Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Master Lock Comination Calculation


First, where he discovers that all was forgiven, nothing refused

Andrea was one who did not need to make appointments.

The editors of Linus dawn of the eighties was in a condo with glossy tiles in a courtyard in front of the palace of the street with Rizzoli. So the publisher was still called Milano Libri, but had already been absorbed by large publishing group. To get there take the underground green, directly at the Central Station, direction Cologno Gessate stop Crescenzago. It was a crucial goal for any cartoonist.

The director was (but not for long, because if he would leave, slamming the door protest against men who had colonized the lodge P2 Rizzoli) Oreste del Buono. When he was in office, he remained in his study and made rare forays to the open space of writing. Editorial

composed exclusively of women.

Andrea was the type of Mascalzone Latino. One of the women who knew us. Unlike the author of the comic medium.

The author of comics, especially when young, sweaty hands with excitement to the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to meet Oreste del Buono (who soon would be among the founders of The Eternauta , another piece of history of comic magazines, and have contributed ideas, but fabled anche economico, alla nascita di Frigidaire …). E quando incontrava le ragazze della redazione, all’autorucolo venivano i crampi a causa dei sali minerali persi. Erano ragazze capitanate dall’art director caporedattore Fulvia Serra, destinata dopo l’abbandono di OdB ad assumere il ruolo direttoriale. Il giovane autore arrivando in redazione si ritrovava al centro dell’open space, in cui le scrivanie delle ragazze si fronteggiavano, e lì iniziava una specie di esame di stato, in cui donne che avevano tutto quello che un ragazzo timido teme nell’altro sesso, lo vivisezionavano: loro erano per la maggior parte carine; erano colte; erano argute; erano sarcastiche e non vedevano l’ora di esercitare their powers on the unfortunate. The cat that plays with the mouse numb and shaking rollandoselo with legs, with the variation of tasting a bite from time to time will also be abused, but in this case is correct. The young author could also be a contributor acquired, but he was continually questioned. Tossed about jokes and looks skeptical, pulled out the folder with her china plates, showing all the pain and stayed in front of the silence. Coming from Bologna often meant getting up at first sun (in winter before ...), perhaps drinking a coffee in a hurry, a climb to the flight train and waking up in my mouth mixed with target and stomach throbbing like a heart said.

The girls were preparing to become his embarrassment, his lack of brilliance, the diversion of the late morning.

Andrea was one that was never in trouble, because he had a beautiful smile, the r of the deceivers and the jokes ready. He was also a nice guy. Indeed, to be precise it was not just a beautiful, but she was good looking, which is what counts. It could happen that he plunged into writing without an appointment, that time seemed to him, and that girls squeak happy.

Like the time.

Andrea had a nasal voice, adenoidal or perhaps, a bit 'of an old noble fallen (as Toto in a memorable interpretation of Baron Otto of Olives Spinelli said Zaza in Lords are born), and could ask for anything. You were there you were showing your boards, you greet him, waving them, and they forgot about you.

The heads were turned toward him and he seemed to start a ballet Grease . "Hello, how are you?" He looked at the drawings of his colleague. "Belle these boards. ... This guy is pretty good. "I pointed downgraded to a rookie that showed his early work. Then he completely uninterested in you as if you were one of the forgotten umbrellas all'attaccapanni entrance, and passed to show: "Girls, do you have a table for me that I have to finish drawing a page?"

"I cleared my desk," was the answer multiplied by the number of girls.

"Well, take your ... But first I need a small favor."

"Yes ...?"

"Can I get a shower, maybe a bath ... I have seen that both the tank ... there is 'hot water? "

" Sure. "

" Because I came from London and right now I only slept two hours. Tonight I worked to finish the drawings. But I do not have done. "

" Come, I'll give you a towel. "

" You guys are angels. "Then she kissed chastely girls closer to him, blushing like the first high school match. Meanwhile, the cartoonist

lay dejected in the company of his appointment, forgotten near a desk.

This time Andrea came into the bathroom, filled the bathtub, whistling merrily. The girls looked at each other with mischievous eyes: they could not hold back giggles with emotion, he covered his mouth with his hand in search of the girl in bloom now forgotten them. They went back and forth in front of the bathroom door per chiedere ad Andrea se aveva bisogno di qualcosa.

Tutta la redazione era mobilitata, finché non arrivò la richiesta: “Ragazze, e quell’asciugamano che mi avevate promesso?”

La porta del bagno era socchiusa dall’interno. La richiesta arrivò da quello spiraglio malizioso. Quale delle donne avrebbe avuto il privilegio del brivido, avvicinandosi a quella fessura dal sapore proibito?

Ci fu una lunga pausa in cui si scambiarono sguardi che mescolavano paura, eccitazione, sfida, trepidazione… e infine invidia.

Nel frattempo l’autore attendeva ormai rassegnato in un angolo, sfogliando svogliato alcuni cartonati francesi impilati su una scrivania empty.

Andrea was one who did not suffer the breaks.

Downtime hijacked them on others.


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