Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Huge Facials Compilation

Bioster. For a switch-label social spaces. The

The Bioster is not a normal restaurant, but an ambitious project to change the world starting with ourselves!

You would never believe that a dish could speak, tell about itself, its ingredients, its origins and of his journeys, to tell you his entrance into a tavern or rather Bioster?

You would never have believed that within the social centers, always places of collective experimentation of new political practices, meeting spaces for women and men united by the desire to transform the world, the birth of a tavern could speak directly to the will to build an alternative way of living and thus consuming?

You would never believe that in time of life put to work, commodified and impoverished by insecurity, a plate could draw actually a horizon of subtraction to exploitation?

You would have thought that relations between individuals, more and more confined to the places that create private profits, social centers were able to find a new place to develop freely around a table, sharing food and drink?

If everything you never thought, now is the time to learn the Bioster, to taste the dishes, to share the path, convinced that experimenting with new roads, the desire to transform the world and our lives can become reality .


Agricultural production and nutrition in the context of the global crisis

The crisis is affecting not only our present but also clouds our future, making it uncertain on many planes of our being. Assuming the data that this crisis is endemic and affects primarily the economy, we see its implications bloodiest strike the agricultural production and food chain: the increase in food prices of first necessity is there for the entire globe. This is due to several factors, primarily the rise in energy costs and rising middle class in developing countries (China, Brazil and India). This has increased demand for animal protein, whose production, large livestock farms, require large amounts di cereali. Come se non bastasse i paesi “ricchi” aggravano questa situazione finanziando la produzione di biocarburanti, paventando in essa una soluzione all’inquinamento provocato dall’utilizzo dei vecchi carburanti di derivazione fossile, quali petrolio e carbone. Secondo le stime del Fondo Monetario Internazionale, la produzione di etanolo derivato dal mais negli Stati Uniti ha contribuito perlomeno all’aumento del 50% della domanda di mais a livello mondiale negli ultimi tre anni. Ciò ha fatto salire il prezzo del mais. È aumentato il prezzo dei mangimi e anche quello di altre colture, soprattutto semi di soia. Tutto ciò compromettendo la stabilità sociale ed economica di paesi che vivono il ricatto di tali scelte production. It 'also from here that the popular uprisings that arise in these days increasingly large share of interest on the planet.

Bios and Osteria. For a new political practice.

The choice experiment with a Bio-Self-Governing Cantoniera House Tavern in Parma is inevitably a continuation of all projects and activities carried out within the social space. Obvious is its close connection with the GAS (buying group solidarity), which lives inside the center for years, and especially with the "Mercatiniera" a market for genuine self-productions, involving farmers in the countryside around the city of Parma . The market is the real test of a new model of production, consumption and sustainable aware that adds value in terms of analysis and conversion to the actual practices in a lifestyle alternative, environmentally friendly and continuously in connection with it.

But it is also a practical ground on which to build a social reconnection between city and countryside, between the urban and agricultural areas, between two different ways of understanding the relationship between man and nature, with two worlds who are to report to claim along with new forms of justice, both environmental and social.

E 'starting from the use of a language capable of delivering all the idea the ongoing challenge that we have chosen the term "bioster. Bios

one word can describe the complexity of life is put to work, constantly exploited and expropriated by the capitalist violence but also able to narrate the desire of removal of bodies and collective intelligences that mechanism.

A word that brings us back immediately to reports of human life with other forms of life, with nature, with the necessary responsibility to protect the environment from exploitation, natural resources from privatization.

Insert the word bios in the inn is our first challenge.

The inn is just that luogo pubblico dove si mesce il vino e si consumano i pasti. Un luogo pubblico, e non privato, dove le persone si incontrano, si conoscono, condividono del tempo, si innamorano. Costruiscono la socialità, quell’intensa rete di relazioni che dà vita alle comunità, rompendo la monotonia dell’individualismo e conferendo senso alla propria esistenza, mai solitaria ma sempre in rete con le altre.

Ma l’osteria è soprattutto un luogo che ci racconta anche la specificità della nostra storia, quella di popolazioni che attorno a questi luoghi comuni hanno costruito un modo di essere, narrato le vicende, inventato le rivoluzioni.

Km Zero, Rifiuti Zero, Inquinamento Zero
Bioster build practices that need to become as common as use of raw materials sector (km 0), the non-use of packaging, the promotion of natural farming, processing of food in full respect of raw materials and seasonality of foods, all linked by a proper waste management through recycling, the abolition of disposable cups and dishes and composting of organic waste. All devices that combined with the upcoming implementation of solar photovoltaic and thermal, will realize a real Bioster zero impact.

Exploitation Zero. Income and social value of work.

Bioster The project not only aims to build a new relationship with the environment, starting from the need to respect it and come up with good practices that enhance natural resources, entering into relations with an alternative market for products and natural gas, but also bear a responsibility to investigate the relationship with the contemporary forms of work.

It 'true that to produce any goods, whether tangible or intangible, it is necessary to develop knowledge, make them occur in the production process and deal with the element that is behind this operation, or fatigue. It 'also true that in the present context, those produced by global crisis, witnessing the enslavement of the growing number of population, which become unstable with the work, see their material conditions of life to reach the levels of poverty. The continuing blackmail to which the poor are forced generations tell us the need to take back the word work and give it a new meaning to recognize the dignity through new rights. In

Bioster we want to address the crux of the acknowledging his work and social value by coming to terms with the construction of forms of income from stealing the life of exploitation. Underlying this practice we take as a priority mechanism to subvert the classic that determines the relationship between producer e consumatore.

Immaginare tale rapporto come uno scambio paritario e quindi non più nell’ottica del profitto privato (elevati prezzi al consumo e continua riduzione dei costi di produzione) ci consegna la possibilità di scambiare conoscenze attraverso la trasformazione di materie prime naturali e di produrre autoreddito grazie a chi usufruisce di tale scambio.

Pratiche territoriali per un comune ecologico

Occorre riportare la centralità su una discussione politica incentrata su un nuovo modello di sviluppo e produzione che non rispecchi più i dettami di un capitalismo ormai messo in totale crisi dal suo stesso essere. Ri-pensiamo la concezione ecologica non più solo come una forma di resistance to neoliberal policies that have proved their failure, increasing social differences and denying people their entire food sovereignty, but also with the ability to understand the ecology as a new communication paradigm, effective and sustainable, accessible only by a real conversion of production systems in terms of compliance with environmental and social.

why we firmly believe that today a territorial struggle from below can really change the cards on the table at the global level. ---

Every Friday and Saturday nights by reservation only for members of the House Cantoniera
call by Thursday to allow the products to find Bioster naturali.

Menù fisso a 15 euro

elaborato per rispettare la stagionalità dei prodotti
con antipasto, primo, secondo, contorni, vino e caffè
per carnivori, vegetariani e vegani (specificare le esigenze al momento della prenotazione!)

Per info e prenotazioni:


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