Monday, February 28, 2011

Vans Shoes Online Application

Parma - Per un Primo Marzo uniti contro il razzismo e contro la crisi

job, home, right to education, dignity ... we are tired!

We are people united by the rejection of racism, tired of being viewed as a burden or just producers of wealth for others. We condemn and reject stereotypes and discriminatory language, racism of all kinds, in particular the institutional level, the instrumental use of the reference to the cultural roots and religion to justify local and national policies of exclusion and rejection. Italian immigrants and the opposition is doomed because the attack on the rights of work, home, studio indiscriminately affects the most vulnerable, regardless of place of birth. Only by considering a whole we can take what belongs to us and that there has always been denied in the name of a decent future! Thus, we ask:

· A concrete response to the amnesty scam that has thrown thousands of people in hiding

· Fine discrimination in the workplace at all levels

· No discrimination in the allocation of housing and access to various competitions

° Penalty to estate agents who refuse to rent to immigrants

· Abolition CIE of (centers for identification and expulsion) and abolition of the Bossi-Fini law which binds the possibility to have a residence permit to the employment contract




A.CO.PA., Anti-Fascist Committee Montanara, Italy-Cuba Friendship Association, an anarchist group Cieri, network rights at home, the Young Communist League, CSU, PRC, House Cantoniera Self-Governing Association of Guinea-Conakry Association of Nigeria, Cameroon Association, IDV, Use, PCL, Why not?, CIAC,

The Giraffe, Ivory Coast, House Anarchist, Cub, Fiom of Parma,
CSPP (Senegalese community Parma)


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