Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lever Action Ammo 30 30

Oltre il bunga bunga e il moralismo antiberlusconiano

L’Orgoglio Puttana (*)

Parlare di prostituzione oggi è difficile e a volte perfino contraddittorio, dal momento che sono le stesse donne, di ogni schieramento politico, intra ed extra parlamentare, a definirla come una prestazione sessista, maschilista, indegna. Per le donne politically correct prostituirsi equivale a dire vendere il proprio corpo, mercificarlo, sottomerlo al potere maschile, e quindi renderlo oggetto, private pleasure and dignity.

But if we try to correct this myopia, we would realize how much is dangerous for us women in these terms to label and prostitution. Sex workers are not always women who are victims of trafficking and exploitation, forced into prostitution to live or to run away from home. Sex workers are also women who freely and consciously choose to practice a job using their bodies, their sexuality and their own skills. Prostitution does not mean selling yourself and your vagina but it means monetize a sexual performance, deciding how, where and when. A prostitute conscious and has full freedom to choose your domain body that is not sold with sex. Speaking of commodification of the bodies of prostitutes means make them directly subject to possible violence, legitimized by the fact that goods can not claim rights or dignity.

Through "Pride whore prostitutes have begun in an organized manner to demand to be heard and not just judge. The problem we now live is not tied to the performance itself, if this is the result of free choices, but depends on the working conditions that are forced by the anti-prostitution laws: zero rights, harassment, rapes, zero support, lack of safe places to practice. Moreover, even

the common language of every day contributes to the stigmatization of sex work to talk about all women: a statement unworthy "you're a bitch," the endeavor when you want to say that a woman is a worthless thing, a lifeless body, is a sale.

We women should try to restore dignity to ourselves on the fact that being a woman today is to combat the widespread insecurity, violence of this kind, and the lack of choice in accordance with your wishes.

But Ruby is a whore? And that would condemn all contemporary women shouting "sold"?

And 'what is even più ostica provare a leggere il quadro complessivo, sistemico e culturale, nel quale noi donne siamo nate e cresciute. Dai media e dalla politica istituzionale siamo state abituate a pensare che i modelli positivi a cui ispirarsi fossero quelli legati al potere, alla ricchezza e all’emancipazione, data dalla possibilità di apparire piuttosto che essere, dalla visibilità a tutti i costi piuttosto che dalla possibilità di avere delle pretese. Oggi più che mai, in un contesto di crisi e di tagli, la formazione è un percorso faticoso e lungo, tutto in salita, e il lavoro è un diritto per pochi.

In questo contesto non facciamo fatica ad immaginare la giovane Ruby alla ribalta così come le tante sue, nostre, coetanee. Define it as a poor victim, at the mercy of the case, I consider it an insult to women. More than a young man unconscious, Ruby looks like "an entrepreneur of itself." It 's a woman who has decided to invest on their person to make his way in the world, using the masculine power to achieve goals materials: fame, money, a chance to escape from a state not satisfying family and achieve economic independence as to enable a life beyond any possibility of his own age. What angers

is not Ruby, but it's macho and sexist attitudes in our class manager, who thinks he has built around himself, in these long years of cultural monopoly, inviolable aura of power, where women appear as pawns in the political chessboard to be moved or as wallpaper in his villa at Arcore, as well as in the salons tv, reality shows or on the cover of Vanity Fair.

But hope is strong: not all women are happy, sometimes women who demand more can undermine the system.

The moral to let the antiquated.

In Italy, however, even stranger things happen. Just look in tactics by the opposition antiberlusconiana use, although there is no one that can substantially back on track after any gossip of the palace. In this case, the PD sends out women to unleash ferocious shots to be imposed on the Premier.

More than a pinch of real consciousness among women of a political party, but it would seem like a mere manipulation of the woman groped for the limelight in the polls. The regional conference of women in the Democratic Party that was held in Parma, was opened a national campaign to demand the resignation of Berlusconi talking about the stomach of the female electorate. The women of the party were wearing signs that read "WE'RE NOT DOLLS", they said that "women are a resource that should be valued," that the country must focus on our industry, to be applied in industry and in foreign policy. Policy calling for "putting women on the list and having them elected, pointing out that women value it means to be ready to give their top management roles and responsibilities."

However, I wonder where is the consistency in a party that was not even able to support the case that hundreds of workers and workers have carried out before refendum of Mirafiori. How do you talk to encourage hard work of women, put to work, if you already live insecurity and exploitation on our skin? Would not it be smarter to say that women are already working too much without having their rights recognized (income, wages and welfare)? Would not it be better to prevent anti-prostitution ordinances instead of saying that women are not dolls? Would not it be better regulate all women to prevent illegal trafficking of prostitution, thus taking away the constant blackmail their exploiters? Would not it be better to prevent the entry of the pro-life organizations in the public advice instead of sending messages claiming electoral spot where 'pathways to health and social health of women and children "?

