Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Motorcycle Helmet Glaucoma

Mercatiniera as common practice of ecological

Per riprendere l’antico concetto di mercato come luogo d’incontro tra produttori e consumatori e per offrire un nuovo spazio a Parma per le genuine e locali autoproduzioni.

La Mercatiniera è un un mercato naturale che integra i saperi alle pratiche production of "green" and is expressed through concrete sustainable production by an ethically, socially, environmentally and economically.

born from the desire to share, from the need to shorten the supply chain business and find a direct relationship between producer and consumer, by a desire to discover the relationships that bind people to the land, the land is cultivated, to what we eat to tell how you can make respecting the dignity of the earth and its inhabitants.

It 's a market that wants to build around the exchange of knowledge and sensitivity found, reports free and able to give intelligent direction to what has been private di valore e ridotto a semplice merce. Una merce che oggi si presenta come il concentrato e il risultante del peggior sfruttamento della terra e dei suoi esseri viventi.

Nascendo in uno spazio slegato dalle logiche del profitto, la Mercatiniera rappresenta un'alternativa ai non luoghi del consumo obbligato e non consapevole, come ipermercati e centri commerciali.

E’ un luogo dove è possibile riappropriarci dei nostri sensi a garanzia della genuinità dei prodotti.

Dove il valore della vendita diretta e del rapporto produttore-consumatore porta i diversi soggetti coinvolti ad instaurare un rapporto di fiducia e non ad essere semplici entità di scambio economico.

Un luogo dove la filiera corta è a reality and contributes to reducing environmental impact by restricting the transport of products and allowing for a real energy savings that translates into a reduction of pollutant emissions.

Where ethics in agricultural labor, farm and in the process of transformation is a fundamental requirement for full transparency of production processes and where you want to raise awareness of seasonality and territoriality of the products.

All this at the end of our market we stopped to meet up and compare, to taste the products on sale at the market in a genuine and friendly lunch open to all, experimenting with forms of community organization and participatory, to talk of the commons - land, city water - which should belong to everyone.

the market is not only when buying and selling but a tool to enhance the themes inherent in the model of ecological production and natural. This allows us to involve the local community and raise awareness about the reality of Cantoniera House has always been a place of discussion on environmental issues, political and social movements which involved a complaint for the equal rights and freedom of every person.

Self-handling is a mechanism that can undermine the economic system and regulatory environment that discourages small production companies. So you re-think the health of consumers protected by manufacturer's direct testimony not only from natural and certified products.

The application form will be the demonstration of commitment to genuine products.


During the market you can taste and buy products (fruits and vegetables, cheeses and cold meats, bread and cakes, honey and jams, cereals and flour, pastries, coffee, tea and sugar etc.), and talk directly with producers. Also there will be creative workshops for children, a point Info no incinerator, operated by Waste Management and Coordination proper management, a banquet of the association Ya basta! where you can buy the coffee and the Zapatista zucchero prodotto dalla cooperativa COPAVI del Movimento Sem Terra in Brasile.

Porta da casa il sacchetto per fare la spesa!


Vieni a trovarci ogni 1° e 3° sabato del mese dalle ore 9 alle ore 13. A seguire si potrà partecipare al pranzo preparato con i prodotti in vendita sui banchi del mercato, elaborati dalla BiOsteia.

@ Casa Cantoniera, via Mantova 24, Parma


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