto altre volte); è il momento di riprovarci, in tanti ed uniti, convinti che la ricerca della trasformazione, per la condizione di vita di ognuno di noi, sia un pezzo anche della ricerca degli altri.
E’ una sfida, almeno quanto è una sfida quella che ci viene proposta da Marchionne, by the Government, by the crisis, and we try to deal with that height.

on March SARA 'A CHANCE TO DO: And we'll be there!
will be an opportunity to restore power to the battle for the dignity, the right to stay where you chose to live, the right not to migrate forcibly, as from the Maghreb to Egypt until the middle of Europe, millions are saying of people: the thousands of scientists no longer willing to flee, thousands of workers no longer willing to be silent, thousands of migrants who have chosen to live here not willing to leave.
To affirm our horizon: the right to choose, to decide our future.
The land on which to confront are many, from the instances laid with the amnesty and legalization for the permanent contradictions opened up by European directives to violence and possession of rejections, the urge to break free from slavery and exploitation of black labor and underpaid , the battle against the new barriers by the proposed integration and the rules that make learning the language to be entitled to the override.
On 19 February, we want to find to find together the way to go toward the general strike and widespread, marking along the horizon and the path to get there. To deal with the enormous changes taking place and the immediate instances on which to measure ourselves, unwilling to yield to the blackmail of the division of those who ask us to barter our rights or those of others in return for a poor future. United
the crisis, united against racism and exploitation.


Assembly / Meeting

LabAQ16 Saturday, February 19, 2011 - Reggio Emilia


Hours 10. Plenary Assembly of the workshop
Marghera (Democracy and Welfare: wages, income, wealth redistribution) meeting in Reggio Emilia, united against the crisis at March 1, 2011 and beyond.
speeches and topics for discussion: a new space to build an alternative, the global crisis and the right to choose, blackmail into the crisis facing democracy and citizenship rights, the practice of the strike and general strike, the rights as a common good, slavery of the black, the language and the construction of the town.

Hours 13. Lunch

Hours 14. Plenary Assembly (Part Two)

Hours 16. Workshop / Meeting: building a common language as
Italian Schools, associations, organizations, volunteers, immigrants, to build a campaign against the introduction of language tests as a barrier to access to rights, to assert the right training and learning as tools to build new welfare and new democracy.

The Laboratory is Aq16 via Fratelli Manfredi, 14

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cost Running Stop Sign

Parma - In 7000 in piazza per chiedere diritti e dignità per tutt@ noi

13 / 2 / 2011

We took to the streets today, and in so many different women and men, without flags of political parties and trade unions, but only with placards, banners and graffiti painted on their faces with purple lipstick. Emerges as important in our eyes: people who marched today in the Italian cities have decided to leave the confines of party representation / union to break into the public arena with such fury worthy and willing to talk about themselves and their problems their needs, bypassing many of the same political organizations that have organized the day with the interests of drive the content and disputes emerged. The women who participated in the construction of the event and then to the meeting, were able to reach beyond the ideological divide that we would have liked in "good women" vs. "malefemmine" and we would like to see in the streets to demand decency and morality.

path feminist, I am me, and all our mothers, friends and comrades who are now walked beside us, were not the lone voice in a square homogeneous, but are a constituent body of a path new that is emerging, spontaneous and unseemly, in our city, the fact of subjectivity that are tired of remaining silent and settle this.

Aldilà delle parole enfatizzate dai media, locali e nazionali, pronunciate dalle diverse donne della politica istituzionale, noi che abbiamo attraversato realmente questa piazza abbiamo dimostrato di pretendere ben altro che la "trasversalità delle idee", sterile di contenuti e poco concrete in merito alle vertenze reali che si aprono nel paese.

Noi vogliamo reddito, diritti e dignità!

Io sono mia - Cercaci su facebook!

Is Mucus A Sign Of My Period


autrice della mostra “Vaginarium”: un linguaggio nuovo per parlare liberamente di cosa significhi oggi essere donna e della nostra sessualità, circondati da opere strong expressive power and can generate endless emotions.