Before taking to the streets to demand the resignation of Berlusconi on behalf of women offenses, it would be nice to understand what you really think the Democratic Party, beyond the spot elettorali, in merito alla precarietà, alla prostituzione, alla fecondazione assistita, alla legge 194, ai consultori (la legge Tarzia nel Lazio è stata sottoscritta da tutti i rappresentanti regionali del Pd) e alle violenze che le donne migranti subiscono dentro i Cie.

Ma siamo davvero sicure che una volta finita l’epoca Berlusconi i problemi reali delle donne vengano risolti dai partiti oggi all’opposizione?

C’è chi può e chi non può.

Nonostante in Parlamento la morale cattolica detti linee di governo (e di opposizione)sempre più conservatrici e bigotte, Berlusconi e la sua cricca di amici/amiche sono diventati portatori di una cultura dell’uso del corpo e del sesso monetizzato che sembrerebbe quasi rivoluzionaria.

E’ un mondo fantastico per alcuni, è un mondo escludente e opprimente per altri.

Mentre la casta politica e televisiva fa sfoggio di cotanto liberismo sessuale, le connazionali del premier non possono beneficiare di alcuna garanzia, né in termini di diritti, né in merito alla libertà di scegliere e di autodeterminarsi. Le conquiste del Premier infatti restano Cosa Sua.

Per le altre donne italiane, quelle che non sono Ruby, non è possibile neppure esercitare il mestiere più antico del mondo perché le ordinanze comunali applicate prima e dopo il Ddl Carfagna vietano di fatto anche la prostituzione all’interno the home. Since 2009, in fact, Parma women who practice at home may be fined from 25 to 500 euro if the apartment buildings of the palace shouting or denounce the presence of strangers on the stairs of the building. (I wonder if the same sanction can be applied also to the dentist!)

The "other" women for prostitution in Italy are dying, due to security policies and ordinances that ghettos anti degradation, isolate and marginalize sex workers in the most of obscure suburbs, forced into hiding to avoid fines salty that also affect customers. The anti-prostitution ordinances deny the possibility of claiming their rights as a worker and a woman.

make prostitution a crime to pursue means to make sex workers subject to any type of sexual assault, without giving them the ability to protect itself, to denounce, to free himself. Who in fact has no rights is illegal and is only one object at the mercy of desires and possessions of others, legitimized by the fact that morality defines the commodified bodies of prostitutes. If we assume that those who work with your body makes it subject, and deprived of dignity and rights, not even us cringe in the face of violence and abuse of power exercised over sex workers.

The "other" Italian women to adopt a child must be married for at least three years and must demonstrate al Tribunale Minorile e ai Servizi Sociali la stabilità della propria coppia matrimoniale, proprio perché in Italia le donne e gli uomini single e le coppie omosessuali non sono idonee ad avere bambini…solo la Famiglia garantisce il marchio di perfezione.

Per le “altre” donne avere un bel corpo non è sufficiente per vivere visto che la disoccupazione femminile è la norma, infatti in Italia lavora solo una donna su due. (**)

Per le “altre” donne, disoccupate o sfrattate, vale la regola che se nate in Paesi extra europei, i Servizi Sociali consigliano di fare le valigie e di tornare a casa, nonostante vivano in Italia da anni e abbiano costruito qui famiglia e relazioni, perché Unfortunately, those women can not enjoy the attention of Nicole Minetti.

I am mine. A real escape.

In Parma for some 'time we started a journey of self-awareness and self-training on gender issues, in which university students and working poor are compared on sexuality, awareness, body, prostitution, homosexuality, deconstruction of categories and gender stereotypes, but also the lack of job and existential experience every day on our skin, the absence of appropriate forms of welfare at the time, discrimination in the workplace, the feminization of labor, women's unemployment.

means for us to do self from ourselves to create a subjectivity capable of becoming aware of who we are, beyond the biological significance, but as women / poor who are claiming rights. We realize that the path is long but we know that every time you come back home after our meetings we have the brain that runs a thousand unanswered questions and a thousand suggestions exchanged over a glass of wine and a slice of chocolate cake, as we recommend books, articles and films. This for us is infinite wealth.

(*) To really understand what is Pute Pride recommend reading "Proud to be sluts" Mistress of Nikita & Thierry Schaffauser, published by Derive Fuorifuoco Landing in the series.

(* *) Value Istat "We Italy": Italian female unemployment stood at 49.8% = HREC1-9


You can find us every Wednesday at 21 in the House

Cantoniera self-administered via Mantova 24 in Parma.


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