Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cost Running Stop Sign

Parma - In 7000 in piazza per chiedere diritti e dignità per tutt@ noi

13 / 2 / 2011

We took to the streets today, and in so many different women and men, without flags of political parties and trade unions, but only with placards, banners and graffiti painted on their faces with purple lipstick. Emerges as important in our eyes: people who marched today in the Italian cities have decided to leave the confines of party representation / union to break into the public arena with such fury worthy and willing to talk about themselves and their problems their needs, bypassing many of the same political organizations that have organized the day with the interests of drive the content and disputes emerged. The women who participated in the construction of the event and then to the meeting, were able to reach beyond the ideological divide that we would have liked in "good women" vs. "malefemmine" and we would like to see in the streets to demand decency and morality.

path feminist, I am me, and all our mothers, friends and comrades who are now walked beside us, were not the lone voice in a square homogeneous, but are a constituent body of a path new that is emerging, spontaneous and unseemly, in our city, the fact of subjectivity that are tired of remaining silent and settle this.

Aldilà delle parole enfatizzate dai media, locali e nazionali, pronunciate dalle diverse donne della politica istituzionale, noi che abbiamo attraversato realmente questa piazza abbiamo dimostrato di pretendere ben altro che la "trasversalità delle idee", sterile di contenuti e poco concrete in merito alle vertenze reali che si aprono nel paese.

Noi vogliamo reddito, diritti e dignità!

Io sono mia - Cercaci su facebook!


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