Tuesday, February 15, 2011

One Genital Wart Only

UNITI CONTRO LA CRISI - Verso il Primo Marzo 2011

Assembly / Meeting. Saturday February 19, 2011 - 10am
LabAQ16 - Reggio Emilia

This crisis is full of injustice and extortion.
Of course, other eras, as always, have been linked.
And there is no blackmail more dangerous now than what divides us, separates us, each committed themselves to resolve their condition, whether imposed by a super-manager, cuts a reform, or injustice an amnesty scam.
course, each of us lives a different condition, detail, be freed.
For years the migrants told us the story of a life built on blackmail and death of thousands of people, which threatened to extend to all.
Oggi, guardandoci intorno, ci accorgiamo che il ricatto della crisi e della precarietà sono già il mare in cui tutti noi (ex-garantiti e non) siamo immersi, ma soprattutto la comune sfida quotidiana da affrontare insieme: uniti.
Per questo battersi oggi con i migranti, affrontare la partita dell’immigrazione, su cui governi ed economie hanno costruito fortune finanziarie ed elettorali, riguarda noi tutti, qualunque sia la nostra provenienza: significa batterci per il nostro futuro. Perché Marchionne, la Gelmini, Maroni, non ci stanno semplicemente proponendo la fine del contratto nazionale, i tagli di una riforma o leggi ingiuste e razziste, ma un altro nuovo modello di società, una nuova economia dei rapporti sociali, una nuova gerarchia dei diritti, una traiettoria di violenze rinnovate e nuovi ricatti, per disegnare nuove forme di sfruttamento.
Insieme, abbiamo bisogno di scrivere la nostra alternativa, la nostra uscita dalla crisi: un nuovo statuto dei diritti, del welfare, della redistribuzione del reddito, della cittadinanza. Per questo crediamo sia il momento di rimetterci in cammino ancora (anche se non abbiamo mai smesso di esserlo, anche se lo abbiamo fatto altre volte); è il momento di riprovarci, in tanti ed uniti, convinti che la ricerca della trasformazione, per la condizione di vita di ognuno di noi, sia un pezzo anche della ricerca degli altri.
E’ una sfida, almeno quanto è una sfida quella che ci viene proposta da Marchionne, by the Government, by the crisis, and we try to deal with that height.

on March SARA 'A CHANCE TO DO: And we'll be there!
will be an opportunity to restore power to the battle for the dignity, the right to stay where you chose to live, the right not to migrate forcibly, as from the Maghreb to Egypt until the middle of Europe, millions are saying of people: the thousands of scientists no longer willing to flee, thousands of workers no longer willing to be silent, thousands of migrants who have chosen to live here not willing to leave.
To affirm our horizon: the right to choose, to decide our future.
The land on which to confront are many, from the instances laid with the amnesty and legalization for the permanent contradictions opened up by European directives to violence and possession of rejections, the urge to break free from slavery and exploitation of black labor and underpaid , the battle against the new barriers by the proposed integration and the rules that make learning the language to be entitled to the override.
On 19 February, we want to find to find together the way to go toward the general strike and widespread, marking along the horizon and the path to get there. To deal with the enormous changes taking place and the immediate instances on which to measure ourselves, unwilling to yield to the blackmail of the division of those who ask us to barter our rights or those of others in return for a poor future. United
the crisis, united against racism and exploitation.


Assembly / Meeting

LabAQ16 Saturday, February 19, 2011 - Reggio Emilia


Hours 10. Plenary Assembly of the workshop
Marghera (Democracy and Welfare: wages, income, wealth redistribution) meeting in Reggio Emilia, united against the crisis at March 1, 2011 and beyond.
speeches and topics for discussion: a new space to build an alternative, the global crisis and the right to choose, blackmail into the crisis facing democracy and citizenship rights, the practice of the strike and general strike, the rights as a common good, slavery of the black, the language and the construction of the town.

Hours 13. Lunch

Hours 14. Plenary Assembly (Part Two)

Hours 16. Workshop / Meeting: building a common language as
Italian Schools, associations, organizations, volunteers, immigrants, to build a campaign against the introduction of language tests as a barrier to access to rights, to assert the right training and learning as tools to build new welfare and new democracy.

The Laboratory is Aq16 via Fratelli Manfredi, 14


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