Saturday, February 12, 2011

Milky Mucus For A Week What Does This Mean?

Branco pharmaceutical

Today is the day of collection of the Banco Pharmaceutical: like every year we are invited to bring us to the pharmacy, click the counter drugs (hence no need for a recipe), buy them and donate them to the same Tour Pharmaceutical, who will forward them to the corporations. It 's a noble initiative, but not immune from possible criticism, not so much as on how the aims pursued and the lack of information concerning other actors of the initiative, such as pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies.

Let me be clear: the fact that an organization that collects donations translate into aid for the needy is commendable and deserves all the support possible, I'm not here to criticize the pharmaceutical Tour, but I want to emphasize the nuances that normally stay away from these initiatives as those who are skeptical myself.

On site of the institution are the process by which the drug reaches the final and won (and I'm not referring to drugs that treat erectile dysfunction ..)

  1. later in conventioned a pharmacy where I invite volunteers to donate
  2. buy a product
  3. pharmacist gives me a special voucher
  4. pharmacist fills out a coupon that gives the Tour Pharmaceutical
  5. Banco Farmaceutico distribuisce i coupons agli enti convenzionati
  6. gli enti li danno agli assistiti
  7. gli assistiti li portano in farmacia dove gli viene consegnato il farmaco
Tutto fila liscio. Peccato che non si faccia alcun accenno al coinvolgimento economico dei farmacisti, i quali nella giornata odierna possono avere una impennata delle vendite, con conseguenti maggiori ricavi. Provo a chiedere lumi al numero telefonico riportato sul sito: purtroppo, vista la particolarità della giornata, il numero è stato dirottato su un call-center e c'è solo Matteo, un disponibilissimo volontario del Banco a darmi ragguagli, oltre al consiglio di richiamare lunedì per parlare con qualcuno di more "technical".

I discover that pharmacists receive a list of categories of drugs are "necessary" to suggest to customers to purchase, preferably in the general formulation of the active ingredient, which translated means: the Bank says "used laxatives, the pharmacist tells me to buy laxatives and if I choose the Guttalax ™ me suggest an alternative non-branded and cheaper.

also learn that pharmacies wishing to participate in this day must pay a one-off (Monday, they will know the amount) released collection of actual pro-Tour: I do a great deal of mischief to think that one can speculate, but I can still ..
also discovered that the pharmaceutical companies involved in the day, with the exception of Anif that every year makes "important contributions" that, although public, is not given to know the amount. Too bad I expected that just the manufacturers of drugs there was an agreement, a sort of agreement that would guarantee special discounts to the needy. No.

enough yet that the Bank pharmaceuticals business operates like a large hospital, announcing a tender for the various categories of drug / substance and finding companies willing to offer more competitive prices, collecting donations (Cash, not in kind) always through pharmacies and then buy products from companies that have won the race: whereas normally the discount applied to hospitals is at least 50% of the price printed on the packaging, this would result in doubling the value of the offers made, the number of needy helped, etc. ..

In short, the initiative is beautiful and good, but mostly aimed at maximizing the benefit to the end of the chain (let's bring in the maximum bids in favor of those who need it), it seems focused on the amplification effect charity (stimulated many people to afford the medicines to the poor ones), an approach a bit 'CL to the problem. Moreover, the Bank belongs to the Pharmaceutical Society of Works.
Ah, behold, all explained ..


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