"I asked for nouns, adjectives and colors outlining the vagina and it came out
many, all different. I tried to explain this real bombardment of words.
For us women the word vagina is not only describes a part of the body, but an entire world
I tried to express in painting that is part of the imaginary women.
I gave myself a theme and I have dealt with paper, cloth and color. I came out with a tribute to Vaginarium
Giosetta Fioroni (words in the form of heart) and years of Pop Art in general
, which are also the years when women began seriously
to speak of them, the years in which Judy Chicago developed the Dinner Party. But I want to do
abstract painting. I realized that
vaginas become geographies and geographies
reminiscent vaginas, some are abstract paintings, others have not been able to untie
evocation that caught me.
This work is a kind of bric à brac is for me a flash
the world of women and an opportunity to paint. "

Francesca Curti


Every Wednesday at 21 to invite all participate in the 'female assembly
"I AM MY. An informal meeting where the front glass di vino e a una fetta di torta cerchiamo di aprire spazi di discussione legati alle tematiche di genere per fare autocoscienza, autoformazione e riappropriarci della nostra identità di donne nel contesto sociale nel quale viviamo.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Milky Mucus For A Week What Does This Mean?

Branco pharmaceutical

Today is the day of collection of the Banco Pharmaceutical: like every year we are invited to bring us to the pharmacy, click the counter drugs (hence no need for a recipe), buy them and donate them to the same Tour Pharmaceutical, who will forward them to the corporations. It 's a noble initiative, but not immune from possible criticism, not so much as on how the aims pursued and the lack of information concerning other actors of the initiative, such as pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.

Let me be clear: the fact that an organization that collects donations translate into aid for the needy is commendable and deserves all the support possible, I'm not here to criticize the pharmaceutical Tour, but I want to emphasize the nuances that normally stay away from these initiatives as those who are skeptical myself.

On site of the institution are the process by which the drug reaches the final and won (and I'm not referring to drugs that treat erectile dysfunction ..)

  1. later in conventioned a pharmacy where I invite volunteers to donate
  2. buy a product
  3. pharmacist gives me a special voucher
  4. pharmacist fills out a coupon that gives the Tour Pharmaceutical
  5. Banco Farmaceutico distribuisce i coupons agli enti convenzionati
  6. gli enti li danno agli assistiti
  7. gli assistiti li portano in farmacia dove gli viene consegnato il farmaco
Tutto fila liscio. Peccato che non si faccia alcun accenno al coinvolgimento economico dei farmacisti, i quali nella giornata odierna possono avere una impennata delle vendite, con conseguenti maggiori ricavi. Provo a chiedere lumi al numero telefonico riportato sul sito: purtroppo, vista la particolarità della giornata, il numero è stato dirottato su un call-center e c'è solo Matteo, un disponibilissimo volontario del Banco a darmi ragguagli, oltre al consiglio di richiamare lunedì per parlare con qualcuno di more "technical".

I discover that pharmacists receive a list of categories of drugs are "necessary" to suggest to customers to purchase, preferably in the general formulation of the active ingredient, which translated means: the Bank says "used laxatives, the pharmacist tells me to buy laxatives and if I choose the Guttalax ™ me suggest an alternative non-branded and cheaper.

also learn that pharmacies wishing to participate in this day must pay a one-off (Monday, they will know the amount) released collection of actual pro-Tour: I do a great deal of mischief to think that one can speculate, but I can still ..
also discovered that the pharmaceutical companies involved in the day, with the exception of Anif that every year makes "important contributions" that, although public, is not given to know the amount. Too bad I expected that just the manufacturers of drugs there was an agreement, a sort of agreement that would guarantee special discounts to the needy. No.

enough yet that the Bank pharmaceuticals business operates like a large hospital, announcing a tender for the various categories of drug / substance and finding companies willing to offer more competitive prices, collecting donations (Cash, not in kind) always through pharmacies and then buy products from companies that have won the race: whereas normally the discount applied to hospitals is at least 50% of the price printed on the packaging, this would result in doubling the value of the offers made, the number of needy helped, etc. ..

In short, the initiative is beautiful and good, but mostly aimed at maximizing the benefit to the end of the chain (let's bring in the maximum bids in favor of those who need it), it seems focused on the amplification effect charity (stimulated many people to afford the medicines to the poor ones), an approach a bit 'CL to the problem. Moreover, the Bank belongs to the Pharmaceutical Society of Works.
Ah, behold, all explained ..

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Women Who Pee Themselves

RESERVE "channel


If you're a fisherman who fish the sea,
know that it is compulsory to obtain a license, which is free
Members who are interested can do so through the Reserve
ask the President.